1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 615: .her ownership (3)

  Before, after he returned to China, because of Xu Xiaona and Su Xuanling's rejection, he had never integrated into this circle, nor had he met Leng Yunlin. He doesn't care about that either.

  As for the group of people in the room, when they saw Mo Shaochen approaching, everyone's expressions were very exciting!

  Su Chengkai is angry, Xu Xiaona and Su Xuanling are contemptuous, the Zhao family is sitting on the mountain watching tigers fight, and Leng Yunlin is strangely silent.

  He was sitting in the corner, and it could be seen that his face had a bad expression. And beside him, Zhao Xiaoxuan was sitting tightly. She didn't seem to feel anything, but there was a slightly delighted smile on her lips. Well, speaking of it, the biggest winner tonight is not Leng Yunlin, nor Mo Shaochen, nor the unlucky Mu Qingyu, but this woman!

  She finally got rid of the slump of being punished by Leng Yunlin before, and held her hand in front of all the celebrities and nobles in Yancheng! Although this time, it was not considered a formal wedding, nor did they sign a marriage certificate. However, with Leng Yunlin acting like this, it is almost certain that she is the mistress of the Leng family in the future!

   It's just, at this moment, what is Leng Yunlin doing at Su's house?

  Want to question him?

   Want to ask him, why is Mu Qingyu's son his flesh and blood?

  I want to ask him, when was he brought a "cuckold"?

   What a joke!

  Mo Shaochen's eyes circled around. He was very surprised at first, but after seeing Leng Yunlin, he felt a sense of sarcasm instead!

  He wanted to laugh very much, yes, he was sorry for Mu Qingyu, but compared with this man, he really pales in comparison!

  So, instead of looking very comfortable, he found a sofa, sat down by himself, and asked, "Everyone is quite well today. Dad, what's the matter?"

  Xu Xiaona couldn't bear it at first: "How do you talk, it's not big or small!"

  Mo Shaochen just laughed and didn't speak.

   Suddenly the room became silent, and after a long time, Su Chengkai said, "What's going on!"

  Mo Shaochen glanced at his father, and then at Leng Yunlin in the corner, he said slowly but loudly: "I asked Qingyu, the child is mine!"

   Sure enough, after saying these words, Leng Yunlin's eyes sharpened suddenly!

   After he said this, Su Chengkai stood up all of a sudden! His chest heaved violently, obviously he couldn't accept such an explanation!

   "What did you say? Say it again!"

  When Su Chengkai said this, Xu Xiaona immediately helped him smooth his chest, "Your father has coronary heart disease, and it's not the first time you know! Are you talking back like this to make him sick?"

   "Dad, son, I had it five years ago, before I went to the island country." He was very calm, "At that time, I was still Mo Shaochen. It was a normal relationship with Qingyu!"

   "Normal love?" Su Chengkai scoffed, with a serious voice, "Normal love, would you have an illegitimate child with your wife's sister?"

  Hearing this sentence, Mo Shaochen's eyes suddenly sharpened. He looked at Leng Yunlin who seemed to be suppressing the anger in his eyes, and smiled instead: "Dad, I learned this from you. Qingyu and I are the ones who love each other, and her sister, she tricked me!"

   "You!—" Su Chengkai was furious when he heard this sentence.

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