1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 636: .mother and daughter (2)

   It's been five months, Leng Yunlin looking for her over there is really turned upside down. However, when it came to Mu Qingyu, there were not so many ups and downs.

  She came to X province with the air ticket she bought with her passport, and then returned to Xiangcheng by bus. Instead of staying in a hotel, she got off the plane and went straight to her original home—now, at home, there is only her mother who broke up with her.

  Since four years ago, despite her mother's firm opposition, she adopted En En, she was kicked out of the house by her strong-willed mother, and she wandered around Yancheng alone with En En. In fact, her mother didn't like En En. On the one hand, she knew that Mu Qingxi had robbed her boyfriend of giving birth to the child. On the other hand, because of Mu Qingxi, she and Mu's father always quarreled in their later years. In the end, her father died of a sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. The cause was also Mu Qingxi. Furthermore, did Mu Qingyu take Enen? She is a young woman, but she is carrying a child for no apparent reason, what does she look like?

  Mu Qingyu would come back once a year, and she would kick her out of the house every time, and this time was no exception.

   Being kicked out by her mother again, she didn't want to leave Xiangcheng either. This is, after all, the place where she was born and grew up. Moreover, it is far away from Yancheng, and the news over there has very little impact on this place. She can live here and raise her baby with peace of mind.

  So, she found an intermediary that day and settled for a one-bedroom, one-living room. The bank card that Leng Yunlin gave her totaled 500,000 yuan. She withdrew 20,000 in cash before and transferred tens of thousands to Li Xiaoran. For the rest, there is a balance of 450,000.

  She didn't think about giving it back to Leng Yunlin. Since, he said, the relationship between the two of them is just a game of distraction. Then, she will follow the original rules. She stayed with him for a month, and he gave her one million. In the end, she got only 800,000 yuan, and she didn't want to ask him for the rest of the money.

   Moreover, what she is carrying now is his flesh and blood. Taking his money and raising his children, isn't it a disadvantage for him?

  The price here is low, and the house is fixed, and the rent is less than 1,000 a month. After she found the house, she began to tidy up and arrange it. In the first two months after moving here, because of her severe nausea, she could barely eat, and she couldn't deal with Mama Mu. When she stabilized and had time, she went to her mother's door every now and then, trying to ease the relationship between mother and daughter. But every time, they all failed.

  Especially, when Mu's mother found out that she was pregnant, the fuse was ignited!

   She thinks about it too. She had already adopted Mu Shangen, the "enemy's" daughter before, but now, she was fattened up and came back disheveled, and the man didn't come to take responsibility. If you think about it in another way, she is Mu's mother, and I'm afraid she will be terribly angry by such an unworthy daughter!

  It's winter now, and she's wearing thick clothes, but it doesn't look too bosomy. But after all, the child is six months old. Although, she has been taking care of Enen for four years, and she was pregnant with a child before. However, this is the first time she has encountered this kind of baby growing up little by little in the womb.

  The feeling that blood is thicker than water, slowly growing and conceiving in her womb, sharing sorrow and joy with her, is simply amazing!

  If she had to choose between the baby in her womb and Enen when she found out she was pregnant, she might choose Enen without hesitation.

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