1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 712: .The possibility of being together (6)

  Listening to him asking this question, she also shook her head. The last time I went to see a four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound, but with her naked eyes, she didn't see the gender of the little guy on the screen.

   It's just that Enen keeps yelling "brother and brother". Anyway, Enen is also a boy, so it doesn't make any difference to her whether this is a little male cat or a little female cat.

   However, when she thought of Enen, her expression changed slightly.

  Five years of living as a single mother, Mo Shaochen's betrayal turned her into a hedgehog. Leng Yunlin's approach made her let go of her guard slowly, but he gave her a fatal blow! She didn't dare to trust him easily, and she didn't want Enen to leave her. She understood that some problems could not be ignored if she wanted to. Even though she was too gentle at the moment, she had always longed for such warmth, and she did not dare to give her all easily.

  She gently pushed Leng Yunlin away, her voice was very low: "I still have a few clothes, let's try them on first."

  Leng Yunlin, who was pushed away, looked at her slowly changing clothes in the mirror, his eyes flickered a few times.

  He also seemed to understand that he and Mu Qingyu were no longer the same scene as before.

  She has a child, a baby in her womb, and there are still five months of separation between the two. What's more - she also has a Mushanen!

  In all fairness, when he met Mu Shangen for the first time, he still thought the child was so cute, and he didn't know which unconscionable father lost his father to such a cute child.

  However, when he knew that this child was Mu Qingyu's son, and his real father was that Mo Shaochen, he immediately felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly!

  Although he told himself that it was just a child, nothing more. However, that was not his son, but the child of his rival in love! Always remind him that Mu Qingyu also had a child with him!

  I want her, but I don't want that illegitimate child to be an eyesore, what should I do?

  He clenched his fist, no, maybe if she and Mu Shangen are separated for a while, their mother-child relationship will become weaker?

  She wanted to see Mu Qingyu so soon, what if she was kidnapped by Mo Shaochen again?

  He will use the child in her belly to make a fuss, and Mo Shaochen probably means the same. He has to strike first!

  Mu Qingyu changed the clothes after she changed, and she changed them very quickly, maybe because she was afraid of Leng Yunlin's pestering, she tried on the size and found it suitable.

  Leng Yunlin just came back from a trance, and asked, "What's the size? Buy everything if it fits."

  Mu Qingyu didn't bother to talk to him, and handed him the right one: "All of these are fine."

  She quickly changed back into her clothes and walked out the door first.

  The clerk outside probably also saw them coming out, and his expression was very kind: "How about these clothes?"

   It was the uncle who paid the money, Mu Qingyu stopped talking, Leng Yunlin immediately went out and nodded. Without further ado, pay for everything, and when the invoice is issued, Leng Yunlin goes to pay. The clerk looks at her while tidying up her clothes and smiles: "Madam, you and your husband have such a good relationship!"

Yeah? Today is not the first time she has heard this sentence.

   "Of course." The clerk blinked, "We also met a lot of customers, many of whom took their wives to visit this floor. However, most of them went to the maternity and baby products area."

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