1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 719: .call to the door (1)

   His heart is more than just overwhelmed? He was so angry that he wanted to tear Leng Yunlin alive! He knew in his heart that the one in Mu Qingyu's stomach was her serious biological flesh and blood, Mu Shangen. . . . . . To be honest, she was able to raise him until he was four years old regardless of the past, and she already loved him very much.

  If Leng Yunlin took her away in this way, the baby would be born in a few months, and it would be too late to take care of the baby and raise the baby, how could she have any thoughts on Mu Shangen?

  As for him, because of the past, it is almost impossible for him to be with Mu Qingyu. The only reliance is her love for Mu Shangen.

  Once this love fades, he has no reason to stay by her side!

  So, he is absolutely distraught now, absolutely sleepless all night!

   I don't know how Leng Yunlin will treat her? Eat and drink, or go for a maternity checkup? Thinking of Mu Qingyu and Leng Yunlin being together, his heart was about to tear apart!

   No way, he has to think of a way, besides Enen, maybe he can make a breakthrough on Mama Mu's side!

  He thought about it, and immediately replied: "Yes, Leng Yunlin is the second son of the Leng family in Yancheng. He looks rather handsome, and his family background is undisputed. Moreover, he is somewhat related to me—my father and his mother are distant relatives, so I can be regarded as his distant cousin."

   "Your dad? I remember your dad passed away a long time ago?" She didn't forget it, five years ago, even though she hadn't met Mo Shaochen—he and Mu Qingxi went abroad as soon as they received their marriage certificate, and never returned home. And what she knew about Mo Shaochen was also told by her daughter before - the young man lost his father, his family was poor with only his mother. What's more, it was her daughter's boyfriend at first, but later became her brother-in-law inexplicably. . . . . .

  However, it is true that Mo Shaochen's family is poor. how come. . . . . .

   "It's hard to say, that's my adoptive father." After Mo Shaochen finished speaking, Mu's mother stopped talking, and Mo Shaochen continued: "Leng Yunlin, who studied in France, worked as a celebrity agent for a while, joined the Leng Group about five years ago, and now holds the position of president. Because he is young and handsome, he is also very popular with little girls. And..."

   "And what?" Mother Mu asked.

   "And I heard that he will change girlfriends after a while. It is said that there are not dozens of rumored girlfriends, but more than a dozen."

   Sure enough, upon hearing this, Mama Mu frowned.

  Mo Shaochen continued: "When he was with Qingyu, he also got into trouble with several other women. For example, his fiancée now. At that time, there was a quarrel...to the point of being arrested and raped in bed. His fiancée was also the daughter of a rich family. I heard that he liked Leng Yunlin's mother very much. Because of that incident, his parents decided to get them engaged."

  When this was mentioned, Mama Mu raised her eyebrows even more!

   What she can't accept the most is that during the two people's relationship, the man cheated! Moreover, it was so blatant and arrogant!

  Mo Shaochen would not spread rumors, and it was impossible for him to spread rumors. Everything can let Mu's mother find out the truth. He just told Mu's mother everything that happened to Leng Yunlin, no matter whether it is true or not.

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