1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 747: .Husband, I love you (5)

  The man's tall body held her in his arms with an absolutely domineering posture. The two sat on the edge of the bed, mouth to mouth very intimately!

   This was a huge shock to Mushanen! These years, Li Xiaoran is one of the men around her mother, and then there is the new father who arrived in the past few days. But neither Li Xiaoran nor Mo Shaochen had such a close relationship with her! Although he didn't understand, but he also watched some TV, and he had a vague feeling that a mouth-to-mouth kiss should only be done between two men and women who are very, very close!

  He had never seen a mother who had always been gentle and strict. Her face was like an apple, with a faint pink. The bad uncle was kissing her with his head down, while his mother leaned meekly in his arms, with her face up, her eyes closed, and her arms wrapped around his waist intimately. He didn't speak, only the light showed a hazy yellow halo, and he seemed to be able to hear the slightly rapid breathing and heartbeat of the two of them in the silence.

  His little heart was beating "thumping", as if he had never seen this scene before, a little curious, but also a little inexplicably unhappy. It seems that my mother was really cheated by this bad uncle!

  Hearing the bathroom door open, Mu Qingyu was also taken aback. When she turned her head, she saw her son naked, with big eyes scanning them. She blushed suddenly, immediately pushed Leng Yunlin away, and then walked over shyly and reproachfully: "Enen, why are you coming out with bare feet without any clothes on? Hurry up and go in."

   As he spoke, he took him in, washed him with hot water, and then let him wrap his body in a towel to dry himself. Mu Shangen was still thinking about the scene just now. Seeing that the bad uncle didn't come in, he asked in a low voice, "Mom, do you really like that bad uncle?"

  The child's words made her so noisy that she couldn't recover for a long time, so she could only say something indiscriminately: "Wipe your body and go to bed quickly."

   It seems that among the life lessons she gave her son before, there was no question of avoiding suspicion when getting along with Leng Yunlin. However, with the growing size of Mu Shangen, she still needs to do more.

   Mu Shangen let out an "oh", dried his body, put on his clothes, and dried his hair again. When he was carried out, he asked naturally: "Mom, tell Enen a story."

  Don't want to make this kid too proud, and was about to scold him in a rough voice, but Mu Qingyu's heart softened. She nodded, and by the way, she turned around and said to Leng Yunlin, "Go, clean the bathtub."

  Leng Yunlin watched the kid go back to the room with his mother happily, but he had to help him clean up the mess. The point is, before the kid left, he turned around and made a face for him!

  Leng Yunlin wanted to vomit blood just looking at it, so he had no choice but to roll up his sleeves and wash the bathtub. Just as the water was filled, Mu Qingyu opened the door and came in.

   "Finished?" he said gruffly.

   "Yeah." Mu Qingyu nodded, and smiled when he saw his frowning eyebrows, "Okay, don't be angry. This child will fall asleep as soon as he hears the story."

   "You can tell me, you have to listen to me later!"

   "Okay, okay." Mu Qingyu smiled, this guy has small eyes, and if he pays a little, he must get something in return.

  Leng Yunlin, that's all. When taking a bath, he paid special attention and didn't dare to stimulate her, so it was really just washing for nothing.

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