1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 750: .Husband, I love you (8)

"Husband I love you."

  Hearing her words, Leng Yunlin's heart skipped a beat. He lowered his head and saw her eyes were shining like stars, her lips were slightly opened, and the smile just now remained. For some reason, just for this sentence, his breathing suddenly became short of breath, and his heart beat like a drum. He suddenly lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips.

  The thin and dense flame crackled and burned, and this kiss seemed to be the spark that ignited the flame. It's easy for pregnant women to feel uncomfortable, and he endured it for a long time. In the night, I can't see very clearly, at most I can only see the eyes of two people, I can't see others, only each other.

  He lifted her pajamas and touched her slender legs with his hands. Resisting the urge to wreak havoc, just touching the edge of her bottom-pants—

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door outside!

   The two of them were taken aback for a moment, not knowing what happened. Leng Yunlin gasped for breath, and after a long time, he restrained himself and yelled, his voice hoarse: "Who?"

  The voice outside said timidly: "Mom, I can't sleep!"

  Leng Yunlin said angrily: "Sleep by yourself!"

   Mu Shangen's voice was small, and he was a little scared: "Mom, Mom, I can't sleep!"


  The two had no choice but to separate. Mu Qingyu wanted to get out of bed, but was pressed down by Leng Yunlin. She put on her clothes and stood up: "Wait!"

  He found the shoes, walked over angrily, and opened the door: "Little brat!"

  Mu Shangen stood anxiously at the door. When he saw a fierce person in front of the door, he was so afraid that he wanted to cry, but he forced it back: "Mom, I'm afraid of the dark!"

   You can't blame him, this little guy has slept with Mu Qingyu since he was a child. Even during the month when Mu Qingyu left, he still slept with Li Xiaoran. Even yesterday, she slept with Mu's mother. He is only four years old now. Before going to bed, Mu Qingyu told him a story, which was fine. However, when he woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to go to the toilet, he looked at the dark room, and it was a strange place again, and he was suddenly scared.

  When Leng Yunlin saw this little guy, he immediately became furious. He couldn't beat him, and he couldn't scold him. He just taught him a lesson: "What a big man is afraid of! When I was three years old, I slept in a room alone!"

  Mu Shangen looked at him, and for a long time he mustered up his courage again, and said with his arms akimbo: "You are not afraid of the dark! If you are not afraid of the dark, you are such a big man, you still bully my mother!"

  Leng Yunlin was about to die of anger, especially because Mu Qingyu was about to get up.

  Leng Yunlin immediately said: "Qingyu, the doctor told you to rest more."


"I come."

  When Mu Qingyu saw what he said, she no longer persisted.

  Leng Yunlin took the little guy by his collar, took him to his room, closed the door, and asked in a rough voice, "How do you want to sleep!"

   Mu Shangen said: "I want to sleep with my mother!"

   "This is absolutely not possible!" Leng Yunlin was so angry that he wanted to spank his little ass.

  The two stared at each other for a long time, and Leng Yunlin asked again: "Then, how can you sleep?"

   Mu Shangen pouted, and said after a long time: "I want to listen to fairy tales."

  Leng Yunlin swallowed it in one breath, went back and forth in his heart, thought for a while and said: "What fairy tale?"

  He took out an Ultraman from his small schoolbag: "This."

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