1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 816: .surgical drapes (1)

   When he came, the family had just finished eating. Just after eating, Leng Yunlin didn't go to work right away, but played with Mu Shangen with building blocks.

  In the living room, clean up everything on the coffee table and place blocks of various colors. He and Mu Shangen are sitting on the sofa next to each other, you and I are building blocks together. Mu Qingyu was on the side, sometimes helping them pass building blocks and adding bricks. Mother Mu was drinking tea, a peaceful scene.

  He rang the doorbell, and no one in the family moved. The nanny came back and told: "It's that gentleman that day. It seems to be... Enen's father."

   Upon hearing this sentence, several people in the family all changed face.

  First of all, it was Leng Yunlin, his face suddenly sank. Mo Shaochen was always a problem that he didn't want to face, but had to face. He used to be jealous, complained, and hated him, but now, he's lucky - lucky that Mo Shaochen abandoned her for five years, and lucky that he didn't insist back then!

  If it wasn't for his cheating and his giving up, Leng Yunlin would not be able to have her now. Although Enen is still caught in it, the relationship with this little guy is still peaceful now - of course, this is in the absence of Mo Shaochen.

  If the biological father appears, it is not certain whether the child will favor him.

  As for Mu Qingyu, she naturally didn't want to see Mo Shaochen again. On the one hand, he was worried that he would rob her of the child! On the other hand, she really has no feelings for him. Whichever it was, it didn't make her very happy, and she didn't want to see her too much.

  As for Mu Shangen? Dad is here, he is naturally a little happy. However, when he saw the solemn atmosphere next to him, and thought of the confrontation between Uncle Leng and his father, as well as his mother's indifference and embarrassment, he didn't immediately rush up to wag his tail at his father.

  He still remembers that his grandmother told him that if you want to be with your mother, you must draw a line with your father. Otherwise, Mom and Uncle Leng will be unhappy.

  Thinking of this, he twisted his little butt, and sat beside Leng Yunlin as if to please him. Leng Yunlin lowered his head and saw Xiao Enen doing it by herself, her little body was limp. Even though he knew that this brat was pleasing him, the feeling of being depended on was not bad.

  He touched his son's head, raised his face and smiled: "Everyone has come to the door, of course we have to welcome in."

  Nurse Aunt Xu also opened the door, and Mo Shaochen really rushed in immediately: "Qingyu, you..."

   Before he finished speaking, he saw Leng Yunlin and Mu Qingyu sitting on the sofa. His precious son was sitting between the two of them. The three of them were playing with building blocks!

  Leng Yunlin actually enjoys playing such a mentally handicapped game, not only him, but also Mu Qingyu, who is also enjoying it. A handsome hostess, a gentle hostess, and a clever child, no matter how you look at it, the three of them are like a family!

  He walked in, and it felt like—a foreign intruder!

  He saw the newspaper yesterday morning, and his stomach was still bleeding internally, the wound had not healed, and it was painful. After he regained consciousness, he tried to leave the hospital again. This time, he was dissuaded and refused to let him go out.

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