1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 853: .Noon on the day of hoeing (6)

  Mother Mu patted him on the head: "What are you looking at, first learn this ancient poem, come on, read it yourself."

  Mu Shangen nodded, and said in a childish voice: "It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat drips down to the soil. Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard work."

  Mother Mu still kept a straight face: "Do you know the meaning of this poem?"

   "I know." Mu Shangen nodded, "Mom taught me last time not to waste the grain grown by the farmer uncle."

   "It's good to know." After teaching a poem, Mu Shangen asked cautiously, "Grandma, can I go to my mother?"

   "Go." Mother Mu waved her hand, and Mu Shangen immediately jumped up from the sofa, and ran to Mu Qingyu's side: "Mom, Uncle Leng."

   "Why did you wake up so early today?" Mu Qingyu touched his son's little head, and was really relieved to see his lively appearance.

  As long as he is fine, I feel at ease.

   "I told him to get up early." Mother Mu stood up, "When you were a child, you always got up at 6:30 and read your textbooks for half an hour before going to wash up and go to school. This kid actually sleeps late! With me around, he won't want to roll around on the bed every day with the quilt in his arms!"

  The voice was a bit cold, but Mu Qingyu was pleasantly surprised: "Mom, what do you mean?"

   "From now on, this little guy won't be allowed to eat breakfast if he doesn't read ancient poems for half an hour every day!" Mother Mu still had a stern look, but her stern words were not threatening. Mu Qingyu knew that this was a sign of her mother's compromise—

  If she really hated a person, she would not be so strict with him, but would drive that person out of her life as she did to herself.

  It seems that not only Leng Yunlin, but even Mu's mother expressed good feelings for this child.

   "Qingyu, I actually want to talk about this too." Leng Yunlin said, "After we return to Yancheng, should we send the child to kindergarten?"

  Yeah, I saw that Mu Shangen was almost five years old, and he was still playing crazy outside. Before, it was because he wanted to get medical treatment, and she brought him back from Yancheng, which delayed him from going to study. But in the future, he should go to school, right?

  Mu Qingyu nodded: "Indeed, seeing that he will be five years old next year, he should go to primary school the year after next."

   "It's not difficult. When the time comes, throw him and Xiaobao together. Xiaobao is only half a year older than him. Let alone go to school, I don't know where the kindergarten door opens! Enen is a little more advanced than him, and at least he went to kindergarten for half a year." Leng Yunlin looked nonchalant, and Mu Qingyu was a little speechless.

   Also, because of his superintelligence, Xiaobao couldn't go to ordinary kindergarten because of albinism. After returning to China, it took a long time for the disease to be cured. Seeing that my son’s health improved, he was thrown into the kindergarten by his mother. However, before the end of the day, the kindergarten teacher sent the child back with tears in his eyes, saying that his level was too low to teach your child prodigy.

  Luo Qingxue and Leng Yunting were very puzzled, they grabbed their son in front of them, and asked how he was kicked out. Xiao Bao pouted, and said indifferently: "I just want to know what's going on with Huaxia's power distribution."

"Then what?"

  Xiaobao blinked and looked as if it should be taken for granted: "Then I took a group of children and ran to the power distribution room to dismantle the motor."

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