1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 891: .The Enemy's Road is Narrow (4)

  In the past few days, Mo Shaochen took good care of him by the side, not only being careful and meticulous, but when giving the injection, he was afraid that the nurse's injection technique would not be good, so he did it himself. He has limited mobility, and people have three urgencies every day, and he is the one who takes care of him. He also did it himself to scrub his body.

  With such serious and meticulous care, even professional nurses can't do it so well, how could Su Chengkai not be touched?

  Youdao said that there is no filial son in front of the long-term sickbed. He just fell down, Xu Xiaona and Su Xuanling ran to fight for property, but only Mo Shaochen stayed by his side.

   This cannot but cast a shadow on Su Chengkai's heart.

  However, even so, he didn't want his son and daughter to be at odds. Family and everything are prosperous, besides, although Mo Shaochen is not his legitimate child, he is not the child of his cheating after marriage. When he was with Mo's mother, he was not engaged to Xu Xiaona yet!

   After a long time, it was Su Yumu who spoke first: "Third brother, these two people are too much! They actually hit Xiaoxuan!"

  She is Su Chengkai's cousin, although the relationship is far away, she is still a member of the Su family. Both Mu Qingyu and Mo Shaochen beat Zhao Xiaoxuan, how could she swallow this pain?

  Su Chengkai probably heard their argument just now. To put it bluntly, this is the matter between Mu Qingyu and Zhao Xiaoxuan. He doesn't want to care about whether it's right or wrong, and he can't care about it. It's just that his stupid son was mixed in, and he couldn't stay out of the matter originally.

   Moreover, his heart is like a mirror. I know why Su Xuanling called Zhao Xiaoxuan and Su Yumu over today - because Su Yumu is also one of the shareholders of Su's enterprise! Although she no longer intends to be with Zhao Xiaonan anymore, it is obviously beneficial for her to be in charge of the Su Corporation in the future if she can gain more support from shareholders in the midst of scrambling for power.

   It's just that he is not dead yet!

  Before he died, Su Xuanling began to calculate these things, which made him feel a little chilled!

   It’s just, of course, even though Zhao Xiaoxuan just clamored that Mo Shaochen had an affair with Mu Qingyu and made him unhappy, no matter what, it’s wrong for a man to beat a woman, so he also lowered his face and reprimanded Mo Shaochen: "Shaochen, you have gone too far!"

  Mo Shaochen also knew that when he slapped Zhao Xiaoxuan all of a sudden, she was not happy, so she apologized immediately without saying a word: "Miss Zhao, I'm sorry, what I just did was too much, please forgive me this time."

   As he spoke, he patted himself on the face as a return to her.

  Zhao Xiaoxuan was furious when she saw him like this! Mo Shaochen's slap just now was very hard! It almost distorted her face! However, seeing that the man apologized first and slapped himself on the face regardless of the severity, he didn't know how to scold him back.

  Su Yumu still didn’t forget to add: “You actually hit someone! I don’t know where I learned the barbaric rules!”

  Mo Shaochen nodded: "Well, Ms. Zhao is quite talented, she keeps saying 'little bitch' and 'adultery', this tutor is really good."

   Mu Shangen also nodded: "Father, she scolded my illegitimate son last time!"

  His chubby paws pointed straight at Zhao Xiaoxuan, and immediately made her very angry.

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