What he asked was obviously Enen.

  Mu Qingyu must be decisive this time: "I discussed it with Yunlin. We want to raise this child."

   "It's a joke!" This time, it was Dong Jiachang who finally spoke up, "It's not because of your coercion, otherwise, how could Yunlin agree to your request? Using Leng's money to support their children, you can figure it out!"

   This time, Leng Haoran frowned, but did not speak. Obviously, he also felt that this approach was a bit inappropriate.

  Leng Yunlin immediately said: "Actually, it's not. If Enen grows up and really wants to return to his biological father, of course we will support it. However, Enen has been raised by Qingyu's side for these years and has become accustomed to being with her. It would be too cruel for the child to send him away just because he has revealed his identity."

  Leng Yunlin's words calmed down the person opposite him a little. How should I put it, although I know that Enen is not her own son, but the relationship between the Leng family and the Su family is already close, if they insist on raising their children, if there is a quarrel, both sides will look bad.

  However, Dong Jiachang also said: "What if he refuses to go with his own father? You want to recognize this cheap son, I don't want this cheap grandson!"

  The more she spoke, the more angry she became: "I don't understand, what's so good about this woman, why didn't you choose Zhao Xiaoxuan?"

  As soon as Zhao Xiaoxuan was mentioned, let alone others, Feng Linxue had a sullen face: "It is absolutely impossible for this Zhao family, which is in collusion with the underworld, to marry us!"

  Leng Haotian also said: "That's right, our Leng family has a great career. I'm afraid that someone will catch this and write an article. I don't agree to the marriage with the Zhao family!"

  As soon as the two of them expressed their views, Leng Haoran immediately became sharper. He just came back in the afternoon, and he only had a half-knowledge about his son and Mu Qingyu. As for the oolong matter between Feng Linxue and the Zhao family, I naturally don't understand. This is not a glorious thing. She only told her husband, and even her son didn't know the details.

  "Sister-in-law, did you make a mistake? The Zhao family looks pretty good to me, how could it be connected to the underworld?" Dong Jiachang didn't know the specifics, and she thought it was Feng Linxue who was playing against her. If she were to say who was the person she envied and hated the most in this Leng family, then she would definitely say it was Feng Linxue.

  How should I put it, some people just like to compare. When I was young, I was better than whose clothes looked better, and whose grades were excellent. When I grow up, I will compare whoever married the husband, whether he is handsome or not, and how he treats himself.

  In this comparison, she felt that when she was young, in terms of beauty, she was definitely prettier than Feng Linxue—this is not her talking nonsense. The young Dong Jiachang was indeed not bad looking, otherwise she would not have given birth to the handsome Leng Yunlin. As for Feng Linxue, she was indeed not a big beauty in the traditional sense, but a delicate and elegant one. Moreover, when Feng Linxue married, the Feng family had long been in decline. If they hadn't been appreciated by the army for their superb medical skills, their Feng family would have been unable to get along.

   But now it's different. Feng Linxue married a good husband. Although Leng Haotian was extremely cruel to the outside world, he was always obedient to her. Moreover, she is studying Chinese medicine.

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