After all, although he doesn't care about his mother's opinion on the surface, he is still very happy if he can get even a little approval from his mother for his marriage with Mu Qingyu.

  So, facing Zhao Xiaoxuan's question at this moment, Dong Jiachang calculated the gains and losses in his heart, but straightened his back, with an expression of helping his husband and children: "Xiaoxuan, I can't help it. Feelings cannot be forced."

  I, I wipe! Zhao Xiaoxuan was about to swear! She never expected that Dong Jiachang, who usually loves her, turned around like this!

  Leng Haoran seemed to be more satisfied with his wife's words, and Leng Haoran stood up: "That's all. The cancellation of the engagement is because Yunlin's side has gone too far, so I will let him take the responsibility and apologize first. As a reward, the Leng Group can give priority to the Zhao family in a future cooperation case. Goodbye."

  He dropped these words, turned around and left. Leng Yunlin followed immediately, and drank half a cup of tea in front of him before leaving. In the end, it was Dong Jiachang. She was actually a little "conscience disturbed", but when she thought of the options in her hand, she immediately walked out with her husband and son without integrity.

   An originally tricky matter can be explained clearly in a few words. When Leng Yunlin walked out of Zhao's house, he happened to meet the sun shining brightly. It seems that the moldy smell from the inside out has been washed clean.

   Before he entered the car door, he received a call, picked it up and checked, it was from Mu Qingyu.

  A smile immediately appeared on his face, and he said, "Qingyu, what's wrong?"

   "It's nothing, just ask you, will you come back for lunch at noon?"

  Actually, when Leng Yunlin heard her say this, he knew the purpose of her call - it wasn't for eating at all, okay? Just to ask him, have you settled the marriage contract issue of the Zhao family?

  Leng Yunlin knew what she meant, but frowned deliberately, and his voice was a little low and hoarse: "Well, at noon, maybe not."

   Sure enough, as soon as they heard Leng Yunlin's refusal, they immediately became nervous: "Yunlin, you...well, are you tired?"

  Leng Yunlin was clearly here, his teeth were about to fall out of laughter, and he deliberately pretended to be very weak, "It's okay, you don't have to worry."

   "Yunlin..." From the receiver, one could clearly hear that Mu Qingyu was a little nervous, and that he couldn't help him share the pain.

   "It's okay, you are good, is the baby in your belly obedient? How is your prenatal checkup today?"

   "Well, we're fine, you..." Her head was a little messed up. At this moment, she wasn't worried about her own affairs at all, but felt sad for Leng Yunlin's efforts.

   "Don't worry, I'm fine. Well, you should eat well at noon, and don't starve the baby and you." He spoke slowly and in a low voice, as if he looked extremely tired.

   "I see. You too, please don't... push yourself too hard."

   Leng Yunlin clearly wanted to laugh, but he nodded calmly: "Yeah." When he said this, his voice was unsteady, and he almost burst out laughing.

  Hung up the phone, Leng Haoran, who was in the car, had already rolled down the window, frowning: "Yunlin, what are you doing! Are you still leaving?"

  The computer crashed, and the manuscript I wrote in the morning was all dead. I found a new computer and struggled for a long time before writing it. 555555555555

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