Soon, footsteps were heard in the corridor again. Leng Yunlin took the key from the study and quickly opened the door.

  The door was pushed open with a "squeak".

  Mu Qingyu clenched her fists, telling herself not to be angry, angry, or uncomfortable. The man in front of her is the man she loves and the father of the child in her womb. She wants to trust him, and she wants to restrain her panic and anger, and ask him questions calmly. Instead of messing around at this time.

  So, she looked at Leng Yunlin and raised her chin slightly: "Yunlin, I have something to ask you."

  Hearing her low tone, Leng Yunlin was very surprised. He sat down beside her, put his arm on her shoulder habitually: "What's wrong?"

  Seeing him stretching out his hand, Mu Qingyu dodged to the side, Leng Yunlin frowned: "What's wrong with you? What's the matter?"

   "Yunlin, where did you go today?"

   "Me?" Leng Yunlin was puzzled.

   "Yes." Mu Qingyu nodded, looking straight at him beside him, as if wanting to see the true emotion in his heart.

  She deliberately didn't tell him that she had called Luo Qingxue before to ask about his whereabouts. She wanted to hear, if what Leng Yunlin said would be evasive!

  Leng Yunlin took it for granted, "Didn't I go home to pick up my parents this morning, and then went to Zhao's house?" He said with a smile: "My mother, today's performance is not bad. Can you imagine someone like her saying to Zhao Xiaoxuan, 'Emotional things can't be forced'. It's funny when I think about it!"

  Mu Qingyu didn't smile, but had a serious expression. Leng Yunlin said: "In the morning, I settled the matter. Hehe, from now on, Zhao Xiaoxuan will never threaten me under the name of fiancee again! You, just wait for An Anxin to marry me!"

  Although he was a little unhappy with Mu Qingyu just now, but after talking about the matter, his central system seemed to automatically filter out the unhappiness and become happy.

  Even at night, the real estate auction was unsuccessful. However, compared with the big event of him getting rid of Zhao Xiaoxuan, it seemed insignificant.

  However, Mu Qingyu was not happy.

  She asked coldly: "You finished it in the morning, so why did you tell me something happened at noon, and what happened after that?"

   Leng Yunlin smiled, naturally embarrassed to tell her that he deliberately pretended to be deep to gain sympathy.

  Thinking about just now, Mu Qingyu hated him so much, maybe it was because he was angry that he lied to him?

  He said: "I have something to do. I have been with you these days and I owe a lot of work, so I went to work overtime today. In the evening, I went to participate in a real estate auction, but unfortunately I got nothing. Maybe it's because I ran out of luck in the morning."

  Mu Qingyu still didn't believe it: "Then why don't you call me!"

  As soon as this was mentioned, Leng Yunlin immediately replied: "My phone is out of battery."

   As he said, he handed her the phone: "Check it out."

  Mu Qingyu took the phone suspiciously, and pressed the power button, but there was no response, and it really was out of battery. She asked again: "You lied! Then, I called Cheng Yaoyun, why didn't he answer my call!"

  Leng Yunlin smiled, he stretched out a finger, and poked her on the forehead, "You are really right to say you are stupid! We are bidding, and there is price protection for such occasions, and the phone must be turned off."

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