1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 950: .Seize the child (9)

  Children are like this. Originally, one thing feels so sad, so sad that it seems to be abandoned by the whole world. However, the next second someone gave him a piece of candy, and he immediately felt no pity.

  He looked at Leng Yunlin in a little bewilderment, and Leng Yunlin was still guiding him: "Just imagine, what would you look like when you were abandoned by your mother?"

  Mu Shangen listened to him, thinking that if he was not with his mother, the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt wronged. In the end, his eyes were red and his nose was sore.

   "That's it." Leng Yunlin nodded, "You will be like this later, keep it up."

   "Is that all right?" Mu Qingyu looked at Leng Yunlin, who said, "Of course not enough. What are your plans?"

  Mu Qingyu said: "Anyway, I will never give the child!"

   "That's not as good as this. The two of us sing bad faces one by one and red faces by the other."

  Mu Qingyu was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

   "For example, once you go in later, don't just emphasize that you want to keep Enen. Neither my father nor my mother will listen to this."

  Mu Qingyu is silent, even if she insists, Leng Yunlin wants to keep Enen, but what if his parents don't agree?

   It is true that Leng Haoran and Dong Jiachang did not have a complete decisive role in the matter. She and Leng Yunlin are the leaders of everything.

  However, she was about to marry Leng Yunlin, and she didn't want to have a quarrel with his family on this matter.

   Besides, solving Mu Shangen's problem was originally what she promised Leng Haoran.

   "So, you listen to me later. As soon as I entered the door, I complained all kinds of grievances and put on an appearance of understanding righteousness. As for you, you hugged Enen and wiped away tears. My father was most afraid of this. If my mother learned to show weakness back then, I was afraid that their relationship between husband and wife would skyrocket. Maybe I have several younger brothers and sisters."

  Mu Qingyu gave him a blank look, what a bad idea! Let her show weakness? Crying with Enen in your arms? How strange it sounds!

   "Don't believe me, you will know later." Leng Yunlin kicked the accelerator, the car walked on the loop, and the speed also increased.


   Drive all the way to Leng's house. During this time period, the traffic on the road is not too bad, so there is not much traffic jam, and we will arrive soon. After getting out of the car, several servants who had made friends with Leng Yunlin came over: "Second Young Master, there seems to be someone who wants to take Master Enen back."

  Leng Yunlin nodded, indicating that he understood. At this time, Leng Yunlin bent down and whispered to Mu Shangen, "Enen, do you want to stay with your mother and me?"

   Mu Shangen nodded desperately: "Of course!"

  Leng Yunlin immediately put his finger on his lips and gestured "shh". Then he lowered his voice: "Don't make too much noise, so as not to be heard by the people inside."

   Mu Shangen also stretched out his fat paws, covered his face, and immediately shut his mouth.

   "Then, follow what uncle taught you just now, remember?"

  Mu Shangen immediately nodded his head. Just to cry, he remembered. In order not to leave his mother, he can do whatever he wants!

  As soon as he entered the door, he saw Mo Shaochen sitting alone on one side, and the Leng family on the other side. The Leng family is divided into the main room and the second room.

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