1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 957: .last resort (2)

   She doesn't like people, she just doesn't like them.

  So, when Mo Shaochen had been hanging out for a long time, without any news, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Hello? Hello?"

   "Hey, there is a voice in the microphone!" At this time, Mu Shangen came back from outside, but he was really shocked. When Mo Shaochen heard his son's voice, he immediately shouted, "Enen, Enen, I am Dad!"

   "Dad!" Mu Shangen heard it this time and ran over immediately.

   "Enen, don't run, be careful of falling." The voice behind made Mo Shaochen's heart skip a beat! It was Mu Qingyu, it was she who was talking!

  He was excited for a while, he hadn't heard her speak for a long time, and he hadn't seen her for a long time. He really misses it a little bit.

   "Dad." Enen took off her little shoes, without slippers, and ran towards the phone with her bare feet.

   "Enen!" Although Mo Shaochen really wanted to talk to Mu Qingyu on the phone, it was good to meet Enen.

   "Dad!" Although Mu Shangen was the last time, he was very repulsed by Mo Shaochen's attempt to take him away. But after all, Mo Shaochen is also his father. Children are very forgetful, and they forget everything within two days.

  Besides, after all, blood is thicker than water, and it's not a deep hatred, so naturally he can't remember so much.

   "Enen, tomorrow is your fifth birthday. What gift do you want?" Mo Shaochen asked immediately.

   "Hehe, Eun wants a spaceship!" He watched a sci-fi movie a while ago, in which the captain was the main character, and he was driving a galaxy warship, which was awesome.

  Since that day, Mushanen has been clamoring for a spaceship—of course, since he is still a child, he is also very happy if you give him a model.

   "Eh..." Mu Shangen's first sentence killed him instantly. Mo Shaochen still wanted to talk, but someone snatched his mobile phone over here. Su Chengkai asked with a smile on his face, "Enen, guess who I am?"

   "Grandpa!" Mu Shangen immediately said softly. He only yelled, and immediately made Su Chengkai smile: "Enen is so smart! Our Enen is almost five years old!"

  Mu Shangen spends a lot of time hanging out with Xiaobao recently. Xiaobao, that ghostly spirit, always asks for gifts when he meets him without saying a word. He also imitates Xiaobao and asks his grandpa: "Grandpa, Enen is five years old. Do you have any gifts for me?"

   "Of course, of course!" Su Chengkai wished to move all the gold and silver around him here, as long as he came to Su's house! He smiled and said, "Enen, tomorrow is your birthday, do you want to spend it with grandpa?"

   "Grandpa is coming too?" Mu Shangen obviously understood what Su Chengkai meant—he also wanted to come to his house to celebrate his birthday with his mother and Uncle Leng.

  Su Chengkai still had a smile on the corner of his mouth: "You come to grandpa, isn't it good?"

   "Of course." Mu Shangen nodded immediately, "It's just that Mommy has a baby, and the baby is coming out soon. Uncle Leng said, Mommy shouldn't go out, so as not to hurt Enen's younger brother."

  Su Chengkai smiled again and said: "Then, let your father come to your house to pick you up, don't bother your mother, can't you?"

   "Hmm..." Mu Shangen scratched his hair, he hadn't thought of such a far-reaching method yet, hearing what grandpa said, it seems, probably, maybe—yes!

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