Based on his conditions, even if he doesn't take the initiative, many young and beautiful girls will rush forward like moths to a flame. If she continues to be capricious and keeps making trouble for him, maybe he won't be able to resist when faced with the caring and obedient little girls who keep coming?

  Thinking of this, Mu Qingyu was careful. On the one hand, under the guidance of the doctor, she didn't eat and drink like the pregnant women in the past, desperately supplementing nutrition. Instead, she took in the right amount and did some restorative exercises. It would definitely be very helpful for her body to recover in the future.

  However, no matter how busy Leng Yunlin is at work, he treats her and Enen really well. For example, on Enen's birthday tomorrow, he proposed to leave work early and take him out to play at night.

   Unexpectedly, the Su family came to such a place today.

  Looking at En En's look of anticipation, Mu Qingyu couldn't object to him, he just waited for Leng Yunlin to say this to him when he came back at night.

  However, perhaps because he had to leave work early the next day, Leng Yunlin came back very late this time.

  It was early morning when we got home.


  Mu Qingyu had already prepared bath towels and pajamas for him, and had been waiting for him because she had something on her mind.

  However, in the early morning, it was indeed her usual sleep time. She leaned against the bed, lay down with her clothes on, and fell asleep accidentally.

  By the time Leng Yunlin came back, the lights in the living room below had already been turned off, but his slippers had been placed in the most conspicuous place in the entrance, obviously for him.

  He smiled slightly, obviously this was prepared by Mu Qingyu for him. Putting down his briefcase, he felt a little thirsty. He walked to the kitchen and saw that a glass of milk had been prepared and placed next to the microwave oven. As long as he put it in for a minute, he could drink warm milk.

   Obviously, Mu Qingyu also prepared this for him. Drinking a cup of warm milk at night is not only healthy but also good for sleep.

  Once Mu Qingyu likes a certain person, she will treat him very well—for example, treat him now.

  Go upstairs and turn off the lights in the room. Only their bedroom was still slightly lit.

  Leng Yunlin walked into the room, gently pushed it away, and saw Mu Qingyu sitting crookedly in front of the bed, half of the quilt on her body had slipped off, the highest part was only on her chest, while the other part fell to the ground.

  Leng Yunlin stepped forward a step or two, helped her pick up the conversation material that fell on the ground, and wanted to help her cover it up, so as not to catch a cold.

   Unexpectedly, at this moment, Mu Qingyu was startled, opened her eyes, and woke up.

   "Yunlin, you're back." Mu Qingyu stretched, "When is it?"

   "It's getting late." Leng Yunlin smiled, stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, "Why don't you go to bed earlier?"

   "Seeing that you didn't come back, so I also..." Mu Qingyu yawned, rubbed his eyes, and seemed to wake up a little, "Are you thirsty? I prepared milk in the kitchen, and I'll heat it up for you."

   "I've already drank it." Leng Yunlin's eyes were softer, "If you don't believe me, can you check it?"

   After finishing speaking, he gently leaned his cheeks and planted a kiss on her lips.

   Sure enough, in his mouth, she tasted the taste of milk, sweet and milky.

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