1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 969: .One word becomes a prophecy (2)

   But Eun-en seems to have a much better sense of language.

   "Of course not." Mo Shaochen touched his head and said with a smile, "We are kind, of course we are very smart."

  He remembered the kid at Leng's house last time, and he really looked smart. It's just that that kid is too sharp, and he is very domineering at first glance. Although it is good for children to be smarter, most adults probably prefer obedient children.

   "Well, Enen will play with Dad, okay?"

   "Okay, okay." Mu Shangen clapped his hands and joined Mo Shaochen in the model airplane competition.

  Anyway, he came very early and had plenty of time.

  As Mo Shaochen helped his son in the model airplane, he asked, "Enen, are you having a good time recently?"

   "Of course I'm happy!" Mu Shangen lowered his head and crawled around looking for parts: "Dad, did you see the little fish in the living room? Uncle Leng bought it for me! There are dozens of them! I also saw a very big swimming pool in the backyard. Uncle Leng said that he will take Enen and his little brother—baby to swim and play together in the future!"

  He doesn’t dare to call him brother anymore. What if the mother gave birth to a younger sister, and the younger sister knows that he misses his younger brother every day and doesn’t like him?

   "Really?" Mo Shaochen smiled, and took the opportunity to get something to go to the backyard, and sure enough, he saw that a small swimming pool ten meters long and eight meters wide had been dug out here. Next to it, there is a small flower garden, a corridor paved with fine stones, a small parasol, a white table and a deck chair, if you take a walk in the hot summer, it will be absolutely comfortable!

  Mo Shaochen intentionally made a cliché, and continued to ask: "Then, he also bought the toys here for you?"

  "Yes." Enen nodded, while putting together small pieces of plywood, "If Enen performs well and memorizes a lot of words, Uncle Leng will reward me with a small toy! If I am disobedient and don't memorize words and poems well, Uncle Leng will deduct all of Enen's candies. Enen already has one, two, three, four... Enen has no candy for four days!"

   As he spoke, he even counted with his little finger, looking extremely pitiful.

   "I see." Mo Shaochen nodded and patted the little guy's head. Sit back to the original position again.

  He really didn't expect that Leng Yunlin's discipline of Mu Shangen was really good. There are rewards and punishments, there are gifts for obediently studying, but no sweets for disobedient ones.

  Although in these scenes, it can be seen that Mu Qingyu is behind the support. But no matter what she is, and no matter how much Leng Yunlin cares about En En, there is at least one thing that can be clearly shown - the relationship between the two of them has eased a lot.

   "Then, is your mother and Uncle Leng on good terms?" Mo Shaochen said with eager eyes.

   Mu Shangen scratched his head: "What kind of relationship is it?"

  Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and a smile flashed across his fair face: "Okay, okay."

  Seeing this appearance, Mo Shaochen was a little puzzled: "What is good?"

   "Dad, let me tell you." Enen crawled over suddenly, her big eyes flickering, "I saw it one night, I saw Uncle Leng kissing Mom."

   "Dear?" Mo Shaochen's face darkened, he remembered the little contraceptive umbrella that Leng Yunlin threw into the trash last time—

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