1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 973: .One word becomes a prophecy (6)

   If you do something unfeminine, what should you do?

  Mother Mu is such a person, because Leng Yunlin dumped Mu Qingyu before, the commotion was too loud, and she was resentful because of her daughter's injustice. After getting along for this period of time, she has turned from black to pink. Originally it was Yunlin Hei, but now he is a brainless fan.

  Even for the sake of the child in Mu Qingyu's womb, she still hopes that her daughter can get along with Leng Yunlin in harmony, and shoot the female mistress and the male mistress to death.

   "Mom, what are you talking about! I won't cheat. Do you think I will get back together with Mo Shaochen?" Mu Qingyu giggled.

   "It's best if it's not." Before she finished speaking, she heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and she quickly shut her mouth.

   Sure enough, the people who came down were Mo Shaochen and Mu Shangen.

  Mo Shaochen had obviously heard the conversation between the two just now, and he was a little stiff.

  When did I become the person whom the other party avoids like snakes and scorpions?

  But, no matter what, Enen kept rushing down. He didn't have any issues that he was afraid of discussing. Moreover, in his hand, he was still holding that big model airplane—the "masterpiece" they had just spent more than an hour upstairs.

  During this process, Mo Shaochen didn't do much, the main one was Enen. After all, this kind of line assembly and splicing is very helpful for developing children's intelligence. The model airplane Leng Yunlin bought is big enough, it is nearly one meter long when put together, and when erected, it is about the same height as En En, who is five years old. Enen clasped his hands tightly, and carefully moved down bit by bit. When he reached the hall, he quickly ran in: "Mom, mom, look! Look! Enen fought with Dad on the model airplane!"

   "It's really good." Mu Qingyu touched his head, "Can this move?"

   "Of course." Mu Shangen nodded, turned on a small switch next to him, and saw that the ship here had already started to roar, and the muzzle on the deck had also started to rotate. The most interesting thing is the propeller at the back, like a small spaceship, swishing and turning.

   "If you put it in a pool, this one can sail!" Mu Shangen proudly showed off the model airplane that he had worked so hard to make. Although his skills are much worse than Xiaobao's in half an hour, it's enough for him to have fun by himself.

   "We, Enen, are so smart!" Mu Qingyu touched his little head, and Mu Shangen's sense of joy immediately transpired. Although a little vanity was immediately formed in his heart, he did not forget to look behind him: "Actually, Dad also helped Enen a lot."

   "Enen did it all by himself." Mo Shaochen was thinking about how to get close to Mu Qingyu, so he naturally took a step forward happily.

  When Mu Qingyu saw him approaching, the smile on her face restrained a lot. She just nodded to him, indicating that she had seen him, and then she stopped talking.

  Mother Mu said, "You're going to take Enen to see his grandpa today, aren't you?"

  Mo Shaochen replied: "Yes. Enen is five years old, but we have never given him a birthday. We want to take this opportunity to take him back and let him meet more relatives at the Su family."

  Obviously, this means that Mu Shangen should recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors?

   In terms of blood relationship, Mu Shangen is from their Su family. In the future, even if her surname is Su, she will not be too repulsive.

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