1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 975: .A word of prophecy (8)

  In addition, Su Yumu himself is also one of the shareholders of Su's enterprise. Although the shares are not too much, it is also a large fortune.

   It's just that because of this incident, they not only parted ways with Leng Yunlin, but also offended Feng Linxue and Su Chengkai. Needless to say, Feng Linxue became the victim of abuse in a daze. And Su Chengkai hated them - if it wasn't for what happened to them last time, Mu Qingyu would have brought Enen over to see him!

   It’s just that these things don’t go well. Zhao Hanqing started a business with a foreigner in a partnership outside. Because of the serious economic crisis in that country, his partner ran away and took away most of the company’s money. The new year is coming soon, a group of workers are waiting for the money to be paid, and Zhao Hanqing, on the one hand, wants to recover the money, and on the other hand, he has to pay the workers wages, he is exhausted physically and mentally.

  However, in this kind of multinational company, it is difficult for the boss to chase after him when he goes abroad. Therefore, the Zhao family has been gloomy recently, and asked Su Chengkai for help, but he ignored it. Ask Dong Jiachang for help—she remembers that Leng Yunlin can convert her options into stocks, and tries her best to please Leng Haotian and Feng Linxue. How dare she speak for the Zhao family?

   They don’t have that much cash, and it’s hard to borrow money. They have no choice but to mortgage the villa they live in and the car they drive to the bank, and manage to move a large sum of money to get through this difficult time first.

  Because of this incident, Zhao Xiaoxuan didn't think about Leng Yunlin for the time being.

   After finally taking a breath, remembering that it should be Chinese New Year, the two came to the mall. Moreover, because the high-end sports car was mortgaged to the bank, what they are driving now is a dilapidated Santana with scattered mud marks and scratches on it. It is ugly and worn out. For Zhao Xiaoxuan and Su Yumu who are used to living a good life, it is simply unimaginable!

   Moreover, before going on stage, they discovered that the engine of this Santana couldn't start, the car must have broken down, and it was even more stuffy.

  However, what they didn't expect was that they would meet Leng Yunlin and Mu Qingyu here!

  She was far away, and saw Leng Yunlin took out the car key and opened the door remotely. They were arm in arm, and Leng Yunlin was carrying large and small bags in his hand. The two were walking towards his Porsche closely.

   Mu Qingyu next to him was wearing a loose maternity dress. Zhao Xiaoxuan could still see her maternity dress from a distance. The maternity dress on her was specially ordered by a famous foreign brand. The fluffy fur on her neck alone was worth a fortune!

  Compared to the previous one, she is obviously a little rounder and more round, not very fat, but her rosy complexion seems to tell you from the inside out—she is very happy!

  And their happiness contrasts with their misfortune.

  Especially, Zhao Xiaoxuan always felt that it was Mu Qingyu who was by Leng Yunlin's side that snatched Brother Yunlin away! If she wasn't there, brother Yunlin and the name of the second youngest son of the Leng family would all be hers! It belongs to her, Zhao Xiaoxuan!

  She doesn't have to be kicked out of the house in the cold wind, and she doesn't have to drive this kind of broken car with the flameout, let alone **** cheap bargains among a lot of middle-aged women! She can also live in a big house, ride in a luxury car, wear furs, and enjoy Brother Yunlin's care!

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