1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract

Chapter 978: .marriage proposal (3)

  Of course, Mu Qingyu also knows that if she marries Leng Yunlin in the future, it won't be suitable for her to be picky like Dong Jiachang. What she originally thought was - at worst, ignore the other party and treat the other party as air. After all, with Dong Jiachang's personality, even if he wanted to get along well with her, it was indeed a little difficult.

   "In this way, is it really possible?"

   "Don't worry." Leng Yunlin said with a smile, "That's all you need to do, and the rest is up to me!"

  At this time, Dong Jiachang came late. She was yawning, obviously tired. I played cards too late last night, and I still have a backache.

  Leng Yunlin frowned: "Mom, why are you here now?"

  The voice is a little unhappy.

  Obviously, he and Mu Qingyu were playing a red face and the other a black face. And it was him who played the black face. He was attracting hatred towards himself, anyway, Dong Jiachang would not make things difficult for him in the end. That being the case, it's better to let him pull over the hatred that Dong Jiachang bet on Mu Qingyu.

  Dong Jiachang glared at him: "What's wrong? Do I still have to stay here with you?"

  The implication is that she is already giving her face by being able to come today.

   "You're here." At this moment, Mu Qingyu bowed to her in a polite manner. Dong Jiachang looked at her with some doubts. Maybe she didn't expect that Mu Qingyu would greet her, right?

   "Um, I..." Dong Jiachang was a little stunned, it took her a long time to react, and she didn't know what expression to put on, so she frowned and asked after a long time: "The inspection is done?"

   "There is one B-ultrasound left." Leng Yunlin said indifferently, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you come or not. If I knew this, why would I mobilize the crowd?"

   "You son of a bitch!" Dong Jiachang was furious, this son is a typical example of marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting his mother! What does this say?

   "Would you like to watch it with us?" Mu Qingyu suddenly proposed, with a very polite attitude, Dong Jiachang said after a long time: "Well, of course, why not? I have come all the way."

   Several people were talking, and the doctor over there had already called his name: "Ms. Leng, is Mrs. Leng there? The B-ultrasound room is ready."

  As soon as he heard that this was going to be done, Dong Jiachang became more energetic: "I heard that there is something that can see the baby in the womb and take pictures."

   "Are you talking about the 4D color Doppler ultrasound?" Mu Qingyu asked.

  Dong Jiachang was always uncomfortable with her polite tone. It took her a long time to nod her head and say, "Well, yes, that's the one."

  Leng Yunlin answered immediately: "We have done it before. There is no such project today."

  Dong Jiachang immediately turned his eyebrows coldly at him: "You have seen it, but I haven't seen it yet!"

  Leng Yunlin glanced at her sideways, with a half-smile: "Mom, don't you dislike this child? Then what are you looking at?"

  Dong Jiachang was choked to death, and Mu Qingyu took the opportunity to smooth things over: "Yunlin, since your mother wants to watch, let's add this project later."

  Dong Jiachang looked at her, a little dumbfounded. She always felt that the sun came out from the west today, and there was a saying called—"If you don't have anything to show courteousness, you can either **** or steal."

  She felt that there was something wrong with Mu Qingyu today, and even had small bumps on her body.

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