1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 105 Dabai Opened The Box, And Ziroom Had Another Attack!

Without the restriction of scalpers, the number of people who bought Dabai naturally increased.

In less than an hour, Dabai's order volume has exceeded 10 million, and it is still rising at a terrifying speed!

What is the concept of selling 10 million in an hour for a product of 6666 yuan?

It can completely create a new Guinness record and become the most popular electronic technology product in the history of the entire earth and all mankind!

"Tsk tsk tsk... The appeal of the new technology is too scary!"

It is precisely because of this that while countless people are extremely excited to buy Dabai, countless bigwigs in the field of electronic products are also amazed at the appeal of new technologies.

6666 yuan is definitely not expensive for a cutting-edge technology product like Dabai, and any mobile phone can be sold for this price.

But for the people of Longguo, 6,666 yuan is still not a small figure...and in just one hour, Dabai sold more than 10 million units.

If this is included in the follow-up, the total sales may exceed 100 million in a minute, or even hundreds of millions, no problem!

Nowadays, the only one who can achieve this level is Xinxin Technology.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Weibo hot searches changed again, attracting a new round of hot bombardment.

Before eleven o'clock, Weibo was basically dominated by Dabai.

It seems that the entire Weibo hot search has been contracted by Xinsheng Technology and Dabai. Everyone doesn’t even have time to care about celebrity gossip. They all go to care about whether they have arrived, how miserable the scalpers are, and care about the screenshots of orders posted by others. How fast is the delivery time of 390? I am concerned about the various speculations of some reviewers in the field of electronic products on Dabai.

After eleven o'clock, with the release of the first video of Dabai unpacking the whole process, the entire Internet, which was already boiling, exploded again!

The video was sent by an electronic smart product reviewer, Ziroom.

Ziroom is very famous in the field of smart product evaluation.

How famous is it?

Let's just say that, at present, many reviewers in Bilibili, Douyin, and Weibo have imitated his famous quotes, such as "WOW", "awesome", "嘿呵呵∼∼", "This is my exclusive moment", etc. Etc.... It can be said to be "use freely", and it has become famous on the Internet.

However, this also established him an absolute position in the field of electronic smart product evaluation.

So when he got the goods immediately and sent out the unboxing video, no surprise, his own popularity, coupled with the super enthusiasm of Xinsheng Technology and Dabai, directly attracted the attention of the whole network!

Click on the video.

"oK, let's get in the car now and go to the nearest delivery site. My phone shows that I have arrived at the delivery site a few minutes ago. I have been waiting for this product for a whole month, OK? I can't wait any longer, so let's go now. Go straight to the site, LETSGO!"

Ziroom's iconic voice came out, and from his tone and demeanor, it can be seen that he is also extremely excited this time, obviously full of great expectations for the new technology's introduction!

Along the way, Ziroom continued to introduce the various functions of the Dabai product and his guesses in front of the video.

As a professional reviewer, he has a great understanding of new technologies, and his evaluations are very accurate... Especially the passage he said has aroused countless people's praise and resonance. For the first time, I feel that Ziroom's reviews are so fair:

"I have never seen any company with a more conscience than Xinsheng Technology, whether it is Google, Apple, or Warwick, or Rice, one counts as one, no one can compare with Xinsheng Technology! Why? Because those companies, All have to rely on making money, relying on profits to survive, need to sell products to ensure the company's benefits, and also need to satisfy the market and satisfy users to solve all the basic needs of the company! OK?"

"But nascent technology is different. They don't need to make money from their products at all. Even if they want to make money, they only make the lowest profit, and the money is not given to the boss Su Zhan... Whoever you ask, it must be It’s for the company! The boss Su Zhan, I don’t know how much money he has, but he is definitely very, very rich, and he doesn’t need to use these products to make profits at all!”

"A boss who doesn't need to make money at all, and a company that doesn't desire profit, one can imagine how conscientious their selling price will be... Whether it is the previous driverless car or wireless charging, I just like this Let me tell you, instead of earning money from users, Xinsheng Technology ordered those cooperative companies not to impose costs on users, in other words, he just wanted to earn money from those cooperative companies!"

"I've never seen such an awesome company, it's amazing!"

Speaking of this, everyone laughed.

Netizens in front of the video also laughed.

As he said, the conscience of the new technology can be felt by everyone from the beginning to the end, whether it is from the beginning to the present... Even the price of (abeg) Dabai is so conscientious that it cannot be more conscientious , the profit is almost outrageously low!

Finally, when Ziroom boasted about new technologies and was amazed, they arrived at the courier station and successfully got their courier... At the same time, they also met many people, all of whom were looking for their courier. I went forward and asked, as expected, they all bought Dabai, and couldn't wait, so they came to the express delivery site to pick up the goods.

Obviously Ziroom was not the first person to get it, but he was the first famous reviewer to post an unboxing video.


Freedom to get the big white box, once again uttered the famous mantra.

Although he knows that because his Samsung review video became popular all over the Internet, these mantras were criticized wildly, but he doesn't care... In front of the products he likes, if others like to make jokes, then go make a joke!

They went all the way back to the company.

Come to the office.

Then, with excitement, I started to unpack the box.

Open the outermost cardboard box, it is foam packaging.

After removing the bubble wrap, everyone at the scene, even those who watched the video, couldn't help but let out a cry: "Oh!!!"

I saw a red suitcase lying quietly inside, just like in the "Iron Man 2" movie, used to transform.

Even if it is lying there quietly, people can see through the naked eye how perfect the craftsmanship is, how beautiful the lines are, how appropriate the color is, and there is no slightest reduction in workmanship because of the price. compromise!

"Oh ho ho ho ho...."

Ziyu made a strange sound again, and the expression on his face became extraordinarily hilarious and excited. Obviously, he was aroused by the red suitcase in front of him!

He reached out and took out the red suitcase, and then showed it in front of the camera, from multiple angles and multiple details... He exclaimed and sighed while showing it.

"I was shocked, really shocked, have you seen this spraying process? It's even stronger than Apple's!"

"Maybe you can't see it in front of the video, but as soon as you get started, see it with your own eyes, touch it with your own hands...awesome, wow~~"

Ziroom began to "sick" again.

Then, according to the instructions, they put the red suitcase on the ground.

"It's different from the one in "Big Hero Marines", just call here."

Ziru introduced, "Dabai, come out!"

next second.

The red suitcase suddenly deformed, and then a white balloon figure quickly inflated, and in less than three seconds, it was completely inflated out of the red suitcase and stood in front of everyone.

At this moment, everyone was silent for a second.

next second.

"Hi, I'm your personal medical steward, Dabai, do you have any pain that I need to heal?"

A magnetic voice came out, and Dabai blinked his innocent eyes.


Ziroom, his assistants, the camera team, and everyone present couldn't help shouting.

Many viewers in front of the video also exclaimed!.

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