1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 197 Photon Replica Machine Reappears, Ore Weapons Are Built In Batches!

Su Zhan thought to himself, this is just a sword, if it is a gun, its power is not inferior to the controllable nuclear fusion that he has researched, and the weight of this mineral is much lighter than guns and weapons, so it is easy to use very convenient......

Su Zhan snapped his fingers and the two returned to the super laboratory. Professor Fu was still immersed in this double shock. It was the first time he had seen such a scene after working in this industry for so long.

Immediately, I understood the rumors about Su Zhan outside. This is really not something that ordinary people can develop, and it is also reasonable to say that it is alien technology.

Professor Fu looked at the person in front of him, feeling a sense of mystery spontaneously.

Soon Professor Fu also returned to the experimental project-.

"Mr. Su, you have also seen that the ore weapon has been successfully used now."

"Very good!" Su Zhan looked at the weapon in his hand with satisfaction.

After thinking for a while, he immediately called Zhou Yanran at the door to come in.

"Now call Professor Zhou, Dr. Gu Xin, and Professor Yang over here!"


Soon Professor Yang, Professor Zhou and others rushed to the super laboratory, and Su Zhan demonstrated again.

Everyone was stunned by the lethality of this weapon. After preliminary calculations, Professor Yang found that with just one swipe, it can split things within one kilometer in half.

"I'm going to make these ores not only in the form of swords, but also guns..." Su Zhan told everyone his thoughts.

Professor Zhou immediately understood what Su Zhan meant.

"But those rough stones that can emit light...don't support our mass production?" Professor Fu asked curiously.

"Professor Zhou, please take out the photon replica machine we have developed!"

Professor Zhou immediately asked his little assistant to take out the semi-finished photon replica machine that he studied before. The reason why he said it was a semi-finished product was because Su Zhan originally wanted to amplify the photon replica technology to form an energy shield for replicating. A new country was engraved, but it was no longer needed, so the project was abandoned in the middle.

However, Professor Zhou, Dr. Gu Xin and others did not give up. Instead, they changed the photon reproduction technology a bit. It is still in the form of an energy shield, but it can be manually controlled to control the replication range.

Soon, the little assistant brought over the photon replica machine.

Professor Fu was puzzled when he saw it. Isn't this just a small square box? What can it do?

Dr. Gu Xin started a series of operations. First, he asked Professor Fu for the luminous rough stone, and then put the rough stone and the photonic engraving machine together, and operated it through the mobile phone.

Soon, after a burst of white light, Professor Fu saw two rough stones.

This is just a demonstration by Dr. Guxin!

In the next step, Dr. Gu Xin set the number of copies. After another burst of white light, Professor Fu saw that the amount was about a hundred times larger. But now the copying technology is available everywhere, but it is just copying the same mold. Professor Fu took one at random. Just do research and analysis.

Unexpectedly, the result is exactly the same as the original rough stone, no matter the molecular structure or functional performance is the same!

Professor Fu wanted to ask Dr. Gu Xin how he did it.

But Dr. Gu Xin just smiled and looked at Su Zhan.

Professor Fu immediately understood, could this also be Su Zhan's "alien technology"?

Now the curiosity about Su Zhan has deepened a little bit.

After the photonic re-engraving machine came out of the rivers and lakes and started to work, there is no need for mass production in factories. It only needs to research a sample and continue to copy it.

In less than two days, Professor Fu, Professor Zhou and others had released the firearms. Su Zhan once again came to the super laboratory scenario simulation mode, and the experimental weapons

A series of tests such as damage and destructive power.

There is no need for any bullets, just pull the trigger, and a beam of red light will immediately hit the distant mountain at a speed that cannot be detected by the naked eye, and the mountain will instantly shatter with a loud crash.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief. This is different from laser guns in that its speed is completely close to the speed of light. Maybe your eyes have not blinked yet, and the distant mountain has already burst. It goes through the body!

Su Zhan weighed the weapon in his hand and showed a satisfied smile. This was simply the weapon he was most satisfied with.

He can't wait to announce this weapon to the public right now, but if this is the case, everyone will know about his development of Mars, and someone may get in the way to confirm that all the things he developed before are alien technology. And the rest of the world is likely to get a piece of the action.

0 looking for flowers......

People are more or less selfish, some things can be shared, but of course some things must be stuffed into their own pockets!

After the success of the experiment, Dr. Gu Xin and others have started mass production using the photonic replica machine.

Professor Fu is also curious, why is there such a convenient thing as a photon replica machine, why is it not promoted to the society? Wouldn't it save a lot of trouble.

Professor Fu proposed his idea to Su Zhan but Su Zhan shook his head.

"If the technology of photon replicating machines is promoted, it will definitely cause chaos. Maybe some people will use the replicating technology to satisfy their own desires. Investing in factories will also cause a large number of workers to lose their jobs. Although society has begun to shrink the The population of the population began to control birth, because the mechanization of factories is a major trend in the future, if there is a photon replica machine again, the consequences will be disastrous..."


Professor Fu also nodded, his vision was not as far-sighted as Su Zhan's, and he was not as thoughtful. Perhaps this is also a major reason for Su Zhan's success.

Su Zhan looked at the remaining large amount of ore, as well as the mining ships that are still mining on Mars. The rest can open up a new market!

Su Zhan is ready to put some of the ore into the market!

Su Zhan quickly found a senior expert in the field of jewelry appraisal. The expert held the original stone and looked at it from left to right, with a special appraising lamp, and with a magnifying glass.

After a series of operations, Su Zhan was shocked.

"Mr. Su, where did you mine it?"

Su Zhan just slightly raised the corners of his mouth to show a smile, and the experts understood that Su Zhan didn't want to share.

"This kind of good color and rarity, I take one carat of diamonds as the unit, and the price of one carat is about 400,000. Of course, this is only unprocessed. If there is good cutting technology, the price can be higher !"

Su Zhan had already made up his mind, and after the experts left, he immediately ordered Zhou Yanran to go down to prepare a series of materials needed for jewelry sales, and invited the best diamond cutting team to promote the new jewelry to the world!

After a series of preparatory operations, they were quickly snatched up by the rich. There were even some jewelers who bought Su Zhan's rough mineral stones at a price of hundreds of millions, hundreds of billions, and trillions, and hung them up. The title of the collaboration, externally sold ... million.

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