1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 199 Brain Wave Control Equipment, New Talents!

Su Zhan understood that Ou Yangguang was comforting himself, and what Ou Yangguang said was right, he was indeed a little anxious.

The Dyson sphere does not have to be researched now. Although Su Zhan is very unwilling, he still chooses to compromise with reality.

The next day, Su Zhan was woken up early in the morning by the phone ringing.

"Hello? Who is it?" Su Zhan was a little impatient. After all, today is a rare weekend. He was supposed to enjoy the leisure time on the weekend, but he was woken up by the annoying phone ringing.

"President Su, it's me, Ou Yangguang!" Ou Yangguang said cheerfully, but was still startled by Su Zhan's waking up, so he was taken aback and continued:

"President Su, I met a bosom friend on an online forum, and he has a very good project proposal! I think it can be adopted!"

Although Su Zhan's sleep was disturbed, after all, Ou Yangguang is also his right-hand man, so he has to give him this face, and after he woke up, he thought about it rationally. Since Ou Yangguang also thinks it's okay, why not just watch it look.

"A proposal about what?" Su Zhan asked, clearing his throat.

"Electronic devices controlled by brain waves!" Ou Yangguang excitedly said to 01 on the other end of the phone, and felt that Su Zhan would be very interested in this, so he became even more excited.

"Oh? Brain wave control? Interesting, then make an appointment at the coffee shop I often go to in Longguo!" Su Zhan has a strange feeling, maybe there is something about this project

"Okay, I'll let him go early!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Zhan arrived at the appointed coffee shop.

This is Su Zhan's habit. Whenever he talks about a project, he has to have a careful and in-depth chat with the project person to understand all the ideas of the other party.

It is also because of this kind of in-depth chat that Su Zhan can determine whether a person can be trusted and whether a project can be successful!

Outside a rather deserted coffee shop.

"You...... Are you Su...... President Su?"

Su Zhan was drinking coffee while browsing the project proposal sent to him by Ou Yangguang with his laptop, when a voice came.

Su Zhan raised his head and saw a thin, thin boy with glasses who looked like a student.

"It's me, you are recommended by Ou Yangguang, right? Please sit down." Su Zhan smiled.

That's right, the boy in front of him is none other than Pang Fei, the submitter of the brainwave control electronic equipment project proposal!

He is only 22 years old, but I have to say that his resume is very beautiful, he is a well-deserved child prodigy, and he is more talented than Ou Yangguang, Li Xiu, and Li Shiyan!

"Yes...it's me!" Pang Feiyuan put down his backpack in a panic, and then carefully sat opposite Su Zhan.

"What would you like to drink?" Su Zhan asked.

"It's all...anything." Pang Fei's eyes dodged a little.

"What? It feels like you're a little scared of me?" Su Zhan noticed this detail.

"I... I'm inevitably a little nervous in the face of a big man like you, and I'm a little afraid that I won't speak well." Pang Fei quickly explained weakly.

"Big man? Afraid of me?" Su Zhan put down the coffee in his hand, and it was the first time he heard someone say this about him, and he felt a little strange. Such a word was actually used to describe himself.

If I didn't have the support of system funds at the beginning, no one would notice me at all, but I am very happy to hear others say this about me.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point. I've read your project proposal, and I'm very interested. Before coming here, my team, Professor Zhou and Professor Yang, including Ou Yangguang, had a discussion about brain waves. Views on the project controlling electronics."

After listening a lot, Su Zhan also roughly understands the difficulties of this technology, and why it is still difficult to do this even with current technology.

This is why Su Zhan has the confidence to distinguish which project proposals are feasible and which project proposals are not feasible by himself.

And it just so happens that the project proposal on his computer in front of him fits the key difficulties that all the professors and doctors have talked about for the first time!

All the difficulties have been solved, and the only suspense lies in these concepts that I don't even understand...

This is a talent, definitely a talent!

Su Zhan's eyes were shining.

This person made a lot of in-depth explanations on the difficulties of brain wave control electronic equipment, so that people like Su Zhan, who don't know much about the profession, can easily understand the concepts and key problems he said, as well as what he proposed. solutions and so on.... Although Su Zhan does not understand the concepts involved, Su Zhan feels an unprecedented problem-solving angle from those concepts!

It is precisely this angle of solving the problem that makes Su Zhan more determined that it is the right choice to meet him.

"The difficulty in writing this research in your proposal is that the human brain has many nerves and is controlled by the earth's magnetic field, so it is difficult to transmit human consciousness with electronic signals, isn't it?" Su Zhan asked.

"Yes, because the human brain is a very complex existence. Just like the medical sensor developed by your company before, I think it is a very remarkable invention. The principles of the two scientific research projects are basically the same, both through the brain. It was developed by the nervous system, but it wants to realize the direct control of electronic equipment by brain waves, and there is a biggest breakthrough......"1

"Oh? What is it? Tell me!" Su Zhan's curiosity was instantly aroused by Pang Fei in front of him.

"That is to successfully receive the host's brainwaves without being disturbed by 253's outside world!"

Pang Fei was talking about his own thoughts, full of confidence, he would not be affected by Su Zhan at all, and he seemed to be two people with himself just now.

Su Zhan looked at the thoughtful young man in front of him, as if this scene was a bit like when he first met Ou Yangguang, and Ou Yangguang gave him the same feeling.

This made him more convinced that this person can be trusted to invest in this project.

"So, how long will it take to realize this technology?" Su Zhan asked.

"Well...three months..." Pang Fei said thoughtfully. After all, the person in front of him is Su Zhan. If he shortens the time, it will make people feel untrustworthy and counterproductive. Why don't you find someone yourself? In a certain time, it is more practical in this way.

"Three months?" Su Zhan asked involuntarily when he heard Pang Fei say three months.

Pang Fei immediately became anxious, wondering if it took too long?

"Actually, one and a half months is enough..." Pang Fei said hastily.

"A month and a half?" Su Zhan asked again.

Pang Fei was completely panicked.

"Then what do you think..."

"Two weeks, I will give you two weeks, and you will finish it for me! If possible, I will vote for this project!" Su Zhan said. .

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