1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 202 Newborn Nation Proposes Full 6G Satellite Coverage For The Second Time!

In less than two weeks, the brain wave transmission device has been popularized in almost every country and every family.

And it is also loved by many young people, because Pang Fei added an entertainment function to this technology, that is, wearing this ring-shaped headgear when falling asleep can freely control dreams.

Now it's not just about using brain waves to control electronic devices, you can also freely control your dreams while sleeping.

This was a little surprise that Pang Fei gave to everyone, and no one else knew about it except Pang Fei.

It was the second day after the release that Pang Fei told Su Zhan, Professor Zhou, Professor Yang, Dr. Gu Xin and others about this function.

Everyone is also curious about how to use brain waves to control dreams. Is this possible?

In this way, everyone fell asleep with this hoop headgear that night.

Su Zhan dreamed that he arrived on Mars himself, and also dreamed that a group of aliens were attacking him. At first Su Zhan didn't realize that this was his dream, so he pretended to be brave and threw at the aliens with all his strength.

What makes Su Zhan unbelievable is that this stone is like a nuclear bomb, and just now what he thought in his heart was that it would be great if it was a bomb. It was Su Zhan who realized that this was his dream.

At this time, I thought of the ring-shaped headgear I wore before going to bed, and immediately thought of being able to be controlled by myself in my dream.

He constantly manipulated his dreams and arrived at different planets. He could choose to communicate with them, or he could choose to fight with them.

On the other side, Professor Yang dreamed that he had won the highest honor in the world, and became the most authoritative and representative scientist in the scientific world in the eyes of the world, and by manipulating the dream, he researched what he had always wanted. Research immortality technology.

On Dr. Gu Xin's side, before he entered the dreamland, he had already learned a lot of homework. He had seen a lot of pictures of scenic spots and food in different countries. After entering the dream, I imagined the photos I saw before going to bed, and began to manipulate the dream with brain waves, so that I arrived at a country that I had no time to go to, but I really wanted to go, and I ate local delicacies.

Everyone arrived in the meeting room the next day, discussing what they dreamed about yesterday, and even Su Zhan joined the discussion team.

In this way, everyone can control their dreams every night and dream what they want, but this may cause many people to get rid of reality and constantly immerse themselves in their dreams.

Indeed, after the release of the function of the brainwave control headgear, some problems have begun to appear. Many people will wear this headgear to sleep when they go to work, and they are already immersed in dreams. In the world controlled by themselves, they just give up Work, give up studying, and daydream every day.

In less than a week, this function of controlling dreams has been negatively criticized by different classes of society.

Su Zhan is also aware of the seriousness of the problem, but this kind of technology can indeed relieve the pressure of many people's work day. If you can manipulate dreams, you can marry yourself in your dreams. You can also see your deceased relatives, and you can release your pressure in the dream, and you will not be scolded and condemned by the society.

So Su Zhan thought of a two-way strategy, which is to control the use time of the brainwave control system to control the dream. Su Zhan asked Pang Fei to pass through the background system to allow customers to upgrade. If they do not upgrade, it will affect the use. However, as long as the customer upgrades, the time to control the dream is only limited to 10:30 in the evening to 7:00 in the morning of the next day.

Soon the social fishing boat was calmed down, and the problem of the brain wave control system was also solved.

Although there are some minor problems with the brain wave control system, this does not affect people's enthusiasm for using it at all. After all, its benefits outweigh its disadvantages after being upgraded and optimized.

Of course, Su Zhan held a regular meeting as usual.

"Mr. Su, I remember that our company mentioned 6G satellite network before, but the situation at that time was that Jiang Meng's seniors inspected the invisible drone in the future exhibition hall, and thus obtained satellite full coverage technology by accident, although 6G was not realized. , but also achieved a great success, but now we are not the same as before, I think we can start to study 6G satellite full coverage technology!" Pang Fei said.

Everyone was astonished when they heard this, they never thought that this new young man was so ambitious.

0. Ask for flowers...

The reason why the 6G satellite full coverage technology was not successful back then was because of the need for the top satellite technology in all countries. At the same time, on the basis of network coverage and transmission, as well as a series of other aspects, all had to make a fatal leap. And because of this technology, there was even a lot of disputes with heartbeat state-owned enterprises back then, because 5G had been debated endlessly back then, and it was impossible to develop 6G.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a technology that only exists in science fiction movies or science fiction novels, and its outrageous degree is almost the same as anti-gravity technology.

However, Su Zhan has realized the anti-gravity technology for a year now, which gave Pang Fei the courage and confidence. What the newborn country needs now are people who dare to come up with ideas

This passage of Pang Fei also made Professor Zhou, Professor Yang and others think of the time when 6G technology was not supported.

Now that Pang Fei put forward this idea, everyone's fighting spirit is instantly high. If 66 can be researched now, it will be enough to cause a sensation in the whole world!

"Pang Fei, you need to know that satellite communication requires the establishment of a base station, and what 6G needs to do is to cover other areas that the base station cannot cover. It can be said that 6G will be everywhere, but we want to solve this problem. , then it all depends on the satellite, which is equivalent to achieving seamless global coverage, and the network signal can reach any remote village. Medical care allows more children to receive distance education, and such a powerful satellite system can also help people predict the weather and quickly respond to threats brought by natural disasters.”

Ou Yangguang said.

"Actually, Mr. Su, you have already implemented some of the functions of 6G. I remember that you had a technology that not only can be used in remote mountainous areas, but also in the wilderness. I remember that technology is suitable for anti-gravity technology. However, the satellite positioning in it has a certain degree of accuracy, although it is only a satellite function, but I believe that it can continue to be developed and upgraded to become a super satellite mountain!".

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