1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 205 Prepare To Develop 6G Satellite Full Coverage Technology, Funding Is Blocked!

The next day, everyone immediately returned to their jobs and began to develop satellite full coverage technology with all their strength.

Now it is only necessary to find a stable material suitable for artificial satellites.

"I know that there is a material that is very suitable, the material of our research project - CF." Pang Fei said.

"It has independent design technology, and has developed high thermal conductivity, high dimensional stability to heat, and excellent strength, which are much superior to the artificial satellite materials that are often used today."

Everyone has actually heard of this material, but the cost of this material is extremely high, and it requires very high-level artificial satellite technology. It must be realized through accurate calculation and measurement. Therefore, artificial satellites are made of this material. There is a certain degree of risk, and if it fails, it will lose a lot of money.

However, this is the most suitable material for this technology. In desperation, everyone can only make a decision with Su Zhan.

"Oh? CF?" Su Zhan asked.

"This material is currently the most suitable material for our artificial satellite technology. However, its cost, just to manufacture a satellite, according to my initial budget, is about 300 billion. However, this 300 billion investment is worthwhile. It's risky, if it doesn't succeed the first time, then the cost may be higher afterwards." Pang Fei said.

Pang Fei was actually not sure whether Su Zhan would agree or not. After all, this was not a small amount of money. Even though Su Zhan was rich, he also understood that this technology had certain risks, and his preliminary plan, Just try to complete this experiment within three times.

After hearing what Pang Fei said, Su Zhan hesitated for a moment.

In this way, all directions are clear, and the rest are two words——


Throw money!

According to what Pang Fei said, based on three opportunities, the initial investment of this project needs to be about 900 billion.

Thinking of this, Su Zhan asked, "Zero, how about my current income and expenditure-||?"

"Sir, according to your current comprehensive description, your monthly personal fixed income is 300 billion yuan, the income brought by Xinsheng Technology is 200 billion yuan, and the total income for each item is 500 billion yuan. | Zero report.

Hearing the figure of 500 billion, if there were other people around, they would probably stare with horror.

This is not earning money in one year...but in one month!

Earning 500 billion in a month means that more than 17 billion profits will be brought in every day... and it is a real cash flow, a proper income of the richest man in the world!

It is no exaggeration to say that even the richest man in the world cannot compete with Su Zhan. You have to combine several richest men in the world and chaebol families to have such a huge income and financial resources as Su Zhan!

However, 500 billion may seem like a lot, but it actually consumes more.

"The following is the expenditure situation..."

Su Zhan listened carefully.

Dr. Gu Xin's photon replica machine, 20 billion

Professor Yang's immortality technology, 20 billion

Professor Fu's Mars mining ship, 30 billion

Li Shiyan's human body consciousness uploaded, 10 billion

Pang Fei's brain wave control system, 15 billion

Yin Yan's anti-gravity technology, 10 billion

Professor Zhou's light-speed spacecraft, 10 billion

That's a total of 115 billion.

Then there are the big heads like the thinking house and the future exhibition hall... Every time it is opened, it costs more than 10 billion. The thinking house needs to be opened about four times a month, which is 10 billion, plus Su Zhan It is also necessary to equip each professor with a doctorate with a high-end computer, etc., which is tens of billions of expenditure...not to mention the future exhibition hall.

For example, in the middle of last month, because the three project leaders, Professor Zhou, Dr. Gu Xin, and Professor Yang, still had unsolved problems, they needed to disassemble and analyze the three items at close range again, so Su Zhan opened the Once, the number of people entering is a little less, but the observation equipment that should be purchased is still the same, and all must be prepared!

As a result, the original cost of 115 billion, due to the existence of the Thinking House and the Future Exhibition Hall, instantly soared to about 240 billion... 500 billion minus 240 billion, leaving only a balance of 260 billion.

Some people may think that there are still 260 billion?

There is 260 billion yuan every month, which is reserved for yourself, isn’t it good?

But do you want to invest in new projects?

Do you want to deal with the extra consumption of unexpected situations?

Do you want to deal with those bits and pieces of consumption?

Su Zhan's four major departments operate without money?

Does it cost money to mass-produce Dabai robots?

Does the nascent technology run without money?

...In short, in short, it costs money everywhere, and it costs a lot.

The most important thing is that the new technology is 100 billion every month, and the profit rhythm is floating, and it is not possible to reach so much every month... The reason why there are such huge profits at present is because of brain wave control Not long after the system was released, there were also previous sales of mobile phones and gems.

Therefore, after being calculated by Zero, it is finally concluded that Su Zhan's current monthly available amount is about 40 billion.

40 billion is definitely more than enough for Su Zhan. Now that he owns luxury yachts, private jets, private helicopters and even private cruise ships, it is impossible for him to spend such a huge sum of 400 within a month.

This terrifying ability to consume funds can almost catch up with the consumption of all funds in some countries.

Most of Su Zhan's 500 billion funds, close to 90%, are not actually used in the social market, but in the system through consumption.

The system is too expensive.

Top-of-the-line equipment is easy to use, but expensive.

Laboratory materials are always sufficient in quantity and of perfect quality, but the price is twice that of the outside world. (Get Zhao) Opening a thinking house or a future exhibition hall a few times at will is even more expensive.

It made Su Zhan very painful.

But at the same time, it also brings many great benefits to Su Zhan.

For example, if it is all burned to the system, at least the system will not cause world financial chaos... After all, if all 500 billion are used in the market, even if they are all legal sources of the system, it will definitely cause huge damage to the world financial market. The impact of this, because there is only money, but there is no corresponding labor, corresponding commodities, and corresponding resources will collapse sooner or later.

Then there's concealment.

Where did so much mass production come from?

Except for Su Zhan and the people in his department, no one knows, they can't find where the factory is at all? They don't even know from which sources Su Zhan purchased so many alloy metals and made the parts for those projects.

However, it all comes from system gas. .

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