1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 50 Driverless Cars Are On The Market, And Universal Artificial Blood Is Born! [Seeking More

As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing.

When these professors and doctors really experienced Su Zhan's "hypnosis", they really believed what Professor Zhou said: "Mr. Su has mastered an incredible hypnosis!

Some of them also experienced hypnosis.

But far less than Su Zhan's horror!

It is not even an exaggeration to say that any hypnotism is nothing but a small witch in front of Su Zhan's snapping fingers.

"There are a total of 8 colorful channels displayed in front of you now, and you can choose to enter at will." Su Zhan said.

Why are there eight channels?

Because Su Zhan spent 8 billion to buy the authority of 8 thinking houses!

Only one person can enter the thinking room at a time.

Just like Su Zhan gave the Thinking House to Professor Zhou, he will not be able to enjoy any bonuses and benefits brought by the Thinking House... Sending paper and pen to Professor Zhou in the middle, that is also the cost of the Thinking House For the sake of 100 million, let him enter again.

In order to be able to satisfy eight professors and doctors at one time, it simply costs 8 billion to purchase.

Fortunately, this is only two days' income.

I can bear it, I can bear it.

"Then I'm going!"

Gu Xin was the first one who couldn't wait to choose one of the passages and walked straight in.

"I'm going too!"

Wang Xiu was not to be outdone.

The remaining professors and doctors entered it one after another.

In a blink of an eye, all the professors and doctors came to the palace of knowledge in their minds.

To Su Zhan's surprise.

Among the eight doctors.

There are four temples of knowledge that are all St. Peter's library!

And it just so happens that these four are all members of the Mensa Club with IQs over 148.

In contrast, the 800 Hall of Knowledge in Nong Anguo, a simple and honest rural man, is a reading room in the style of the 1980s in Longguo.

At that time, due to the small collection of books, it could not be called a library, but could only be called a reading room... and it was in this old reading room that Nong Anguo started his self-taught career

From the spying, Su Zhan could clearly see that every professor and doctor's face was full of surprise and shock after entering the thinking room.

They try to read and can't stop once they try.

Not long after, when Su Zhan went to look again, he was basically reading with his head down, without saying a word, completely immersed in the ocean of books.

Dr. Gu Xin was different. He asked Su Zhan for a pen and paper, and kept recording there, his eyes shining brightly.

But pen and paper didn't seem to satisfy his ideas.

"President Su, do you have a computer? I want to use a computer to perform calculations!" Dr. Gu shouted.

"Ordinary computers, 100 million each, cannot be connected to the Internet, and the deadline is until the end of the thinking house."

"High-end computers, 300 million each, cannot be connected to the Internet, and the deadline is until the end of the thinking house."

"Top-level computers, 1 billion each, can be connected to the Internet, but they can only obtain information, but cannot output information. The deadline is until the end of the current thinking room."

Su Zhan's mouth twitched when he heard the price quoted by the system.

It seems that in reality, all kinds of materials and equipment can be regarded as cheap if you spend money on them... The real money is spent on the laboratory mall of the super laboratory and the invisible mall of the thinking house!

Hundreds of millions and billions at every turn.

And the duration is short.

In minutes, the 4 billion that Su Zhan distributed on this day is gone.

But no matter how hard it is, Su Zhan (abee) first brought Dr. Gu Xin an ordinary computer.

Ordinary computers cannot be connected to the Internet, and their computing power is average, but it is enough for Dr. Gu Xin... His brain has been developed to the extreme in the thinking house, and his computing power and memory have been greatly enhanced. The computer is simply an auxiliary tool, omitting those processes that require cumbersome calculations.

It is not only Dr. Gu Xin who asks for a computer.

Li Shiyan, Lin Shuoqi, and Professor Yang all hope to be assisted by computers.

Su Zhan simply gave 8 people, each equipped with an ordinary computer.

In this way.

8 billion thinking houses, 8 billion pens and paper, and 8 billion ordinary computers... In one day, Su Zhan spent 9.6 billion!

The cost is indeed horrible.

But the value in exchange is huge!

Just like Professor Zhou, after experiencing the Thinking House last time, the technical bottleneck of regenerative technology ushered in another breakthrough. It only takes one step away to produce "universal blood!"

Universal blood, as the name suggests, is artificially produced blood that can adapt to any blood type.

Whether it is a common blood type or a rare blood type, it is all supported, and the cost is low enough. "The cost is very common... so as to supply the blood needs of many hospitals.

This technology has already taken a prototype, but the reason why it has not been implemented is that artificial blood cannot deliver nutrients to the body, let alone immunity to various diseases and infections... So the hospital At present, the blood is still donated blood without compensation.

I believe that after 100 days of this thinking house, the technology mastered by Professor Zhou will usher in a new breakthrough and discovery!

Facts have proved that Su Zhan's conjecture is correct.

After 24 hours, the thinking room is closed.

Everyone returned to reality.

"Paper! Paper! I want paper and pen!"

The first thing almost everyone wakes up is to quickly find a pen and paper and record the technological breakthroughs they have gained in the thinking room!

In this regard, Su Zhan had also expected it, and asked the secretary to prepare paper and pens in advance to record these professors and doctors.

Not only that.

Su Zhan also specially prepared a big meal for the professors and doctors who had been hungry all day to eat while recording.

"That's right, that's it! Real artificial blood is finally available!"

Professor Zhou suddenly shouted excitedly, "Lao Yang, last time you provided me with the idea of ​​cultivating human cells in nutrient solution and building the human immune system, and now I have used all of them!" 1

"Hahaha, it's great if I can help you! This time I also gained a lot. I finally figured out what is the difficulty of activating the immune system and targeting cancer. My cancer drug will be available soon. !"

Professor Yang was equally excited.

"Old Zhou, Old Yang, congratulations!"

Although other people have also made breakthroughs in technology, they are definitely not as advanced as Professor Zhou and Professor Yang... So while congratulating them, they are still at their desks recording and thinking about something.

"It's good to have something to gain. It seems that my hypnotism was not in vain." Su Zhan laughed.

"President Su, I always feel that it is not perfect enough, can you hypnotize me again? I want to do it again!" Dr. Gu Xin enthusiastically said.

"Dr. Gu, I really understand your eagerness to solve technical difficulties, but this thing has sequelae to the human brain, just like Professor Zhou, it will be in a week!" Su Zhan directly set a time, "In the future You can come to me every day of the week, and I will hypnotize you collectively so that you can enter the thinking tank and continue to study!"

"Of course, if I'm not around, remote video hypnosis is fine!"

The professors and doctors were all excited.

They crave thinking houses too much.

In the thinking room, the flow of time is not the biggest attraction for them...the biggest attraction is the clear perception of their brains, and the feeling that any ability has been developed to the extreme!

So much so that they can now feel that after experiencing the thinking house, their computing power and memory ability have improved accordingly... This feeling of returning to youth and full of desire for knowledge is really too much. Get them hooked!

That's it, the rules are set.

Every week today, eight doctors will come to see Su Zhan to accept hypnosis and enter the thinking room.

Every trip to the thinking house, they have a huge harvest.

For a technical bottleneck that cannot be broken through for a long time, it often only needs to stay in the thinking room for 100 days, and there will be a clue or idea immediately.

Moreover, 100 days is not only enough for them to study, but also provides them with more knowledge.

For example, Wang Xiu.

After experiencing more than 4 trips to the thinking house, he has actually studied intensively for more than a whole year, and the knowledge accumulated in his mind is even more numerous... Later, he accidentally went abroad Learning, the huge knowledge system in his mind, under the casual words of others, Wang Xiu had an epiphany on the spot, and took another big step towards the realization of super artificial intelligence!

Not only him.

There are also Nong Anguo, Gu Xin and others.

They also gained huge benefits in the Thinking House, the huge knowledge system further improved their theories, made them more confident in experiments, saved a lot of materials, money and time, and avoided more detours!

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

In a blink of an eye, four months have passed.

The people of Longguo have just finished the new year, and not long after eating the Lantern Festival, they have embarked on the return journey to continue working and work hard for the coming year.

Su Zhan and Su Xiaoyu also just left the orphanage.

They spent this happy year in the orphanage where they grew up.

Su Zhan sent big red envelopes to the dean, every teacher, and volunteers...Of course, the children are no exception.

On this day, two pieces of good news came one after another.

The domestic driverless car equipped with strong artificial intelligence is officially launched!

At the same time, after many studies in the thinking house, Professor Zhou finally developed a universal artificial blood that fully meets the nutritional needs of the human body and possesses immunity and antibodies.

—New Blood Generation!.

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