1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 55 Domestically-Made Cars Are Booming, And Foreign Countries Are Starting To Fear! [Seek Ful

"I'm stunned!"

"Is there such an operation?!"

"How does artificial intelligence know in advance that people will fall from the car in front?"

"It's amazing... I can't see any clues at all, it's actually directly intervening to slow down!"

"The owner of the video car really needs to thank Xinsheng Technology, otherwise it will not only be a rear end collision, but it will definitely kill several people!"

"I'm just curious, how did Xiao Di predict the whole process? But if you don't slow down, but turn the steering wheel to avoid it, the situation will become very bad!"

"This is a series of magical operations by artificial intelligence, I am completely convinced!"

"It's okay to notice that the car in front is about to drop someone, and it's okay to actively intervene to slow down. The key artificial intelligence chooses to stop. If it doesn't avoid it, if it really wants to avoid it, the little boy is still dead.

"Wow, amazing, really amazing!"

"This is the most awesome operation I have seen in recent years, bar none!"

"With this technology alone, it must be sold out!"

The audience was enraged.

Watching this video made them shudder.

As some netizens said, if there is no artificial intelligence to actively detect, actively intervene, actively slow down, or even not avoid it in the end, but stop at the same place...... No matter what happens in any of these links A problem, at least it's a life!

And if you let a real person try it.

I'm afraid that if you hit it at the first time, you will immediately turn the steering wheel... If you hit it well, the owner of the video car escaped unharmed. He ran over him directly, and at that time... Tsk tsk tsk, it's not the new technology that is on the hot spot, but this accidental fall death that caused a sensation all over the country!

It is precisely because of this period of artificial intelligence's divine operation that all tragedies were avoided.

So the netizens did not hesitate to speak or praise, desperately praised the new technology, 287 and praised this artificial intelligence... Of course, the most practical netizens

They simply have to buy one even with a loan, not for anything else, just for the next time they have a car accident, they will be so lucky to get the help of artificial intelligence!

So far, the word-of-mouth of domestic cars has completely exploded.

All Soviet vehicles have ushered in a wave of new sales orders.

These orders are no longer limited to individuals.

There will be large companies or large enterprises, and they will order 10 or 20 units directly!

The crazy increase in sales has brought orders for domestically produced cars such as BYD to come like snowflakes, and the bosses are grinning from ear to ear.

However, they did not forget to give money to Xinsheng Technology and send more care and greetings to Su Zhan.

At this moment, those consumers and customers are no longer their big benefactors...instead, Su Zhan is their real big benefactor!

"Thank you for your greetings. There is no need to pay back home visits and gifts. As long as you can strictly abide by what I told you before, give more benefits to the public so that more people can drive the new energy vehicles produced in our country. This is the greatest reward for me!"

Su Zhan said with a smile.

He is not short of money.

What is lacking is to change the decadent status quo of domestically produced cars and make the name of Longguo more resounding.

What is missing is to let more people feel the convenience and safety brought by unmanned driving technology.

What is lacking is that it is best to let those bosses and wealthy people who pursue luxury cars also come to support domestic production and let domestic production flourish!

In fact, Su Zhan does not need to emphasize this point.

With the crazy spread and popularity of unmanned driving technology, these topics have filled Douyin, Kuaishou, Moments, Space, forums and other places.

Countless people are talking about unmanned driving technology, sharing some tips about unmanned driving technology, how to use it, how to use it more conveniently, what hidden operations can be unlocked, where is its limit, etc... ...

Self-driving technology is like when wireless charging first came out.

People are full of great interest in it!

For example, when you go out, you don’t need to go to the underground garage, you can directly use one-key summoning, “Suche” can accurately find you in the complicated urban road conditions, and automatically open the door to invite you to get in the car.

Then when you arrive at the entrance of the shopping mall, you don’t need to go to the underground garage, just get off at the entrance, use one-key parking, the Su car will automatically find the nearby underground garage, help you find the parking space accurately, and reverse the car into the garage to ensure that it will park It's so straight that even the driving school instructors can't find any faults.

When you are tired from shopping in the mall, go straight downstairs and carry your things to the intersection. When you arrive, Su Che has already opened the trunk and door, waiting for you for a long time

Of course, the most important thing is that you don't need to move at all during the whole process, you don't need to pick the steering wheel, you don't need to change gears, you don't even need to press the electric handbrake...all of these are handled by artificial intelligence for you!

When it rains, it can pick you up precisely.

When stuck in traffic, let it start and stop, and you can play with your mobile phone at ease.

During long distances, you can rest assured to sleep or chat and sing with friends to your heart's content, and even according to the latest "Unmanned Driving New Energy Motor Vehicle Act" issued by the country, you can legally do not need to sit in the driver's seat, just let everyone surround the back and play cards !

It is no exaggeration to say that the driverless car has become a "subway" that can be moved at any time for home use!

Unmanned driving technology, coupled with wireless charging technology.

The two can be described as a strong alliance, a combination of two swords.

It only took less than a month to kill many foreign car dealers, and each of them began to consider whether to transform into other industries.

No way, it can't be done!

What about wireless charging, unmanned driving, these technologies are all only available in Longguo car brand cars... Xinsheng Technology does not cooperate with any foreign companies at all!

That's all.

Do you know how inclined Dragon Kingdom is to nascent technology?

Ordinary enterprises, no matter how powerful they are, the most the country can do is open up its power and give you a little more resources to ensure your healthy and stable development.

However, in order to promote the unmanned driving technology of the new technology to the whole country, Longguo specially drafted and revised and promulgated the relevant laws on unmanned driving technology———— "Unmanned Driving New Energy Motor Vehicle Act"!

After reading the "Unmanned Driving New Energy Motor Vehicle Act", the UP master on Douyin extracted three advantages of unmanned domestic vehicles (abej):

First, any domestically-produced car equipped with nascent technology's unmanned driving technology can be the main driver without a passenger.

Second, all domestically-produced cars that are equipped with nascent technology driverless technology are allowed to go on high speeds.

Thirdly, any domestically-produced car equipped with Xinsheng Technology’s unmanned driving technology, no matter where you go, there is no limit to the number!

Three advantages, each of which is enough to kill everything in seconds.

It is conceivable that even if the country does not subsidize new energy vehicles, how many car owners will rush in and become one of them

Of course, there must be huge benefits for the country to do so.

This point was analyzed very clearly by a Douyin UP master:

"Think about it, why does the country have to introduce relevant policies to vigorously support domestically-produced cars that support driverless driving?"

"Just a little bit, layout!"

"Just imagine, if everyone uses this kind of domestic car in the future, what will happen on the road?"

"Safe! Yes, it is safe!"

"No one runs a red light, no one doesn't obey the traffic rules, no one speeds rashly, and the probability of a car accident will drop to freezing point... With so many benefits, why don't you say that the country doesn't implement them? It's me, I agree with both hands and feet!"

"Besides, once the domestic car boom starts, it will immediately radiate to the whole world. When the whole world uses the cars made in our Dragon Country and uses driverless cars, do you think they can go back?"

"In this way, hey, the lifeline of automobile transportation in various countries is completely grasped by our Long Kingdom, and we occupy all the initiative!"

"Ahem, I can't say any more, besides, I think it will become the second Warwick... But I can tell you one thing very clearly, domestic cars are already unstoppable, and driverless driving is really delicious. You don't believe it. Try it, I guarantee that after you try it once, you will never go back!"

These views, more than one person is saying.

With the crazy spread of Douyin and the support of various national policies, domestic cars are booming, and the name of new technology has jumped to a higher level!

In contrast, other car dealers are more miserable.

The worst of these is Tesla.

With the increasingly popular self-driving technology of domestic cars, the moment when countless people are discussing and eager to buy domestic cars has come, and Tesla has completely become a brand that no one cares about.

Its so-called advanced battery management technology and self-driving technology, at this moment, are in front of the artificial intelligence of the new technology...Tesla's current situation can be described in two words, memories?

It can be said to be a crushing defeat, and he was beaten so badly that he didn't even have the slightest ability to fight back!

It has been a whole month since the domestic car was released.

Tesla has sold no more than 100 cars...there are more than 80 of them, and the owners are asking for a refund!

And the reason why the dozen or so car owners didn't get a refund was because they really couldn't get a domestic car, so they had no choice but to use Tesla first to "make do with it".

"President Su, the profit data of each car dealer has been reported. At present, with the support of unmanned driving technology, the total profit income we have obtained from each car dealer, after deducting all costs and expenses, is a total of 38.6 billion!" At the meeting, the chief financial officer made a report.

38.6 billion, good income, almost catching up with my 10-day income.

"Everyone has worked hard during this period. Of the 38.6 billion, 8.6 billion was used as a subsidy to reward everyone in the company, including factory employees!" Su Zhan said.

"Thank you, Mr. Su!"

Everyone's faces were filled with joy.

"President Su, according to your account, we have already begun to cooperate closely with major mobile phone manufacturers again, and have begun to implant exclusive artificial intelligence chips in each mobile phone!"

"It only takes three months at the fastest, and the new domestic mobile phone with wireless charging technology and our artificial intelligence technology will be officially launched."

That's right.

After letting artificial intelligence handle the automotive field, Su Zhan did not rest, and asked his men to continue to deploy the mobile phone field.

Although Apple and Samsung were hit hard last time, after all, it was only enough power, not enough to hurt their vitality.

So Su Zhan has another wave of news, and continues to attack foreign manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung.

"But Mr. Su, here is some bad news."

The Minister of Trade stood up with a serious expression, "Before you said that you can sell domestic cars to other places, after getting your permission, the major domestic car manufacturers immediately contacted many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and Southern Magnesia, but Only a small number of countries were ecstatic and expressed their willingness to accept it, but most countries were unwilling to allow domestic cars to enter their domestic markets.

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