1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 73 Lightning Rice And Super Farm, It's Done! [Seeking Full Order, Seeking Follow-Up Ord

After leaving this sentence, Su Zhan left.

Ou Yangguang was always puzzled.

No matter how much he knows about the controllable nuclear fusion technology, no matter how fast he researches it, and the funds are sufficient, it will definitely not be done in a short while... Where does Su Zhan have the confidence to be able to say 5 years to get it done?

Feeling puzzled, Ouyang Guangyuan prepared to wait quietly for the arrival of Monday and Monday. As soon as Monday arrives, he can go to Su Zhan's office to find out what the reason is.

"In addition to controllable nuclear fusion, this anti-gravity technology project seems to be good...

Su Zhan went all the way back to the company.

Bored on the road, he read a lot of project proposals.

He basically threw away most project proposals after reading them. The solutions and theories proposed in them were completely ignorant. It was okay to deceive Xiaobai, but it was obviously not so easy to deceive semi-professionals like Su Zhan.

However, among these project proposals, Su Zhan also saw another thing that interested him-the feasibility proposal of anti-gravity technology!

Anti-gravity technology has been featured in sci-fi movies for many years.

Among the sci-fi blockbusters that appear almost every year, there are always some sci-fi movies that will add anti-gravity technology... These technologies used to be regarded as avant-garde in the eyes of the public, far ahead of the present.

However, as more and more movies of 01 are shown, many people feel that anti-gravity technology is very common, and it will appear sooner or later.

However, the actual situation is that no matter how "bad street" this thing is, if it is to be born in reality, it may take a hundred years to happen!

Some people even simply think that magnetic levitation is anti-gravity technology?

Little do they know that there is a world of difference between magnetic levitation and anti-gravity, they are not a thing at all!

The anti-gravity technology project plan in Su Zhan's hand mentioned many points of Su Zhan's interest and doubts, and answered them one by one.

That's why the entire project plan has hundreds of pages... It's almost enough to catch up with a published book.

"Temporarily listed as one of the next meeting."

Su Zhan is ready to have a good chat with the project submitter before making further decisions.

"Boss Su, we're here."

After the driver gave a warning, the vehicle stopped slowly.


Habitually, Su Zhan was about to open the car door.

But at this moment, after he glanced through the window at the floor where his company was located, he paused.

He saw bustling people coming and going, office workers from different companies.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind:

"The new technology has developed to its current size, so why should it have its own building?"

"Just like the Stark Building in "Iron Man", how can you say that Xinsheng Technology is also a national enterprise now, and it is not too much to build a Xinsheng Technology Building!"

After an idea popped up, all thoughts began to be uncontrollable.

What does it mean if there is a building dedicated to nascent technology?

It means that the safety of Su Zhan and the employees of the new life technology will be greatly improved.

It means that all factories, all super laboratories, and all experimental sites can be moved to this building, without the trouble of running around, let alone renting other people's land.

It means that not only Xinsheng Technology, but also Xinsheng Hospital, Xinsheng Investment, Xinsheng Kitchen, Xinsheng Transportation...etc. All companies in various fields can be hatched and born here!

Of course, the most important thing is that it means that Xinsheng Technology has officially become one of the "family with houses", whether it is status or face, it will rise several steps!

"Xiaolan, call all the company's executives and have a meeting in the conference room in 20 minutes!

Just do what you say, Su Zhan gives orders directly.

Twenty minutes later, the executive meeting was held.

Su Zhan made a clear point directly at the meeting: build the Xinsheng Building!

"President Su, I support your decision!"

“Xinsheng Building is very necessary!”

"The current card of Xinsheng Technology should have built its own building long ago!"

Executives, without exception, agree with both hands and feet!

We must know that whether it is Tencent, Ali, Baidu, Rice, Huawei, etc., which big companies do not have their own exclusive independent building?

With the Xinsheng Building, their faces are more radiant, and it is more dignified to speak out... The most important thing is that they don’t need to squeeze the elevators with employees of other companies, and they have more to supply employees And the space for these executives, such as exclusive basketball courts, football fields, gymnasiums, exercise rooms and the like.

"Very well, my request is very simple."

"I just checked, and the tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is 828 meters high, with a total of 162 floors, and the cost is about 1.6 billion U.S. dollars."

"Since this is the case, we will build 999 meters!"

"A total of 199 floors!"

"The cost is more than 5 billion US dollars!"

Su Zhan's mission is simple.

Either don't do it, or do it to the best of your ability!

Taller than the Burj Khalifa?!

As soon as Su Zhan said this, the executives became even more excited.

This high-rise building, this row of noodles, this face....In an instant, it is ahead of those big companies like Ali Xunteng, and it is directly crushing!

However, Mr. Su, the Burj Khalifa was built by Samsung, and Samsung is currently one of the best builders in the world. We previously refused to cooperate with Samsung on wireless charging technology and artificial intelligence technology implantation. Said a more sober executive.


Similar to world-class construction companies, they are basically powerful foreign companies, and Samsung Construction is second to none... I rejected the cooperation with Samsung before, and now I am going to find someone else, no need to ask, the people from Yihan Country His disposition will definitely ridicule and make things difficult for new technologies.

"Don't look for them."

Su Zhan said, "I set up a nascent construction company by myself, recruited enough talents and the most professional team in the shortest possible time, and quickly established a building belonging to our nascent technology!"

If it is said that technology projects can be solved with money, it may not be possible.

Then other things, basically as long as you spend money, there is nothing that cannot be solved!

Isn't that just building?

One word, throw money!

Not good enough architects?

Spend your money please!

Construction team not good enough?

Invite money!

The material is not top-notch?

Spend money to buy! 057

In a word, as long as you have money, you can do nothing!

In this way, Su Zhan handed over the task of forming a new construction company.

These executives, as well as his team of four major departments, will carry out the establishment of the new company... At their speed, plus Su Zhan's heavy investment, within a month at most, the new construction company can Once in place, construction can begin within half a year at the earliest!

"Boss Su!"

Su Zhan, who took care of all this, just returned to the office when there was a knock on the door, "It's me, Lin Shuoqi!"

"Come in, Professor Lin."

The door opened, and Lin Shuoqi and Nong Anguo rushed in with excited expressions.

"What's the matter, Professor Lin and Dr. Nong, seeing how excited you two are, what's the progress of the project?" Su Zhan asked with a smile.

"President Su, may I ask, where did you get the picture you gave us this morning?" Lin Shuoqi asked without beginning or end.

"I got it by accident, what's the matter?" Su Zhan didn't reveal the truth.

After all, the future exhibition hall is too terrifying. Even if it wants to open up, it has to be done slowly one by one... The thinking house was enough to surprise those professors and doctors before, but now it is setting up a future exhibition hall. Believe Su Zhan is hypnotized, not cause?

"In the picture you gave us, there are very important clues, which solved the difficulty in the sequence of the cell gene formula that we both have been pursuing!"

Lin Shuoqi said with a hint of madness, "Nong'anguo's Lightning Rice Project has completed, and my super farm project has also completed!!!".

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