1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 8 Human Medical Repair Cabin! [Ask For Flower Evaluation Votes! 】

"Historic major breakthrough?"

Su Zhan's eyes lit up when he received a call from Professor Zhou.

"Yes, Mr. Su, through our continuous efforts for the past three months, we have reached the threshold of regenerative technology and achieved the initial goal. It can be used to treat skin, bones, blood, organs and other parts that do not involve nerve damage. Complete restoration inside and out!"

"We have conducted experiments on many kinds of animals these days, and they all went very smoothly. Next, as long as we conduct clinical trials on humans, they will all be completely successful!"

"President Su, I sincerely invite you to come and witness this historic moment!"

Professor Zhou was very excited.

Now he is like a child who has done a good deed and is eager to be rewarded by the teacher Su Zhan... in order to get the greatest recognition from Su Zhan!

Of course Su Zhan was also excited.

He thought it would take a year and a half to make any progress, but he never thought that in just three months, a major breakthrough has already been made.

"Okay, I'm coming now!"

Su Zhan drove to the No. 1 Freshman Research Institute non-stop.

Freshman Institute has two.

One is Professor Zhou's No. 1 Freshman Research Institute.

The other is Professor Yang's No. 2 Freshman Research Institute.

If there are other research institute projects to be invested in later, they will be directly named No. 3 and No. 4, so that it will be easy to identify.

"Boss Su!"

As soon as Su Zhan arrived, Professor Zhou had already led a group of research team members to wait outside. When he saw Su Zhan, he immediately saluted Su Zhan.

Su Zhan nodded slightly.

Then, under the guidance of Professor Zhou while explaining, they passed through automatic doors full of sci-fi style, and entered the laboratory of the product developed by Professor Zhou.

"President Su, look, this is the result I want to show you, I named it: Human Medical Repair Cabin!"

Su Zhan saw it.

It was a technological product that was two meters long and looked like a sleeping cabin shown in various sci-fi movies.

The appearance is cool and gorgeous.

The design is quite futuristic.

Su Zhan walked in, and through the transparent shell, he could see that the inside was a space just enough for a person to lie down, and there were many small holes around it that looked like water injection ports.

"President Su, do you still remember when I was talking to you before, I talked about the idea of ​​'companion technology'?"

"This human medical repair cabin is a companion technology in regenerative technology!"

Professor Zhou explained enthusiastically, "We all know that the human body is the result of the continuous division and growth of cells. Once we are damaged, the cells will divide and heal, forming a self-protection mechanism."

"It's just that this self-protection mechanism is very limited. In the face of scars and severe trauma, it is difficult to repair. Even if it is repaired, it will leave certain sequelae."

"So I've been thinking, is there a way to fully repair the human body, and use an artificial thing to replace the cells in the human body to help the human body heal!"

"Now I found it... I named it 'X-62 Nutrient Solution'!"

Professor Zhou took a green transparent test tube from his assistant, which contained a green liquid similar to nutrient solution.

"The X-62 nutrient solution was finally obtained after 62 trials. 62 represents the number of failures. Now it is finally successful!"

"We have done experiments on mice, fish, and primates. As long as they are completely immersed in the nutrient solution and combined with a certain amount of electric stimulation, the X-62 nutrient solution can be instantly fused with human cells. Together, we can achieve a state of comprehensive repair and healing!"

"Look, this is the entire experiment video!"

Professor Zhou handed Su Zhan an IPAD. After clicking play, the pictures in the video began to move.

The experimenters first anesthetized the mice, fish, and monkeys respectively, and then wounded them to make a bloody incision.

Then put it into the human body medical repair cabin.

A large amount of X-62 nutrient solution nutrient solution seeped out from the densely packed holes, and began to fill the entire human body medical repair cabin.

The video fast-forwards directly to after filling.

The human medical bio-chamber starts to pass the rated current.

As soon as the camera turned, it switched to three, aiming at the wounds of the three creatures.

I saw that under the condition of the current passing through, the bleeding wounds on the three creatures were healing quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

There is a timer at the bottom of the video screen.

In less than ten seconds, the wound was completely healed as if it had never been seen before!

"That's it?" Su Zhan was surprised.

"Yes, Mr. Su, maybe you think it's too fast and unbelievable, but this is exactly the scary thing about this human nutrient solution repair technology!"

Professor Zhou said excitedly, "Any trauma, as long as it does not involve nerve damage, pure flesh and blood wounds, can be repaired extremely quickly through the special X-62 nutrient solution!"

Su Zhan now understands why Professor Zhou said that this is a historic breakthrough.

Regenerative technology.

It is a regenerative technique for repairing flesh and blood, limbs, and damaged nerves... and now Professor Zhou has completed its first stage, flesh and blood restoration!

It is conceivable that once this can be applied to the outside world, how shocking it will be!

The so-called scar revision surgery, no longer exists.

You only need to soak the human body in it, and after a night of sleep, you will be back to normal immediately!

The wounds in some organs can also be completely repaired by soaking, and there is no need for troublesome procedures such as surgery or taking medicine...It can be healed in minutes!

"Boss Su, now the human experiment is missing."

As Professor Zhou said, he took a knife from the assistant's hand, then held the edge of the knife with his hand, and pulled it violently.

Blood splashed directly from his palm!

"Professor Zhou!" Su Zhan's pupils shrank.

"President Su, I promised you that I would not let you down, and I also promised you that I will definitely make some inventions that contribute to human beings and society!"

"Start with me now, to test the effect of this invention on the human body!"

After speaking, Professor Zhou opened the biological cabin, and then lay down in it silently.

The medical personnel in charge of injecting anesthetic came over and injected general anesthesia for Professor Zhou.

Professor Zhou soon fell into a deep sleep.

The blood was still flowing from his hands.

The X-62 nutrient solution began to inject.

Gradually submerged Professor Zhou's entire body, and mixed the blood into it, making it look like muddy ink.

At the same time, these nutrient solutions were poured into Professor Zhou's mouth, nose, and ears.

The researchers around were not idle either, and quickly began to adjust the parameters of the human medical bio-chamber.

In addition to the X-62 nutrient solution.

These parameters are also very important.

It was all debugged by Professor Zhou and those researchers over and over again... They spent a lot of money for the nutrient solution and these parameters!

So no matter what link is missing, the technology doesn't work.

Soon, Professor Zhou's entire body was soaked with X-62 nutrient solution.

Looking through the transparent glass of the bio-chamber, Professor Zhou is like a human body soaked in formalin, breathing slowly and falling into a deep sleep.

X-62 nutrient solution will not cause hypoxia in the human body.

Because it is full of oxygen.

"Start, first gear!"

The human medical repair cabin started.

Su Zhan stared straight at the wound on Professor Zhou's hand.

When the weak current passed through, the nutrient solution was instantly activated, completely fused with the cells in the human body, and repaired Professor Zhou's wound super fast!

Just less than five seconds.

Professor Zhou no longer has any wounds on his palms.

What disappeared at the same time was the scars on the corners of his eyes that had remained since childhood.

And because of the lung discomfort in his body, he has always had old problems with the lungs!


Accompanied by the green light on the human body medical repair cabin.

"The restoration is 100% complete!"

The researchers looked at the results displayed on the computer and said excitedly, "President Su, we succeeded!"

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