1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 80 Incense! It Smells So Good! How Can There Be Such A Fragrant Meat In The World? ! [Seekin

"President Su, after a month of hard work, we have taken the initiative to support, and the total number of people from various villages and counties who have come to seek support has covered about 30% of the current peasant group in Longguo!"

The president of Xinsheng Agriculture took the initiative to report to Su Zhan all the performance data during this period, "According to the quantity we have acquired and stored so far, the official sales plan was originally scheduled to be released in two months, and now we can directly open it! "

"It's faster than I thought." Su Zhan nodded, his eyes flickering.

Just one month.

With the efforts of the new agriculture and the assistance of the government, nearly 30% of the farmers in the country have planted lightning rice and super farm animals!

How exaggerated is 30% of farmers?

For now, there are 500 million farmers in Longguo.

30%, that is, 150 million farmers are planting and breeding lightning rice and super livestock.

Huge output.

Huge supply.

As well as the short time and low cost, at least 150 million farmers can not only eat the sweet rice grown by themselves, but also eat fresh pork and fresh beef raised by themselves!

As the saying goes, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

No matter how powerful the new agriculture is, it is impossible to rely on its own strength to provide the huge meat demand market of Longguo... nor can it provide unlimited food to so many poor people every day.

Therefore, Xinsheng Agriculture is very wise to choose to cooperate with farmers for mutual benefit.

Farmers get the technical authorization and patent authorization of new agriculture, and can use their rice seeds to plant lightning rice, and then use lightning rice as food to provide chickens, ducks, fish, cattle, sheep and pigs, so as to breed these farm animals in a short time. Either eat it yourself, or sell it to Xinsheng Agriculture.

Not only let these farmers eat as much as they want, but they can also eat meat casually, and even earn more money than before through their own hands. The happiness index can be described as soaring crazily!

And the new agriculture can use these farmers to continuously establish its own agricultural planting bases in various places in Longguo... to magnify the production capacity and supply crazily.

Because of this, farmers don't have to worry about not being able to sell the rice or meat they produce.

After the quantity of their goods comes out, they will all be integrated into the new agriculture.

Then the new agriculture will record, purchase, and then start to transfer to the warehouse for stockpiling, waiting for the nationwide sale!

The original plan of Xinsheng Agriculture was to provide meat at ridiculously low prices within two months, which made everyone scream.

It turned out to be done a month ahead of schedule.

"Okay, let's start today and release the news!"

Su Zhan made the decision.

Within an hour after Su Zhan made the decision, Xinsheng Agriculture officially launched its national sales!

The official sales channel has been opened, and orders can be placed directly online, no matter whether it is retail or batch, there is no problem.

And this news has once again appeared on Weibo hot searches, attracting a wave of shopping frenzy from countless netizens!

"It's started, it's started!"

"Pork for 4 yuan, here I come!!"

"Here's a 100 yuan one!"

"If you don't get free shipping, you won't get free shipping. Anyway, the price alone is already worth the postage price!"

"Beef for 5 yuan, I want to buy 1,000 yuan! Eat all you can!"

"Come and try it for 50 yuan!"

"The price is too cool...will it really ship? Don't not ship it then!"

"Wait for the delivery!"

Relying on the good name built by the new technology.

On the first day of the official launch of Xinsheng Agriculture, the turnover easily exceeded the 10 billion mark, and gradually began to sprint towards the 100 billion mark!

Pork costs 4 yuan a catty.

Beef costs 5 yuan a catty.

At this price, it can still reach this level, which shows how huge the purchase volume in the whole country is!

without him.

Originally, people's demand for meat was very high.

In the past, everyone had to go through nearby vegetable markets or large supermarkets to buy (abcf) pork and beef that cost tens of dollars a catty.

But now the official website of Xinsheng Agriculture can buy it for only one-tenth of the price!

Although there are some disadvantages of not including postage.

But the price has dropped so much, is it still a problem if there is no free shipping?

In today's era when express delivery is sufficiently developed, as long as one party is willing to bear the freight, it means that there is almost no intermediate transportation cost... This is why Xinsheng Agriculture dares to bid such a low price.

Order here.

The warehousing personnel in various villages, small towns, and county towns immediately received orders from Xinsheng Agriculture and began to quickly consolidate the shipments!

Some of the closer ones received pork on the same day.

When they unpacked the meat, their first impression was two words—fresh!

Incredibly fresh!

You should know that ordinary meat is easy to rot or smell without vacuum packaging or special treatment.

Even if it is only a few hours of transportation, it will still cause great damage to the meat.

"The packaging...is nothing unusual."

People didn't find any preservatives or special treatment in the packaging, it was simply the simplest packaging.

But the meat, no matter what else, still depends on the entrance situation.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

As soon as the meat is cooked, the aroma of the meat begins to waft out immediately.

Regardless of adults or children, when they smell this meaty aroma, they immediately feel refreshed... Even if they are watching TV, playing games, or swiping their phones, they are all attracted to them, and their index fingers move wildly.

"Dad, what kind of meat is this? It smells so good!" the little girl asked her father.

"The pork of Xinsheng Agriculture, I just found out that the planting base of Xinsheng Agriculture is near our home. This is their latest pork. After I cook it, you can eat it as much as you want!" Father laughed.

"What's this smell? It smells so good!" After the smell of meat drifted to the neighbor's side, the neighbor's stomach started to growl.


The meat is cooked.

As soon as it was on the table, all the children's eyes lit up.

"Move the chopsticks!"

Everyone immediately started picking up the meat, completely ignoring the other dishes on the table.

When these pork are in the mouth.


"too delicious!"

"Dad, your cooking skills have improved a lot!"

"The taste of this meat.....OMG!!"

"One more piece!"

Everyone seemed to have eaten the delicacy in the world, and that one bite was so satisfying.

"It's really so delicious?" My father also tried to pick up a piece, but as soon as he ate it, his pupils dilated and he nodded repeatedly, "It's delicious, the pork from Xinsheng Agriculture is much tastier than the meat from the vegetable market!"

The wife closed her eyes even more, showing an expression of enjoyment.

"Dad, it's over!"


"I still have rice, but no meat."

The children and their wives all looked at their father expectantly.

"It just so happened that this time, in order to support the new agriculture, I bought 10 catties at one go, and it was only 40 yuan, and it was only 52 yuan including the postage... This is the price of the vegetable market, and I can even buy two catties of meat. I'm sorry!" My father also became proud at this time, "Since you want to eat, I will let you eat until you are full today, and come again!"


"Dad is the best!"

"Eat meat eat meat!!"

The children couldn't be happier.

The same scene was also staged in other families.


"This beef is...absolutely!"

"I've never eaten such delicious mutton. Mom, hurry up and buy more. It's only 5 yuan a catty. It's so cheap!"

"It's so fragrant, so fragrant, I want to eat two bowls of rice today!"

"Oh~~~~How can the meat be so fragrant!"

"Huh? Does this meat have the effect of curing diseases? Just now I had a little cold, but now after eating chicken, the symptoms of cold are gone!"

While enjoying the delicacy, people are also surprised to find that the meat sold by Xinsheng Agriculture is not only delicious, but also has the function of curing some minor diseases.

Some people even found that after eating two meals, their spirits became particularly good, whether it was working or studying, they were extraordinarily energetic!

At first people thought it was just their own hallucination.

But as more and more people say and talk like this.

This statement began to spread wildly, triggering another round of explosions on the Internet!

Just less than three days of work.

Since many people gradually began to receive the goods, and started cooking for the first time, enjoying the delicious food from Xinsheng Agriculture, they all went to the Internet one by one, and began to praise Xinsheng Agriculture without any hesitation on the Internet. Huge praise!

This is not.

The number one most searched topic on Weibo has become #新生农业的肉,妈头很香!#.

The second most searched topic is that eating meat can cure diseases?#.

Just click on it, and you can see that many netizens are talking with their own experiences. After eating the meat from Xinsheng Agriculture, not only did they feel what is called delicacy in the world, but also found that some minor diseases in their bodies were cured without medicine. , and in a state of complete recovery!

It's not just ordinary netizens who say so.

Even some professional doctors said that they have the same situation, and they are still doing research on the meat of the new agriculture, and the results will be available soon.

The word-of-mouth of Xinsheng Agriculture has completely exploded!

All without exception, from ordinary people to the rich and powerful, they are all full of praise for the various meats of the new agriculture.

Naturally, sales exploded again.

The turnover of Xinsheng Agriculture began to skyrocket with a momentum of over 100 billion!

Xinsheng Agriculture has ushered in the great success caused by the technological explosion, and everyone is overjoyed.

On the other hand, the butchers from all over the Dragon Kingdom were all dumbfounded.

"This.....this meat....could it be dragon meat?!"

"Dragon meat is not so fragrant!"

"It's over, it's over, our family's property is completely over this time!"

The butchers were not convinced at first.

But after they tasted a series of meats such as pork, beef, mutton, chicken, etc. cultivated by the new agriculture, they were all shocked!

They produce meat, of course they know what meat tastes like.

However, at this moment, they realize that the meat raised by themselves is not at the same level as the meat raised by new agriculture!

It's only 4 yuan, 5 yuan, and the most expensive meat is no more than 6 yuan a catty.

How can it be so delicious?!

Even Kobe Beef Tenderloin, which is known as the King of Beef in Genguo, cannot achieve this deliciousness!

For a moment, while they were shocked, their mood also fell to the bottom.

Desperately low prices.

Until now, there is still no possibility of stopping the supply of orders.

And it makes them want to eat it and not want to eat it again, it's damn delicious.

All kinds of factors are mixed in... How do they, farmers and butchers, live?

Just when everyone was desperate.

They got a call.

"Hello, I am a salesman of Xinsheng Agriculture, and I would like to discuss with you about farm cooperation.

The farmers and butchers were taken aback for a moment.

Afterwards, ecstasy burst into everyone's face!.

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