1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 87 The Rich People All Over The Country Are Comparing Themselves! [Seeking Full Order, Seeki

Only a few days later, the cancer-killing drug was officially launched.

Unlike the previous method of making public appointments for surgery directly through the hospital, or directly purchasing online, this time Xinsheng Technology adopts a full-payment booking model that combines offline and online.

And at the moment when the price came out, countless people cheered.

"One hundred and ten thousand!!!"

"Fuck, only 110,000?!"

"This is too cheap!!"

"It only costs 110,000 yuan to completely cure a cancer! Damn it!!"

"Excellent value, unprecedented value, cancer is only 110,000 yuan, what is new technology can't handle!"

"Did you see it? It said on it that there is no need for surgery, no medicine, and it will be cured within an hour after the injection!"

"I'll be good, cure cancer in an hour?!"

"You read that right, you don't even need an operation, and it can be cured in an hour? This is simply invincible!"

"How did the new technology come out? Isn't the effect too exaggerated?!"

"What nonsense, book in full, hurry up!"

Ordinary people may come to watch the excitement, but those who really need cancer treatment are very pleasantly surprised. They quickly withdraw money from wealth management products or banks, and without further ado, they directly conduct an online full booking!

The price of 110,000 is indeed not cheap.

But as cancer patients, no one knows better than them how much the cost of cancer treatment is... In "I'm Not the God of Medicine", isn't it a group of cancer patients who can't afford 40,000 in order to survive? A bottle of genuine medicine, but in the end you can only eat a few thousand yuan?

One hundred and ten thousand is a drop in the bucket for cancer... It can't be cured at all, it can only prolong life.

On the other hand, look at the anti-cancer drugs provided by the new "073" technology.

Only 110,000 yuan, just one hour, can immediately kill 100% of all cancer cells, and give you a healthy and happy second half of your life!

In contrast, 110,000 is simply the conscience of conscience, the best value of value!

However, some people also found something wrong.

"Huh? Isn't it 110,000 yuan? Why do I show a price of 220,000 yuan?"

"I'm even more outrageous. After I entered my ID information, it said that I can choose a package of up to 440,000 yuan!"

"I am also 220,000!"

Some people, after entering their ID card information to make a reservation, were surprised to find that the price displayed on the official website was 110,000 yuan, but the price here was 22 square meters!

Some directly soared to 330,000, 440,000...the highest can reach 990,000!

All of a sudden, many people frowned.

What are you doing.

Didn't you say 110,000?

How do you say that when the price rises, the price rises?

But when they carefully read the text next to the price description, they suddenly realized.

"After the big data screening of the new technology, you belong to the wealthy group!"

"Xinsheng Technology is asking for your opinions. The overflow price you pay will be directly paid to a poor people who cannot afford to pay."

"The richer you are, the higher the payment amount will be. The payment amount will be determined according to the assets and wealth you own, and will be determined by the intelligent database of Xinsheng Technology. You can adjust the payment amount at will, but if you are willing to donate your A love, to help those poor people, your name will appear on the list of the "new generation rich people with meritorious deeds" announced by Xinsheng Technology!"

"The list of rich people with new meritorious deeds will list your payment amount in detail, as well as the specific list of poor people you helped...to ensure fairness, justice, transparency and openness, and there will never be any hidden things!

"Also, the more you pay, the more poor people you help, and the higher your ranking on the list will be!"

The explanation of Xinsheng Technology made many people's eyes brighten up.

"Oh! So I belong to the wealthy crowd!"

"It's embarrassing for the certification of Xinsheng Technology. My income is a bit high, but it's not at the level of rich people...but it seems to be a bit reliable."

"Xinsheng Technology is acknowledging that I am one of the few rich people in Dragon Kingdom?"

"My maximum payment amount is 440,000 yuan. This amount is a little expensive, but it's not painful. The intelligent database of Xinsheng Technology is quite trustworthy, hahaha!"

"The list of newly born rich people? This seems interesting!"

After seeing the explanation of the new technology, many rich people will smile and feel very happy.

There are not many rich people in Longguo.

Many wealthy people are relatively low-key, they don't show their mountains and dews on weekdays, and rarely have the opportunity to stand out or be known by others.

Now is your chance.

Xinsheng Technology, that is the number one existence in the entire Dragon Kingdom... Now it can be recognized by Xinsheng Technology and judged as a rich person by Xinsheng Technology. This alone is enough for them to be friends, relatives, Show off in the circle of friends and show off!

That face...don't be so cool!

Not only that.

Once they make extra payments and help others, they can even be listed on the external merit list of Xinsheng Technology. Not only relatives and friends around can see them, but all netizens in the whole country can know them!

Think about it.

Those rich people had some hesitation or hesitation at first, but all of them disappeared at this moment.

"Isn't it two hundred and twenty thousand? Pay it!"

"Just treat my mother's illness and at the same time give our whole family some merit!"

"Five hundred and fifty thousand, what is it? I can save four people, that is a great merit!"

Many wealthy people decisively choose to pay.

"Xinsheng Technology represents the poor, thank you for your love!"

"Later, we will take the initiative to contact the poor and send you all the information and contact information about the poor in the form of text messages!"

"At the same time, in view of your love [please pay attention to find out the mysterious gifts given to caring people by ten new technologies!"

And the mysterious gift of new technology?

The rich were pleasantly surprised.

But these are not the key.

After they paid the money, they rushed to see the list of the rich people with new meritorious deeds as soon as possible.

Not surprisingly, they made the list.

The avatar and name are all recorded on the list and become the object of everyone's admiration!

At the same time, behind their list, there are still a few blank avatar windows... In the future, once the poor people sponsored by them successfully get a new life through these fees, the avatars will be recorded, achieving absolute transparency and openness.

"This feeling...not bad!"

Some rich people immediately took pictures with their mobile phones, took pictures of their avatars, names and the most important rankings, and then sent them to Moments...In an instant, it attracted a lot of crazy likes!

Rich people are happy to see it, how comfortable and comfortable they want to be!

Isn't it just a few hundred thousand?

For them, it is nothing more than earning a few more days, or earning money in a day... But it is really worth it to be able to exchange for the admiration of so many people!

However, this is not the end.

We all know how huge the influence of emerging technologies is.

The moment this list was born, it basically means that the next Weibo hot search has been scheduled... No, in less than half an hour, #新生力德富人标签# will be It successfully ranked first in Weibo's hot search, and there was a small logo with the word "Buddha" behind it.

This "boiling" symbol means that the topic's popularity has exceeded the normal value and reached the point of extreme boiling... Even more simply and straightforwardly, every super-phenomenal topic that detonates the fishing boat will bring There is this boiling word!

Feel free to click in.

The popularity of discussion posts about the list of newly born rich people has directly exceeded 100 million, attracting the attention of more than 10 million netizens!

"Oh!!! The first place paid 11 million?!"

"Too rich, I'll go!"

"The richest man in Jiang Province, no wonder!"

"Kindness, this is the real great merit!"

"The top few are all 11 million, the rich are competing!"

"I don't support other comparisons, but I support this one who has made great contributions to society!"

"Whether you are really rich or not, you can see it now."

"The intelligent database that can be used by new technologies, that is the real rich!"

"I won't believe anyone who brags about being rich in the future, unless he's on the list!"

"The idea of ​​Xinsheng Technology is so awesome, whoever came up with it is simply a genius!"

"I'm only 990,000 and ranked 106th in our prosperous city. Are there so many rich people in small eighteenth-tier cities?!"

When the rich list came out, netizens went crazy.

Currently ranked first is the richest man in Jiang Province, with 11 million yuan in his hand. Excluding his own 110,000 yuan, it means that 99 poor people will be reborn because of him!

The rich people in the next row are basically rich people who can be called famous.

from Guangzhou.

from Imperial City.

From the magic capital.

From deep city.

There are also wealthy people from North Lake Province, South Lake Province, Ontario Province, etc. They are all in the same place... Everyone seems to be in a competition, and no one is willing to fall behind easily.

In this regard, Xinsheng Technology deliberately set an upper limit.

No matter how rich he is, the maximum number of supporters can only be 99 people, plus himself, that is 1100 people.

But at the same time, Xinsheng Technology has also added a little scheming - beside each rich man's head, he specially marked that he is from Jiang Province, Imperial Capital, Magic City, etc.

In addition to the statistical general list, there are other provincial and city lists!

The general list is basically the national list, which belongs to the list that can only be competed by the top richest people in the entire Dragon Kingdom, and it is also aggressively called the "National List" by netizens!

The provincial list is slightly inferior, but it can provide each person in the province with a clear view of which rich people in the province are really caring, and which rich people are "rich and unkind".

The city list is even simpler.

Even a small 18th-tier city has its own city list...Many people quickly searched for their own city through the city list, only to find out that the 18th-tier small city they thought was , there are so many caring rich people!

But these are not enough.

The reason why this hot topic can reach such a boiling point in such a short period of time is obviously that this list alone is not enough.

The cautiousness of the new technology has obviously not been played to the extreme.

Along with the emergence of "National List", "Provincial List" and "City List".

Newborn Technology has created a "City Merit Ranking" and "Provincial Merit Walk"!

The meaning is very simple.

Such as Guangzhou.

Below are cities such as Guangcheng, Shencheng, Shaocheng, etc. How many rich people are there in these cities, and how much money has been paid in total, and these amounts will become "merit index" and displayed on the ranking list... so far Said that Shencheng is so rich, a famous first-tier city, and there are many kinds of big companies, but unexpectedly, the

The number one place is not Shencheng, but Guangcheng!

The same goes for Jiang province.

The number one city is not Hangzhou, which claims to be the most promising and cultured city, but Wencheng!

The ranking on the provincial list has surprised countless netizens!

"What am I talking about? There are rich people everywhere in Wencheng, and they are not only rich, but also loving!"

"Hangcheng will lose to Wencheng, this is something I never expected!"

"I didn't expect there to be Beihu Province! The first place is not Wucheng, but Yicheng!"

"Nanhu Province is the most normal. The first place is Changsha City. The rich people in Changsha are caring, haha!"

"What the hell, didn't Dijing always say that it was number one? It's actually ranked behind Demon City?!"

"The magic capital is number one in the country, awesome!!!"

"The total value of the magic capital has reached 6.4 billion, invincible!"

"Wow, Shencheng didn't even rank in the top ten, it's too miserable!"

Countless people watched the news and frantically discussed the rankings of cities in various provinces.

It can be seen that all netizens overwhelmingly support the new technology.

The higher the total merit value contributed by each city.

It means that more poor people will be helped!

Netizens are happy.

Poor people were saved.

Likewise, the rich get excited too!

There are too many rich people in Long Country.

In addition, everyone is judged by Xinsheng Technology's intelligent database, and a maximum payment amount is set... You can lower the payment, but you must not overpay.

This means that you can't swell your face to make yourself fat, and you can't modify the data as you like in 0.9. It's as much as you want, and it's clear at a glance!

Therefore, many rich people cannot find themselves in the general list.

The provincial list also ranks low.

But the city ranks high on the list.

They decisively took out their mobile phones to take a picture of the city list, and then sent it to Moments: "It turns out that I am ranked in our hometown, and I can still enter the top 50!"

This shot was incredible.

Countless relatives, friends and classmates from my hometown came over to like and say hello!

Being able to rank in the top 50 means that his level of wealth, even if it is not really in the top 50, it will never be so low!

There are countless rich people like this.

Many people have money, want to show off their wealth, and have an urge to show off their wealth... But if you distribute a luxury house, someone will definitely hate you, and if you distribute a luxury car, someone will definitely envy you and distribute all kinds of luxury.

Goods, famous brands and watches will also attract a wave of sayings such as "being taken advantage of" and "burning with money".

But it's different now.

You post a list of newly born rich people, not only no one talks about you, but everyone refreshes their understanding of you and looks at you with admiration, which makes your image in the eyes of the public more qualitative.



Just because this is the list made by Xinsheng Technology!

Just because you can be on the list, you are not simply spending money, but showing love and helping those who really need it!

In an instant, with the appearance of various lists, this trending search was hung on Weibo for a whole day, and it was not until the next day that the popularity finally weakened.

And the reason why the heat is weakened.

It's not that people aren't keen to discuss it anymore.

Rather, a bigger news hotspot has appeared - the news has been tracked and reported throughout the whole process, the cancer-killing drug is 100% effective, 100% kills cancer cells, and it is really like a new medicine.

As the technology said, within an hour, I was completely alive and kicking!

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