1 Billion A Day: Start Investing In Regenerative Technology!

Chapter 92 Anti-Gravity Floating Ball! [Seeking Full Order, Seeking Follow-Up Order! 】

Not only that.

Just silently sneaking into the base and killing the commander is only the most basic function of the stealth drone.

There are as many places where it is so powerful!

Want to destroy the enemy's ammunition depot, but can't find where?

It doesn't matter, with 72 hours of battery life, and the function of absolutely invisible and silent isolation signal detection, you have plenty of time to detect slowly.

Want to go around and overturn the enemy's lair?


Get a few more small time bombs, then use stealth drones to sneak in, and arrange ambush in multiple places... When the right time comes, detonate directly!

Or you don't want to destroy or kill, but just want to collect black information about the other party's leader.

That's easier.

The stealth drone has been following him, is the 72-hour battery life enough to collect?

If it’s not enough, just before the invisible drone’s battery is about to run out, send another invisible drone over there, whether it’s a replacement, or recharged with wireless charging technology, as long as you want to track, you can track for as long as you want!

Even if not on the battlefield.

It only works in the case of ordinary life.

If there is something like bank robbery, hostage-taking, gangster shootout, etc... the stealth drone can sneak into the rear immediately, and give those criminals a heavy hammer!

To sum up, there are too many places where stealth drones are available, too many to count.

If it is said that wireless charging and the birth of artificial intelligence have subverted the way of human life... then the emergence of invisible drones is likely to directly subvert the way of human warfare!

Su Zhan does not support war.

I don't even want to make any powerful lethal weapons.

But out of self-preservation, Su Zhan doesn't mind arming himself more to make himself stronger... If no one dares to provoke the "8-5-3", the war will never start!

Rescue robots are such a weapon.

So are stealth drones.

They can make the enemy fearful, just hearing it is enough to break out in a cold sweat...but they will not be easily thrown into the battlefield.

Even if they appear unstoppably on the battlefield one day in the future, Su Zhan does not hope that this war will cause too much damage and death, and last too long.... Kill with one blow and end in the shortest time War is still the best way to avoid war!

"This must also be recorded!"

"There are stealth drones and super-resolution quantum lithography machines. What is the third one?"

Su Zhan once again set his sights on the third object.

Different from the previous two things.....this thing is floating in a transparent box.

There is no support or traction up and down.

Simply floating there.

Its shape is even simpler, it is a football-sized black ball, which looks like cast metal, without any openings or peculiarities on the surface.

It was really hard for Su Zhan to guess what it was, so he went up to have a look at the introduction.

Just this one glance, Su Zhan's eyes once again released an unprecedented light of surprise!

"Anti-gravity floating ball?!"

The three words of anti-gravity instantly moved Su.

The last time he saw the project plan of anti-gravity technology and negotiated with someone, but because the other party was unreliable, Su Zhan asked his subordinates to find out the real author of the project plan... Unfortunately, the other party was a university student Teacher, I don't have any idea of ​​leading a research team to develop a project, and the project proposal for anti-gravity technology was written when he had the most dreams and beliefs. Later, life was difficult, so he simply sold it up.

Su Zhan persuaded him and gave the other party a lot of conditions that were enough to tempt him.

It's just that the other party said that he wanted to go back and think about it, and there was no further comment after that.

Su Zhan didn't bother to persuade him anymore.

A person who really has no fighting spirit, no matter how much he persuades him, there is no point... Su Zhan is just a pity, such a good anti-gravity technology project, with the other party's academic attainments, research depth, plus his own The funds, the provision of super laboratories and various equipment, and most importantly, the thinking house is a big killer to realize anti-gravity technology absolutely!

Without the leader of the project, the project will be completely stranded and scrapped.

But now there is a turning point.

The anti-gravity floating ball in front of you is the best proof!

The anti-gravity suspension ball can be loaded with a certain amount of objects, and then carried out anti-gravity transportation.

Su Zhan read the introduction carefully.

This anti-gravity floating ball is the simplest means of transportation.

It is about the size of a football, and when opened, there will be an internal space.....to place files, keys, U disks, and some small items.

As long as you set the destination, it can directly lift into the air through the anti-gravity levitation technology, move in the air at the fastest speed, and finally reach the destination and send itself to the recipient.

"Isn't this thing... just another form of express delivery?"

Express delivery is the use of trucks, high-speed rail, trains, airplanes, ships and other large vehicles for express delivery... and this thing itself is a vehicle, which saves the process of human operation and directly arrives at the destination!

In contrast, its advantages are also very obvious.

One is to move in the air with the help of anti-gravity technology, and its speed can reach up to twice the speed of sound.

The second is that it has automatic navigation and positioning, and it moves in the air itself, which is enough to avoid any obstacles that may arise, and to preserve the security of internal files. The most important thing is

It saves you the whole process of delivering, waiting for transportation, and receiving by the recipient, directly and at the fastest speed, and the mission must be achieved!

"With the help of this thing, I can not only research the anti-gravity levitation technology, maybe I can directly manufacture it in reality, and then it will be much faster than rescue robots delivering things!" Su Zhan's eyes flashed.

Even if a rescue robot is used to deliver a courier, the courier must first be transported to the vicinity of the destination through vehicles such as airplanes, high-speed rails and trains... But it can move directly in the air, with the smallest distance, the fastest The fastest speed, the shortest time to arrive, whether you are on the 30th floor or in the basement, it is unimpeded!

Of course, using it to deliver express delivery is simply overkill.

What if it is also included in the war?

A missile that must reach its mission.

Grain within easy reach.

A "carry-on" weapon.

As long as the internal space is large enough, the value it can create in minutes is far beyond imagination!

"System, give me a set of all observation and recording equipment!"

Su Zhan no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered.

In the next second, a super microscope, a super recorder, a super calculator... and other super observation and recording equipment and instruments appeared in front of him.

He also non-stop began to observe and record "super-resolution quantum lithography machine", invisible drone" and "anti-gravity floating ball".

Su Zhan's time is only 24 hours.

Observing and recording seems to be an easy job, but sometimes you need to disassemble things and unravel every structure bit by bit...Because there may be deeper and more complex hidden under a seemingly ordinary structure Technology is in it, even if there is a slight mistake or omission, it cannot be completely reproduced in reality!

Forget about the anti-gravity levitating ball Su Zhan.

It is too difficult to realize this thing.

However, the stealth drone and the super-resolution quantum lithography machine, Su must make them appear in reality!

Especially super-resolution quantum lithography machine.

As long as it is reproduced perfectly, it means that Dragon Kingdom will completely get rid of all kinds of constraints and sanctions brought about by the AMSL monopoly... Naturally, when facing Stars and Stripes Kingdom

Dragon Kingdom will also have more confidence in business technology!

When Su Zhan was busy in the future exhibition hall.

The outside world is still jubilant over the impact of cancer-killing drugs.

It even made big news because of it.

The first big news is the competition among rich people on the ranking list of newly born meritorious rich people, which has gradually evolved into a competition among the whole people!

Due to the increasing influence of the three lists of national list, provincial list and city list.

Up to all kinds of dignitaries and celebrities.

Down to all kinds of common people.

Everyone is commenting on these three lists, and some wonderful ideas were born because of the lists.

After some dignitaries and celebrities learned that the new technology does not just help the people in the impoverished mountainous areas at will, but specifically selects kind-hearted, hard-working, self-motivated children, students, and adults, their thoughts began to arise one by one. Subtle changes.

We must know that the people who are helped by the new technology are, to some extent, talents who have contributed to society.

For example, there was a senior high school student who was suffering from leukemia and had no money to treat him.

This senior high school student has excellent academic performance, has a tenacious personality, and endures the pain to study... His dream is to be able to take a college entrance examination before he dies, give his parents a satisfactory answer, and repay their parents for all these years. The grace of my own upbringing.

With the support of a wealthy man from Beihu Province, he successfully injected cancer-killing drugs, gained a new life, and his academic performance rose again. It's so easy... so that it directly appeared on the news hot search and became a role model for countless people to learn from!

And the rich man from Beihu Province is extremely proud of this, and he will mention it wherever he goes: "Look, this seedling of Tsinghua University and Peking University is sponsored by me! When he is admitted, what kind of Yale and Harvard will he really be able to get into? All inclusive!"

In this way, a wave of rich circles was suddenly brought about.

Since the rich can't choose their own funding objects, they can only rely on the new technology to randomly arrange them...so the rich are very happy to be arranged for cancer-stricken talents like senior high school students, and show off in various ways in the circle. , and took the initiative to win him over to the company to help him.

The rich man who was assigned to ordinary people was a little frustrated, and he prayed quickly, hoping that the next one could sponsor a talent who could be admitted to a key middle school, or a talent who could make a big difference.

Don't tell me.

There are really rich people praying in place.

A doctoral student, because his father was seriously ill, his family was heavily in debt, and there was no one to borrow, but at this time, he found out hereditary cancer himself. Can't get it out... When he was extremely desperate, the staff of Xinsheng Technology called him and said that he could provide him with financial assistance, and he quickly agreed.

Then he was classified as a sponsor of a rich man in your province... The rich man in your province was as happy as he was, so he contacted him personally.

Since he is a doctoral student himself, a typical talent, he just finished the civil service examination.

He has real talents and learning, and the rich man in Guizhou extended a little helping hand behind him and gave him a little push, so that he not only regained his new life, but even walked directly on the road of prosperity!

The most important thing is that the wealthy man in Guizhou Province learned that his father was also seriously ill, so he paid his father's medical expenses without saying anything to ensure his father's recovery.

In this way, a good story became.

The fate of a period of life has changed.

These two things make more rich people all

Choose to follow the trend..... One after another, they have increased their payment amount on the list of newly born meritorious rich people.

Those who contributed only 990,000 in the past have soared to 2.09 million now!

In the past, I only tried to contribute 2.09 million, but now it has soared to 6.05 million!

There are even rich people who only paid 110,000 before and felt that they were not very valuable. They instantly increased their quota and paid 11 million in one go!

With Xinsheng Technology, the biggest "talent intermediary", the rich not only earn fame, merit, and love, but also bring benefits to themselves and recruit talents...

It's more than one arrow!

The high-level people compared each other, showed off, and set off a wave of funding throughout the country. This was the first big news.

The second news was even more explosive.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

Regardless of whether they are cancer patients or not, people in Longguo are very happy because of the cancer-killing drug... On the other hand, those foreigners who tried to inject the cancer-killing drug were all worried.

Sad face, very sad.

If you have the nationality of Longguo and are a national of Longguo recognized by the authentic country, applying for cancer-killing drugs is just a matter of clicking on the official website of Xinsheng Technology and paying the full amount.

But if you do not have Longguo nationality and belong to a foreigner, then I am sorry, your process will be more complicated and troublesome!

Want to inject cancer-killing drugs?

no problem.

First fill out a form and send an application to the National Institutes of Health.

If you want to ask why you have to apply to the health center for the injection of a cancer-killing drug, Xinsheng Technology will answer you very politely, because you are a foreign friend, Xinsheng Technology wants to protect you.

3.1 To verify the rights and interests of foreign friends, the whole process must be carried out under the supervision of the state.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, their new technology can't afford it.

No way, then fill out the form.

Completed, submitted, and applied... The response from the National Institutes of Health is also very fast, and you can be contacted almost on the same day.

But this connection is not enough.

Do you want to receive treatment from Longguo Hospital?

Then you have to make an appointment first.

Let's make an appointment.

By the way, I am very enthusiastic to tell you that your medical insurance is foreign, not Longguo medical insurance, and the price may be more than 110,000, which will be more expensive.

But these are just small things.

The real big move is that after the health center learns your personal information and detects that you have property in the Stars and Stripes Country, Root Country, etc., it will consider that you have not given the Dragon Country’s economic benefits.

If you refuse to guarantee your medical treatment on the grounds of making any contribution, you need to find a higher-level relevant department and apply to them!

The gringos are all anxious: "How can your Dragon Kingdom treat us international friends like this?"

The other party's answer was also very elegant: "Oh? Really? But you also treat our Long Kingdom friends like this.

The gringos were collectively confused.

As the national officials said, whether you go to Canada, the Stars and Stripes, or the Root Country to see a doctor, not only the various expenses are sky-high, but also because you are from the Dragon Country,

Need to go through a series of tedious and complicated procedures!

It is no exaggeration to say that if you have no money, going abroad to seek medical treatment is basically the same as throwing money into the stove like crazy.

In the past, the Dragon Kingdom had nothing to do about it.

Now the situation is reversed.

As the saying goes, treat the person in the same way as the person.

The Dragon Kingdom is just treating these foreigners with the attitude that foreign countries have always treated the Dragon Kingdom people... that's all. .

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