“Mr. Pux, you have put on a posture that shocked countless people this time… Bigger than any movement my nascent technology! ”

Su Zhan said with a smile, “But you guys are a little unkind, such a big thing is not called our Dragon Country, it’s really a bit unreasonable!” ”

“No, no, no, it has nothing to do with me, how could I make such a big decision alone? And we have always been the friendliest partnership with Xinsheng Technology, you must not treat me and me as bad people! Pux teased, “They did it all, and it was all their idea… But Mr. Su, do you think their idea is okay? ”

“It should make you feel a little bit of pressure, right?”

Pux’s words were released by Su Zhangong, and everyone could hear them clearly.

Therefore, the faces of many ministers became not very good-looking, and their eyes gradually sank.

This Pux… Don’t be face-to-faced!

“If it’s just to this extent, I’m afraid it’s not enough to put pressure on me.” Su Zhan said, “But to make Mr. Pux so painstakingly and thoughtfully targeting me, against the nascent technology, and even against the Dragon Country… I am deeply honored! ”

“But your purpose must not be as simple as just making me feel a little stressed, right?”

“Let’s get straight to the point, what do you want?”

A big stone hung in the hearts of all the ministers.

They have begun to quickly make all kinds of speculations in their minds.

But if you let them guess now, there is no doubt that there must be a common answer: nascent technology!

As it turned out, they were right to guess.

“Okay, okay, I won’t waste any more time with you Mr. Su.” Pux’s tone began to become fierce, “Mr. Su, your nascent science and technology have recently given birth to too many inventions, and after studying these inventions, many of these inventions have been found to have exceeded the current scientific and technological ceiling of human beings… If it’s just one or two pieces, we can think it’s a coincidence, but it’s too much! ”

“So considering all factors, we have every reason to doubt whether you have obtained some scientific and technological information beyond human civilization through some channels that outsiders do not know?”

“Such as… Got the alien lost technology? ”

Pux’s words surprised Su Zhan’s heart, as if he had expected it, and he had long expected this day.

There are indeed too many technologies that have come out with nascent technology.

Even if the time spans nearly two years.

But everything shocked the world, shocked everyone, aroused unprecedented huge attention, and also brought earth-shaking changes to people’s lives… As Pux said, once or twice is a coincidence, three times four times five times, then it is not a coincidence!

As the most interested in aliens.

They also firmly believe that there must be unknown life in the universe, and technology must be far ahead of the human Stars and Stripes, and they naturally attribute the credit of these technologies to the three words “aliens”.

After all, in the science fiction movies they shoot, the alien theme has never been broken, and with the development of science and technology, the richer their imagination will be… No, it has already been applied to Su Zhan’s body.

“Mr. Pux, I am very grateful to you, and your companions, for their high recognition of all the technologies that I have created and invented… Even alien technology has come out, Mr. Pux, I really admire the imagination of your Stars and Stripes people, it’s really amazing! Su Zhanlian clapped his hands and laughed, “And this kind of words will come out of the mouth of a national leader… Mr. Pux, from now on, you are my idol! ”

The ministers of the Dragon Kingdom all smiled.

Aliens can say such things… It’s outrageous indeed.

“Don’t you admit it?” Pux said.

“Anyway, I now say that these are all developed by me investing in research, spending countless money, countless manpower and material resources… You won’t believe me, so what if I admit it? What about not admitting it? Su Zhan’s eyes flickered.

“Mr. Su, you don’t have to play this mental game with us, we have analyzed you from all aspects, the nascent technology, and the technology invented by the nascent science and technology from many angles… Believe that our conjectures did not arise out of thin air. “If you do get alien property, it can’t be your personal thing, and certainly not ours, without clear laws and boundaries.” ”

“However, under the existing laws of many countries, such joint property, even if acquired by an individual, cannot be fully owned by the individual … Everyone else should have shared power. ”

“Especially in terms of intellectual information property, even more so!”

“Mr. Su, we 51 countries all hope that you can make the most correct judgment!”


As soon as Pux’s words came out, everyone suddenly understood.

Dare to love what Pux said about alien technology, it’s all a pretense!

He has only one purpose – to brazenly ask Su Zhan for all the technologies developed by Xinsheng Technology!

As long as these technologies that seem to exceed the level of human civilization are all placed on the heads of aliens, and belong to alien items… Then according to Pux, the new technology cannot be swallowed alone, it must be shared with all countries!

This old fox, who went around in a big circle, turned out to be waiting here!

What alien technology.

It’s pure nonsense.

As long as they are willing, it can be said that these are gifts from God, or blessings from the gods… Anyway, just one statement that doesn’t seem so outrageous.

No wonder Prox unites 51 countries.

He alone made up this kind of nonsense, who birded him?

But what if 51 countries say such nonsense?

That’s a completely different story.

“Mr. Pux, if I heard you right, you have found an excellent reason to snatch the technology that the nascent technology has worked so hard to develop?” Su Zhan narrowed his eyes, “Is this the biggest reason why you have united so many countries to target the Dragon Country and the nascent technology?” ”

“Mr. Su, your words are obviously misleading, we are clearly robbing? Have it? Have we launched force against your dragon country like we did against some oil power? ”

“Is it like assassinating the leader of some organization?”

“Is it like imposing economic sanctions on nascent technology like other countries?”

“No, we didn’t, we didn’t do it at all!”

“It’s the 21st century, and we understand very well that force cannot solve the problem, so we’re making a joint request… The voice of one country in the Stars and Stripes is too weak, and so is the individual voice of each country, so I will bring all the voices of these countries together and make a request to you instead of them! ”

“The technology of the nascent science and technology should not be owned by you, and the dragon country alone… It is a treasure left to us by aliens on Earth, and we should share it! ”

Pux said in a righteous and awe-inspiring tone, “Mr. Su, on behalf of 50 countries, I solemnly request you, please disclose those technologies for the benefit of mankind, we need your help!” ”

The ministers listened stupidly.

Even Long Jianquan shook his head with a smile.


How shameless?

Put this bandit-like logic, bandit-like words, in such a high-sounding tone … The key is not a joke in private or an ordinary person’s discussion, but directly on a major event involving 52 countries.

It can be seen that the 51 countries chose Pukes as the speaker, and they chose the right one… They picked up a negotiator.

It is possible to say that what is black is white, and how glamorous and glamorous it is to say shameless.

Even Su Zhan, who has always boasted that he is capable of blowing, admires Pux’s cheekiness incomparably!

“Technology that shares nascent technology?”

Su Zhan said, “Sorry Mr. Pux, I refuse. ”

“You don’t have to give me the answer now, Mr. Su!”

“We have 100 days left, and after 100 days, I’m sure you’ll make a good judgment… Mr. Su, we’ll see you in 100 days! ”

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