
He was not mistaken.

The contract clearly states that he will be provided with no less than 10 billion yuan every month as the project investment amount!

“This… Mr. Su… I…”

Gu Xin was obviously a little incoherent.

Unlike Professor Zhou, Professor Yang’s excitement is different.

Gu Xin is only in his thirties, and in the scientific community, he is still an extremely young man, which is why he is so crazy and “daring”… Now Su Zhan suddenly raised the original 2 billion monthly funds in his mind to 10 billion, a huge contrast, can he not be excited to the point of being at a loss?

“Dr. Gu, others may think that your plan, your project is crazy and bold, it is impossible to complete, but I believe it!”

Su Zhan said with a smile, “You have all the theoretical knowledge and have an endless interest in this aspect, for you, this project is your lifelong goal… I am willing to help you make it a reality together! ”

“And I read your project plan, all the technology in it, all the technology, requires a lot of money to realize, just the 2 billion you said is only barely enough… So I decided to increase your capital budget by five times so that you can complete all the technology more calmly and faster! ”

“All in all, I’m very optimistic about you Dr. Gu, but don’t let me down!”

Of course, Su Zhan’s investment is not completely unrewarding, all incidental technologies, as well as the completion of the main technology, he will have 80% of the share, while having 20 years of patent autonomy.

However, for this, Dr. Gu, like Nong Anguo, does not care at all.

He pursues the creative process and the pleasure of seeing the world changed by him after creation… As for money, the annual salary of 3 million yuan paid to him by Su Zhan on the contract, as well as the project dividend, is enough for him to eat and drink for a lifetime!

So Dr. Gu did not hesitate and decisively signed this contract.

“Very well, Dr. Gu, next you will become the director of my No. 3 Freshman Research Institute, and you can start to form your research team!”

Su Zhan shook hands with Dr. Gu, “The first fund of 5 billion will arrive in a few days, I hope to see you make results as soon as possible!” ”

“Mr. Su, don’t worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations!”

Dr. Gu’s eyes were incomparably hot.

At this time, Dr. Gu felt that his life had suddenly become extremely lucky, and he had never felt such a huge sense of trust for a moment… Just met once, chatted once, and the other party actually dared to invest such a huge amount of money in him!

So Dr. Koo decided.

At all costs.

Even if he spared this life, he had to prove to Su Zhan that what he said was not bragging or exaggerating… He wanted to prove what a right decision Su Zhan’s choice to invest in himself!


In the afternoon, Su Zhan met Nong Anguo, a humble middle-aged man.

Su Zhan also gave him a contract.

“Every month… 5 billion?! ”

After seeing the amount on the contract, Nong Anguo was also shocked by the solidity.

His previous request was 5 billion a year.

Unlike chip batteries, if you want to realize lightning rice technology, the time required will never be short, and the investment period will be very long… And where lightning rice needs to burn money is not in the farming itself, but in the study of energy consumption and plant gene editing, although these two things also burn money, they are certainly not as exaggerated as other projects.

However, Su Zhan still directly raised him 12 times!

“Brother Nong, I have great faith in your technology and your personality, you can be self-taught, and come up with a project plan with a thickness of one million words, and talk to me for three or four hours and still work tirelessly, which is enough to show that your reserve skills are very deep, so this 5 billion per month is what you deserve!”

Su Zhan took a sip of tea, “I will give you complete power, you can let go of your hands and feet, do it boldly, don’t have to scruples… My only request to you is to get the results as soon as possible! ”

“10 years, 20 years, it’s too long, I think the sooner the better!”

“And I believe that Brother Nong also thinks the same way as me… Therefore, step up your efforts and strive to make the world no longer starve to death as soon as possible! ”

Su Zhan’s words went straight into Nong Anguo’s heart and instantly hit Nong Anguo.

Coupled with the contract of 5 billion, Nong Anguo, a humble man, almost couldn’t hold back, and tears filled his eyes on the spot.

Fortunately, he is also in his forties.

Qiang resisted the deep feeling of being valued and trusted in his heart, and shook Su Zhan’s hand heavily: “President Su, don’t worry, I will definitely bow down and die!” ”

Su Zhan knew that a humble man could say such words, which was enough to show that his belief had been fully established!

Chip battery, lightning rice.

The two Tier 1 projects have all officially set sail.

This also means that Su Zhan’s monthly expenditure has reached an extremely terrifying 40 billion!

But he was still not satisfied.

There are 20 billion left every month… I can’t finish it!

You must know that when there was only 5 billion spare every month before, he was not without swelling, floating, and spending money.

For example, go to the bar to spend millions in one night, and pay for it tonight.

In mobile games, end-to-end games are crazy to spend money, spending nearly 10 million in a month.

Take Su Xiaoyu to various restaurants to charter, eat the freshest ingredients flown in, take a plane to a foreign country to drink the most intoxicating coffee, and even rent a yacht to go out to a party, etc….

However, he spends money very quickly.

But the speed of the system sending money is even more terrifying!

It can only be said that within the scope of Su Zhan’s cognition, he has already opened up his expenses to the maximum, so much so that in the end he even donated a large amount of money to poor mountainous areas… At the same time, in order to make the destination of this money completely transparent and clear, a team was specially hired to supervise the money to build schools, hospitals, roads, etc. for children in poor mountainous areas, and now sixteen schools alone have been built.

Now it’s skyrocketing to 20 billion.

Su Zhan thinks every day about how to spend money to be more meaningful.

It was the day after meeting Gu Xin and Nong Anguo.

Guxin and Nong Anguo have begun to recruit talents, build teams, and make preparations.

And Su Zhan happened to be going back to the orphanage today.

“Brother Su is back!!”

As soon as Su Zhan’s car arrived at the door of the orphanage, many children in the orphanage recognized it, and they rushed out with great enthusiasm, twittering, and a pair of small eyes full of expectation.

“Su Zhan is back!”

The director of the orphanage came up cordially and called Su Zhan’s name as before, “Look every time you come over, you have to bring so many things, and the orphanage is about to be renovated by you like a royal palace, so that now the children are looking forward to you every day, and they dream of calling your name!” ”

“What’s there, a little thing, make the children happy!”

Su Zhan was in front of the dean, without the slightest boss shelf, more like a little brat, he smiled straight, “Okay everyone, start unloading, move inside!” ”

Behind Su Zhan’s car, he also carried several large trucks.

It was filled with school bags, stationery, toys, dolls, books, clothes, comics and the like.

It’s all for kids.

Su Zhan would come back once a month, and every time he came back, he brought several truckloads of things with him… Can children not worry?

“Xiao Jing! Xiao Jing! Look, your face is saved, this is it, the human medical repair cabin, as long as you lie in, you will definitely be able to repair the scars on your face! ”


Su Zhan, who was interacting with children to deliver toys, suddenly heard someone mention the word “human medical repair cabin”, and couldn’t help but raise his head and take a look.

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