At the same time, the other side.


“Mr. Pux, it is a pleasure to work with you!”

“I can even see the ugly faces of those Dragon Country people over the phone… Their expressions must be wonderful! ”

After Pux hung up the phone, in the conference room on the other side, many national leaders laughed on the spot.

The conversation between Fang Caipuks and Su Zhan, not only the ministers of the Dragon Kingdom could hear it, but also the leaders of all the countries present could also hear it clearly!

Two words come to the minds of all countries: shameless!

What a shameless!

This kind of high-sounding to the extreme, to say that it is cheap and sold so justifiably, I am afraid that the leaders of all the countries present do not have this cheeky skin and ability … Only Pux, really said one thing after another, blushing? What kind of stuff is that? Pux won’t have it at all!

But shameless is shameless.

At least their purpose was achieved.

According to the plan, their first step was to make a big disturbance, the kind that was enough to shake the world, so as to force Su Zhan to personally call over to inquire, and then put the purpose and ambition they had prepared and put pressure on Su Zhan… Obviously, the first step was very perfect and smooth, and in the end, it even gave Su Zhan’s side a big dismount!


What they have to do is also very simple, which is two steps.

Step by step, it is natural to hold military exercises of 51 countries that are of great concern to the world.


These two steps are critical.

It is related to the future trend of nascent technology, and whether they can successfully receive a call from Su Zhan again within these 100 days, and personally hear Su Zhan’s willingness to share all the technologies of new science and technology publicly!

In the past, the plans they thought of were too arbitrary and forceful.

And each country fights on its own, no one trusts anyone, and cannot form a strong offensive against nascent technology… This time, they gathered 51 countries to build momentum together, build fishing ships together, and sandwich nascent technology packages together, just to make nascent technology have nowhere to escape!

“How? Am I not wrong? ”

Pux spread his hands like a meritorious person, his face full of confidence and smile, “I told you, the new technology is not untargeted, but we need to be more united… Now we are taking the right approach, Xinsheng Technology cannot take back the lease right of the rescue robot from us for any reason, and Su Zhan must obediently share all the technologies of Xinsheng Technology! ”

“Otherwise, he is not angry with any of us here, but all of us!”

Pux’s words made the smiles on the faces of the leaders of various countries a little deeper.

“However, the alien statement is still a little less rigorous, and we need a more rigorous statement to convince the public.” The leader of the warring country said cautiously.

“It doesn’t need to be that troublesome.” The leader of the Eagle Country spoke softly, “The aliens’ excuses are indeed a little outrageous, but as long as we give enough evidence and enough people believe it, no matter how outrageous the statement, the public will believe it!” ”

“That’s right, one country said that they would not believe it, but two, they would hesitate, if three countries stood up at the same time, they would choose to believe, but more than four countries stood up and said the same thing… Trust me buddy, everyone will believe in it! The Canadian leader smiled.

“Then it’s hard work for everyone here.” The leader of the Nekoku said, “Let this 100-day ‘evolutionary show’ celebrate the technology we are about to acquire!” ”


All the leaders laughed.


Military exercises of 51 countries began.

The scale of this military exercise was grand, the preparation was sufficient, and the ceremony was grand… The first glimpses can be seen on TV in more than 150 countries around the world!

Even the Dragon Country specially prepared a live TV broadcast for this military exercise, and carried out various reports on the front line throughout the process.

It is precisely because of this that on the day of the debut of this military exercise, more than 1.5 billion people from all over the world came to watch.

1.5 billion people watched the military exercises.

This was rare before… After all, there is so much gossip in various countries, and the stars can’t pay attention to it, so how can they pay attention to what military exercises?

But the scale of this military exercise is too large.

It also does not include the Dragon Country.

This immediately aroused the curiosity of countless melon-eating masses, as well as the burning gossip soul in their hearts.

In order to be able to eat melons better.

Find a little clue from the military exercise, fortunately, Douyin, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Tieba and any other large forum to attract a large number of likes and recognition, countless curious people, see that is called a serious!

Not to mention, let them really find the clue.

51 national military exercises.

Naturally, high-ranking generals and leaders of various countries have to attend.

After filming the appearance and role of those new weapons and equipment, the camera naturally shifted to the leaders of countries with the highest attention.

It just so happened that Pux was talking to the leader of the root country.

Just in time, the camera swept to the two of them and broadcast their conversation directly.

It also happened that what Pux was talking about with the leader of the root country was none other than the nascent technology that had recently become famous all over the world and was in the limelight!

After listening to their conversation for less than ten minutes, people’s faces were full of shock!

“Sleeping… Crouch?! ”

“Vozh! Did you hear the conversation between Pux and the leader of the Fighting States just now? ”

“The technology of the new science and technology was not developed by yourself?”

“I rely on, make no mistake, the nascent science and technology is not independently developed?!”

“If it is not the independent research and development of new technology, who else can invent it?”

“Pux is funny, right? What evidence does he have that it is not independently developed by Nascent Technology? ”


People were stunned.

In the conversation between Pux and the leader of the root country, he not only mentioned the miraculous inventions of the new technology that transcended the times, but also made an unexpected point of view on these magical inventions… According to Pux, scientists in the Stars and Stripes have carefully studied many technical products of nascent technology, and the various structures and module technologies inside have exceeded the limits that human civilization can currently reach, and it is almost impossible for humans to invent.

At the same time, there are many auxiliary technologies in addition to the main technology, and any one is proposed at random, which is enough to cause a sensation in the world.

Therefore, Pux bluntly said that scientists in the Stars and Stripes countries judged that the technology of the nascent science and technology may not be independently developed, with the help of other external forces.

Who is the external force, he did not say … But on this point, it has already made countless people explode.

“Mr. Pux, how is that possible? Our root country also cooperates with nascent technology, and their technology is very clear to us, whether it is researchers or technicians, they know their technology well… And besides them, there is no second company in the world that can come up with technology comparable to them. The leader of the root country asked what everyone wanted to say.

“Yes, I thought so too, but then the Stars and Stripes scientists gave me enough evidence that I had to start believing.” Pux said, “If I have the opportunity, I would like to share this evidence with you, and I believe you will be as surprised as I am.” ”

At this point, the content of the dialogue between the leaders of the two countries about the new science and technology fell, planting a seed of extreme curiosity and impatience in the hearts of countless people… And they no longer talk about the topic of nascent technology, but talk about other national trends, as if they did not mean to mention new technology, but just mentioned it.

However, the majority of people no longer have the heart to listen to the two of them pulling the calf.

All started on social networks, bombarding and generally began to talk about the independent research and development of new technology!

“Here they go.”

The ministers of the Dragon Country are also watching the live broadcast at this moment, and after listening to the conversation between Pux and the leader of the Root Country, they clearly realized that this is the next plan of the 51 Country Military Exercise.

They just want to take advantage of the super high attention set off by the 51 national military exercise, convey all the information they want the public to know, and directly muddy this pool!

It is clear to all that this is just the beginning.

The next highlight is the negative press against the nascent technology… With the urine sex of 51 countries, it must be a topic more exciting than one, in these 100 days, the audience who want to eat melons in various countries will definitely be able to eat refreshed and eat enough!

As they expected.

On the second day of Pux’s conversation with the leader of the root country, there were some very authoritative whistleblowing agencies and experts in the Eagle Country who released a transaction list on the Internet about the new technology that had purchased various prohibited materials with international channel providers, which directly caused an uproar among countless people and set off an uproar!

It is written very clearly on the transaction form.

Most of them are prohibited materials, not only in the Dragon Country, but also in foreign countries… But the new technology has entered a lot in one go!

And that’s just the beginning.

On the third day, new rumors flowed.

This rumor is not supported by any evidence, but it says that Xinsheng Technology once purchased a meteorite abroad… Among meteorites, there is unknown alien technology!

Alien technology four words out.

As you can imagine, it was like dropping a nuclear bomb on the plain and blowing up the pot again!

Day Four…

Day 5…

Day Six…

Every day there are rumors.

Every day there are revelations.

Every day there is all kinds of gossip, certain, uncertain, exaggerated, outrageous, realistic, evidenced…

There are different ingredients in this.

But a little summary shows that the negative ones account for the majority, and the positive ones account for only a few departments.

Crucially, these materials do not come from one country.

It is reported from all angles in multiple countries, multiple channels, multiple social networks, and multiple media!

Some news is likely to only appear in newspapers in very small countries… But it was still dug up by powerful media and made public, arousing the attention of countless people!

After a month of fermentation and attention.

Countless people have heard a clearly ten separate spectrum, but there are many evidence supports, as well as many authoritative confirmed views – the technology of the new technology is indeed independently developed, but it is researched on the basis of the discovery of alien technology!

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