Ranked here has included all the world’s military strength, the most developed scientific and technological strength, the most advanced countries.

However, no country, including the Stars and Stripes, was severely “sanctioned” by the bunch of stealth drones occupied by the Soviet Union!

To some extent, Su Zhan is equivalent to mastering an indescribable super killer.

It is conceivable that once Su Zhan really wants to go to war in the future, under the premise that nuclear weapons are not available, these invisible robots and rescue robots will become super lethal in the war, making them unable to cope at all!

“Mr. Su, your drone is too powerful, just now you said that this is only the first project of today’s military exercise, so what is the second project?” Miao Zhiyao asked curiously

And it was precisely because of her inquiry that the leaders of various countries, who were already deeply shocked, breathed again, their hearts jumped suddenly, and the big stone hanging in their hearts suddenly mentioned their throats and eyes!


This is just the first military exercise project of today’s evacuation, and he has a second one that has not been released!

And the first one is already so powerful, then the second one, you can imagine how perverted it is!

“Coming, coming, the second one is even more powerful!”

“The first stealth drone is strong like this, outrageous to death, then the second one is not going to the sky?”

“I bet that with the urine nature of the nascent technology, the second must be at least ten times more awesome than the first!”

“Good, good, good, what I want is this effect, the first one has shocked many foreigners, and the second one comes out, I see if those foreigners dare to underestimate our Dragon Country!”


The people of the Dragon Country are all highly concerned and looking forward to it at this moment, and they can’t get excited one by one.

No way, before they have always been in a state of suppression, ridicule, despise and ostracism from various countries … New Technology has suffered criticism and speculation from countries around the world, resulting in the original good company image of New Technology being smeared a lot.

Therefore, all the people of the Dragon Country held their breath in their hearts, waiting for Su Zhan to be able to take this evil breath out for them!

The first wave of stealth drones can be regarded as giving all countries a fierce dismount.

This second project, undoubtedly, will definitely knock all countries directly down!

What about the fifty-one alliance?

And what about hundreds of warships?

And what about all kinds of artillery provocations in the border sea sphere?

Soon they will be able to see what is called the true strength of the Dragon Country!

In contrast, the gringos are not so excited and friendly.

“Oh my God, I almost forgot, this is just the first project!”

“Damn, there’s a second project waiting for what the hell is the second project? It won’t be more exaggerated and powerful than the first project, right? ”

“I’m already starting to be a little afraid, any technology can be suppressed until the fifty-one alliance can’t raise its head, as long as there is another one, who can resist?”

“Who can say it’s not alien technology? It’s all perverted to this point, if it wasn’t for alien technology, how could it be achieved? ”

“The new technology must rely on appearance technology to have such a thing, otherwise it is impossible to create it, how can human science and technology progress be so rapid?!”

“It’s over, even if you know that it is alien technology, it is useless, nascent technology has risen with the help of invisible drones, if you add the help of rescue robots, no one will be the opponent of the Dragon Country in ordinary war!”


One by one, the gringos sighed and shook their heads.

They have seen the power of stealth drones and how powerful they can be once they are put into battle.

And this is just the first project of today’s Longguo military exercise, an appetizer.

The next second project is a blockbuster, I’m afraid this heavy will be far beyond their expectations!

As it turned out, their judgment was correct.

“The first project is not strictly a weapon, so in order to fit into the project of today’s military exercise, the second is the real weapon, and it is also the first scientific and technological product developed for the purpose of war among so many scientific and technological products created by new science and technology.”

Su Zhan said, “Of course, if it were not for the last resort, we would never be the first to use it, because the strength it can bring is beyond my estimation.” ”

Su Zhan’s words made the hearts of all the leaders of all countries tighten.

All their fears came true.

Haven’t some people been wondering whether the nascent technology will produce technological products used in war?

Especially when the rescue robot comes out, some people say that the rescue robot is not used in rescue at all, but is specially produced to prepare to be put into the battlefield of super weapons, but currently in the form of rescue, once needed, rescue robots can land on the battlefield at any time, and bring a huge role in subverting the war situation!

Well, now it’s not just rescue robots, but also stealth drones.

And in terms of danger, the danger level of stealth drones is more exaggerated than that of rescue robots.

And that’s not all.

Su Zhan actually thought that rescue robots and stealth drones were not weapons … His real battlefield weapon is still behind!

“What kind of weapon is that?” Miao Zhiyao’s eyes were full of curiosity.

“Weather weapons!”

As soon as Su Zhan’s words came out, the leaders of all countries looked helpless, or leaned back in frustration, covered their foreheads, and closed their eyes.

It’s over, it’s completely over now.

Not only weapons, but also meteorological weapons!

How could they, as the leaders of the country, not know what meteorological weapons were?

So far, except for the two major military countries of the Stars and Stripes and the Fighting State, the rest of the countries have not achieved much achievement and effect in meteorological weapons, and they have not even been able to get a decent finished meteorological weapon.

But they can be very sure that being able to be officially obtained by Su Zhan on this occasion must be more powerful than imaginable!

“Weather weapons?” Miao Zhiyao looked puzzled, obviously she didn’t know much about weather weapons.

“Weather weapons are powerful weapons that can change the weather and change nature, for example, if I now want the next rainstorm in the enemy’s area to disable some of their weapons, then I can directly fire the weather weapon at the sky area where they are located, so as to guide a heavy rain to fall.” Su Zhan explained, “This is a meteorological weapon, to put it more clearly, it is actually to manually intervene in nature and let nature produce the effect it wants.” ”

“So it is… So what aspect of meteorological weapons did you mainly study? Miao Zhiyao asked.

“Today we are above the ocean, and of course the meteorological weapon I am about to launch is specifically aimed at war at sea.” 苏占目光闪动,“好了,我说再多,也形容不了气象武器的神奇,还是让你,以及所有人都好好看一下气象武器的演示。 ”


This sentence uncontrollably caused the mood of the leaders of various countries to fluctuate violently.

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