“What did you just say?”

“Su Zhan actually promised the Eagle Country Combat Country and their countries to share technology with them?!”

In the office, Pux, who had just heard the report of the secretary to the prime minister, suddenly stood up from his chair in shock, his eyes widened, and he looked skeptical.

“Yes, Mr. Leader, this is the secret news that our intelligence bureau has just learned, Su Zhan has secretly contacted the leaders of many countries such as the Fighting Country, the Eagle Country, and the Enamel Country, and promised them that the first batch will share the human medical repair cabin technology, unmanned technology, and chip battery technology!” The secretary wiped the sweat on his forehead, “And it was agreed that the second batch will share wireless charging, satellite network technology!” ”


Pux was tempted to vomit blood.

No wonder the propaganda offensive of these countries has been much weaker recently, and even directly let the media change the direction of the fishing ship, which means to say good things about the nascent technology… Pux thought it was their “scheme”, but it turned out to be engaged in for a long time, it was not a Laoshi sub-scheme at all, it was all bribed by Su Zhan!

Key Pux also felt… If it is him, I am afraid that he will also be bribed without hesitation!

The Fifty-One Alliance existed in name only.

From the moment Su Zhan took out the stealth drone, Pux knew that it was almost impossible to make the Dragon Country, let the nascent technology, and make Su Zhan submit with the powerful deterrent power established by the Fifty-One Alliance.

But he still harbored a hint of illusion.

Trying to use these days to build out, the technology of nascent technology comes from aliens, alien technology should be shared by all mankind, and unite many countries to continue to force new technology.

After all, the deterrent of military armed forces is gone.

There is also the deterrent power of economy and trade.

and deterrence in the flow of talent, cultural dissemination, etc.

As long as the Fifty-One Alliance remains, these deterrents can still have a good impact.

Now, however, he has given up hope entirely.

Because someone has already defected and mutinied!

And the sweetness given by Su Zhan is simply too big to refuse!

Those countries originally agreed to the Stars and Stripes countries to lobby more countries together and form a fifty-one alliance in order to acquire new science and technology.

Now their purpose has been achieved.

Why waste time and energy doing things?

“Can you find out how many national leaders have been in close contact with Su Zhan?” Pux forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and asked.

“There are about 13.” The secretary said cautiously.

“GAD!” Pux held his forehead, no longer knowing what to do.

He had even begun to imagine that after Su Zhan used those advanced technologies to “bribe” other countries, he formed a super-state alliance headed by the Dragon Country, and then engaged in the Stars and Stripes Country in turn!

Although this one may be small… Because the Dragon Country has always focused on peace and has always advocated friendship and win-win results.

But Su Zhan may not be!

Now Su Zhan’s ability has reached an unimaginable point, if he wants to do something… Even the Dragon Kingdom may not be able to stop him.

Such as this wave.

The one who communicates with the leaders of various countries is not Long Jianquan, nor any of the national ministers of the Dragon Country, it is precisely Su Zhan himself!

Once Su Zhan wants to do something, maybe he will do it directly without the consent of the top level of the Dragon Country.

“Give me access to the leaders of these countries, and I’m going to talk to them.”

For now, nominally these countries are still allies of the Fifty-One Alliance, and Pux still intends to find an opportunity to win over and see if there is room for redemption.


Pux was desperate.

“Mr. Pux, I know very well that our Eagle Country and the Stars and Stripes Country are inseparable allies, but please believe that the nascent technology is friendly, Su Zhan is friendly, we are all members of the human family, and we should work together to win, right?” The words of the leader of the Eagle Country made the corners of Pux’s mouth twitch, and he gritted his teeth for a while.

The leader of the Eagle Country clearly intends to curry favor with both ends!

He also wants to continue his alliance with the Stars and Stripes.

I also want to restore the friendship with the new science and technology, and get the technology promised by the new science and technology… It’s so doggy!

“Mr. Rhodes, I very much agree with what you said, win-win work is the biggest goal, and it is also the highest ideal we pursue together… But don’t forget, the people of the Dragon Country are very cunning, and Su Zhan is even more cunning! “My intelligence department has reported that in addition to the Eagle Country, Su Zhan has promised the leaders of 12 other countries to share those technologies!” ”

“I know that you are willing to make certain compromises for those shared technologies, but don’t you forget that with the iterative speed of nascent technologies, they will be willing to share the latest, most advanced, and most perfect technology with everyone?” Pux beguiled, “We all know that such invisible rules and loopholes have been applied for a long time, so how could the cunning Dragon Country people not do this?” ”

“Once the technology they give you is backward, then you will still be restrained by the new technology, and you still have to recognize his advanced status, and the current situation is still irreversible!”

“Also, Xinsheng Technology just promised you to share human medical repair cabin technology, wireless charging technology, chip battery technology, etc… But he never mentioned the most critical rescue robot technology, as well as stealth drone technology! ”

“That’s the most important thing, isn’t it?”

“As long as the nascent technology does not share this type of technology, the threat of the nascent technology to everyone still exists, and it is very strong!”

“Or maybe Su Zhan just gave you a verbal promise, and the day when it will really be practiced, I don’t know when it will come… Because the people of the Dragon Country are naturally cunning existences! ”

“So Mr. Rhodes, please think carefully… At the same time, please believe me, I don’t plan to use the policy of softness anymore, it doesn’t mean anything to Su Zhan, he is an opponent who must use hard power to solve, so on behalf of the Stars and Stripes Country, I will also officially send an ultimatum to Su Zhan! ”

“Now we need you very much, Mr. Rhodes, and your joining means a lot to us!”

Pux deserves to be the leader of a country.

Make the stakes clear.

Let Rhode on the other end of the phone also keep nodding “uh-huh” echo approval.

“Mr. Pux, I think you have a very good point!” Rhode said.

“Right? I’m not wrong, now everything is ready to ask for technology from Nascent Technology! Pux continued to throw enough sugar-coated shells.

“But it’s a pity Mr. Pux, I have already agreed to Su Zhan’s request.”

“It’s okay! If you agree, you can deny it, you can tear up the agreement when you sign it, these are not a problem, you are the best ally of our Stars and Stripes, and our Stars and Stripes countries will also become your strongest backing! Pukes said immediately.

Denying promises, tearing up agreements, is really not a matter for the Stars and Stripes … After all, they have done this kind of thing for an unknown number of times.

“But… Mr. Su has sent researchers in charge of sharing science and technology to our country, and they are currently in the research institute, and the scientists in our country are now rejoicing one by one… Those scientists are all national treasures of our Eagle Country, and I can’t bear to discourage them, Mr. Pux. ”

Rhode’s words made Pux confused.

Already…… Already sent over?!

This TM… When did nascent technology move so fast?!

“And Mr. Pux, the people of the Dragon Country don’t seem to be as cunning as you said, and all the technical handovers are very sincere, not only those scientists, I myself feel it, so… I’m sorry, but I still have some important matters to attend to, see you Mr. Pux! ”

After speaking, Rhode hung up the phone directly.

Pux, who was left on the other end, listened to the busy sound of “beep…” in his ears, and fell into a dull face.

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