Since the establishment of the state in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, everything has been running smoothly, and all the staff belonging to the nascent technology company, as well as their families, have settled under the instructions of Su Zhan.

Super smart small villas, about 230 square meters per household, family facilities, even the walls can be changed at will according to their own preferences every day.

All the lack of the family, just tell the smart butler, there will be a professional robot delivery to the door.

The sunny side of each room is a large floor-to-ceiling window, and there is no need to be afraid of your privacy exposure, the glass is invisible from the outside, and the inside is completely unaffected, the same color as normal glass!

When you get up in the morning, a smart butler will help you automatically open the curtains, and when you walk to the kitchen after washing, you can see the nutritious breakfast prepared for you by the smart butler!

The whole system of three meals a day will automatically prepare and present on the table, and the diet not only has nutritionally balanced meals collected from Internet big data, but also can change the taste of food according to personal taste.

The living and living of each person is perfectly taken care of, saving a lot of time to devote to work, which Su Zhan has prepared for a long time, and everything is running in his own plan.

Su Zhan filmed such a life into an advertising video, put it on platforms such as Douyin, Huyan, and Quick Stories, and was liked and forwarded by countless people, which caused another storm…

“Wow! Is this the life of a nascent tech empire? ”

“I admire it!”

“Su Shen take me over, I am willing to be a cow and a horse!”

“I’m lost, this little day is too beautiful!”


Countless netizens’ comments are envious of such a life. Not only the Dragon Country, but even foreign friends exclaimed when they saw it!

I can’t wait to immigrate to the new technology empire!

But that is not an easy task, if you want to live here, you must be a person who is useful to Su Zhan, and ordinary people can’t enter at all!

The only way is to take the exam, Su Zhan, in order to constantly recruit talents, after all, there are still many things he wants to do, and the number of people is still not enough.

After all, he has to take a long-term view!

Su Zhan has set up talent exams around the world, from the age of 60 to the age of 12, as long as it is gifted and capable, it will be recruited.

This is the only passport to the nascent technology empire!

After the issuance of this policy, many people have begun to squeeze their heads, and many parents want to hope that their children will become dragons and borrow their children to bring the whole family to live together.

Where there is demand, there is a market, and various cram schools have begun to appear in the world.

“New Student Science and Technology Children’s Cram School”

“Cram School for Freshmen Adults”

“Talent examination must pass the class”

“New Science and Technology Interest Class”


There are more and more cram classes that emerge endlessly, and even Su Zhan himself did not expect that he actually set off such a storm.

After the Dragon Country, countries such as the Eagle Country, the Enamel Country, and the Battle Country have also begun to follow suit, after all, who doesn’t expect such a life as nascent technology, and who doesn’t like it?

In order to repay Su Zhan, all the scientific researchers did experiments day and night, worked hard, and couldn’t wait to put all their time into work.

This is also why Su Zhan is willing to give them so many benefits, this is just to achieve a binding relationship with human feelings!


On the other side, in the Stars and Stripes country, in the office of Pux, sat the leaders of those countries that did not cooperate with the Soviet occupation such as the cold country, the Canadian country, and the root country.

After the scientific research team of the Stars and Stripes was hollowed out, Pux fell ill for several days with a headache and brain fever, and finally, at the suggestion of the think tank, convened the leaders of the countries who did not cooperate with the Soviet occupation and decided to twist it into a strand.

“On behalf of the Stars and Stripes, I propose formal cooperation to you.”

The leaders of these countries have obtained information to hear what happened, after all, the world is now watching the situation of these two powers.

Although I wanted to laugh in my heart, I could only hold back, after all, although the stars and stripes countries fell to the bottom, the national strength was still there, not comparable to their countries.

The leaders of these countries sat in Pux’s office, listening carefully to his words, they were already standing opposite the nascent technology, a grasshopper on a rope!

“I think you also know what happened, Su Zhan’s strength has exceeded the limit of what we can bear, and everyone must resist together.”

The leaders of the countries nodded in a gesture, they also had the same idea, after all, Su Zhan was able to use a drone to strike at Pux, which was unbearable to everyone!

“So I propose that several of our countries form a new scientific research team to fight against nascent science and technology together!” I will provide you with places and resources, you just need to provide talent. ”

The leaders of various countries were stunned when they heard Pux’s words, and then began to discuss in a whisper, and I have to say that Pux’s idea is indeed a good idea.

“It’s okay, I can give you time to think, I trust you to make the right decision!”

Soon, the leaders of various countries made a choice, for the survival and development of their respective countries, in the case of new science and technology, everyone can only cooperate!

Pux nodded with satisfaction, but everyone understood that if they did not cooperate, they would only die!

Soon the secretary of Proxes sent the agreement, and the leaders of the various countries formally signed it.

Pux’s action was very fast, and after the huge country of the Stars and Stripes became operational, the new scientific research team united by the countries was quickly formed!


“President Su, it’s not good, there are new moves on the side of the Stars and Stripes Country!” Zhou Yanran panted and trotted to Su Zhan’s office.

“What’s wrong, don’t worry!” Saying that, Su Zhan handed over a glass of water.

“Pux has formed a new group of scientific research teams with cold countries, Canada and other countries!”

“Oh? That’s it? I thought it was something. Su Zhan’s eyes were full of disdain, and his tone was slightly relaxed, and now these small movements of Pux were no longer put in Su Zhan’s eyes.

As long as it is not a big targeted move, the strength of the nascent technology will become stronger and stronger, and no matter how the Stars and Stripes struggle, the gap between them will only widen.

Su Zhan has not paid attention to the affairs of the Stars and Stripes for a while, and now that the country has just been established, it is the most important thing to focus on developing nascent science and technology!

“Huh? Mr. Su, isn’t this serious? Zhou Yanran still didn’t know why, and her smart eyes flashed.

“Seriously? Even if they are given a hundred years, they don’t want to catch up with the nascent technology! ”

You must know that the development of new science and technology so far, daily wealth into the account, thinking house, all kinds of future technology, only the system can do!

The Stars and Stripes country wants to catch up with itself with the union, dream and go!

“Okay, there’s nothing you can do.”

Su Zhan waved his hand and signaled Zhou Yanran to continue his work, the new country was established, and everything was focused on work!

Just as Su Zhan was wiping his nose and preparing to drink a cup of coffee, suddenly, the phone on the table rang.

“Mr. Su! There’s a problem with our currency! ”

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