After the live broadcast, Su Zhan thought in his heart that he had finally completed what he had always wanted to accomplish.

I couldn’t stop the excitement in my heart for a long time, and I kept holding Fujimoto Okayama’s hand, all this is true, we did it! It really did! A few years ago, when I first saw the suspension ball plan, this ideal of creating a floating empire planted seeds in my heart, and now I have finally done it, and under the attention of everyone, let everyone in the world see their success.

This time is different from the success of the usual research project, Su Zhan is extremely excited this time, until now he has not woken up from this great joy, for the research of anti-gravity technology, the official establishment of the suspension country, is simply too exciting for him, the joy that blooms from his eyes, as if there is a light flashing out of it.

In order to celebrate that night, Su Zhan celebrated the whole country, every household was illuminated, and many families living in the new empire were also jubilant, they never thought that they could live in mid-air in their lifetime, which is like a fairy tale when they were children…

At half past eight the next morning, a large amount of news about the suspended country of Su Zhan, spread all over the official website of Xinsheng Technology, as well as Weibo, Douyin and WeChat subscription accounts, from person to person, and soon the Su-occupied suspended country and unlimited energy became well-known inventions, and the new empire had been renamed the new country.

Compared with suspended countries, the news of unlimited energy has detonated fishing vessels.

Yes, read that right, unlimited energy!

All solar, hydro, tidal, wind, electric… and so on can be realized one by one, becoming an independent system to allow the entire country to run with sufficient energy.

The announcement makes it clear that all clean energy will continue to be supplied to the new country.

The so-called clean energy.

First, it refers to the technical system of energy utilization.

Second, clean energy not only emphasizes cleanliness but also emphasizes a certain socio-economic nature.

Third, the cleanliness of clean energy also meets certain emission standards.

Once a large amount of clean energy, that is, solar and wind energy, can be mastered, the extraction of coal and oil can be greatly reduced, and the harm to the soil can be reduced, making it more difficult to maintain our natural environment and achieve a balanced state.

All the media and national leaders were amazed when they saw it.

“Su Shen actually achieved unlimited energy, wouldn’t it be possible to greatly reduce environmental pollution and finally purify the earth’s environment!” A head of an environmental protection association said he was keen to hope that Su would spread the technology to countries and cities.

In this way, our earth is just around the corner to restore balance, due to long-term pollution, the earth’s smog is getting worse and worse, if it continues to develop, the earth may die in a few hundred years!

However, many people were still immersed in the new country established by the Soviet occupation and were shocked.

As if living in a movie every day, the city close to the Pacific Ocean often uses binoculars to watch from a distance.

It’s a wonder of the world!

Pux was slow to believe that Su Zhan’s strength was powerful, and wanted to provoke from it, contacting the leaders of various countries one by one.

“I think everyone knows that Su Zhan’s recently established new country, it is said that their anti-gravity technology can be manually operated and moved, if Su Zhan’s invasion, it will inevitably catch us off guard, directly above your territory, he wants to fight us easily, but we have no room for resistance, and I went down to think about it, why should Su Zhan study a suspended country at the end of the way? Isn’t it to oppress us and obey him? You are all smart people, and you must all understand the relationship between interests…”

The leaders of various countries feel that what Pukes said is very reasonable, but Su Zhan was already very powerful a long time ago, just the previous weather weapons and rescue robots can catch themselves off guard, if you want to attack it has long been fought, although there are loopholes in Pux’s words, but it still fishes everyone’s vigilance.

Now except for the Stars and Stripes, the rest of the countries still hope to live in peace and try not to cause a war, and finally decided to explain to the Soviet Union.

Soon the Su Zhan’s side received a call from the leaders of various countries, on the one hand, to congratulate himself and complete a step that mankind has never been able to take, which will leave immortal traces in history … After some praise and praise, it quickly got to the point.

“Mr. Su, we all appreciate your ability and your team, and you have now realized the ideal of the world’s first suspended country, but… Now if your country is really free to move as it says, would you…”

“I know what you want to say, although the new country can move at will now, but I will not use this function at will, if it is not necessary, I will always stay in place of my country, I hereby promise not to infringe on the territory of other countries!”

“In addition, I studied anti-gravity technology at the beginning to alleviate the fact that the population is close to saturation, and more and more forest land and arable land are occupied, so I want to create a suspended country, not for war, of course, if someone starts a war, I will not tolerate it!”

Su Zhan’s eyes were firm and said to the leaders.

Everyone can feel Su Zhan’s sincerity.

“I’m sorry Mr. Su, we have taken the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, we are very sorry for this, you can have such a big picture, we should all look to you…”

Lu Guo apologized as a representative.

“I can also understand your thoughts, after all, they are all for the sake of their own country and people, and in order to show my sincerity, I have drawn up a contract that will be signed in the League of Nations, and all countries can supervise me!”

“Okay, no problem!”

The leaders of each country reached an agreement.

Su Zhan’s new country has been running smoothly like this, and Pux’s plan to sow discord has failed, and his heart is very unpleasant, but Su Zhan’s is indeed stronger than him, and he has always been curious about Su Zhan’s internal secrets.

But then again, without Su Zhan, then human science and technology would not have made such great progress, he must master Su Zhan’s core strength, and one day he will be on an equal footing with Su Zhan, or even higher than him.

On Su Zhan’s side, the whole company was jubilant, and Su Zhante granted a three-day leave to the entire company’s personnel, saying that everyone had worked hard during this time, and they all relaxed and relaxed, and they also took this opportunity to accompany Su Xiaoyu.

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