First of all, Wang Xiu’s strong artificial intelligence is a more powerful existence than weak artificial intelligence.

Now there is weak artificial intelligence in the world, such as alpha dog, which belongs to a kind of weak artificial intelligence.

Although it is very good at chess, it is unbeatable in the world.

But if you ask it to tell the difference between a lion and an elephant, it probably won’t tell the difference at all… Because that’s not what it excels at.

But strong artificial intelligence is different.

If Jarvis, the artificial intelligence in “Iron Man”, belongs to superartificial intelligence.

You can hack into the Internet at will, and you can change the password of a nuclear bomb hundreds of times a second… Then the strong artificial intelligence is one level weaker than it.

Strong artificial intelligence has the ability to learn, can quickly learn a language, quickly understand a subject, accurately answer all your questions about the subject, and give the most correct answer… But it will only follow the script, and cannot give birth to its own ideas like humans.

And it was this that gave Su Zhan the hope that it could succeed.

Otherwise, if Wang Xiu told Su Zhan as soon as he came up that he could create Jarvis, it was estimated that Su Zhan would let him roll as far as he could.

So Su Zhan chose to invest in Wang Xiu.

In addition, the super farm project, the 6G satellite network project, and the awareness upload project are the same… All let Su Zhan see the possibility that they can be realized!

Super Farm, responsible for this research, is a famous scientist in Longguo, Lin Shuoqi, who has been deeply engaged in the farm industry for many years.

He had studied with many international masters, and after returning from his studies, he had the idea of building a super farm.

As the name suggests, the meaning of super farm is to exchange the minimum energy consumption for the largest farm resources!

For example, if you want to raise a pig now, from birth to slaughter (that is, the slaughter stage), it will take five or six months at the earliest… A little slower can take eight months, or 10 months.

The human, material and financial resources required during the period are relatively speaking.

This is also the reason why pork is rising so much now.

The emergence of super farms, like the principle of lightning rice, is to shorten the process that could not be done in five or six months to be completed in one week!


You heard it right.

What Lin Shuoqi wants to do is to use some special means to make the piglets from birth to slaughter, which only takes a week… On the contrary, the required manpower, material and financial resources will not exceed the original cost of one month at most!

It’s not just pigs.

And cows, sheep, fish, chickens, ducks and so on… All the animals that belong to the farm are all within Lin Shuoqi’s consideration!

The reason why Su Zhan was willing to invest in this project was because he thought of the fact that when he was a child, there was no meat to eat, and the orphanage was so poor that a dozen children shared an egg boiled egg soup together.

Once this project is completed, it means that Lin Shuoqi will be the same as Nong Anguo, one can provide lightning rice for all poor people to eat rice, and the other can provide lightning breeding pigs for all poor people to eat pork!

Any project that can bring great contribution value to the society, Su Zhan does not miss a single … Superfarms are certainly no exception.

The 6G satellite network project is even more awesome.

Now the 5G era has arrived.

Many large cities have begun to apply 5G networks and use 5G traffic… However, the gap between the experience and the 4G era is not large.

Because no matter how powerful 5G is, it ultimately needs a base station as a support.

Where 5G base stations cannot be laid, there should be no network, and 4G should be used or 4G.

But 6G is different.

Because the direction it chooses is not to lay base stations endlessly on land, but to directly launch multiple satellites into space, so that the network signals emitted by the satellites will cover the entire Dragon Country, or the entire world, so that any corner of the world can receive network signals from 6G!

The speed of 6G is only about a hundred times faster than 5G.

But its real meaning lies in coverage.

Only by truly achieving comprehensive coverage can we truly realize the subversion and convenience brought by these network improvements!

Either the project doesn’t work.

Once successful, the contribution must be absolutely great.

It is conceivable that such an exaggerated project, how can the investment be small?

So Su Zhan gave the project 15 billion yuan a month, specializing in 6G network signal technology, as well as satellite technology.

As for the consciousness upload technology, this purely belongs to Su Zhan’s “big bet”.

In charge of this project is a girl.

To be precise, it is a little girl who looks timid and cowardly, and is a little afraid of people, named Li Shiyan… The age is the same as Wang Xiu, both 24 years old.

She is also a genius.

Wang Xiu dropped out of MIT, but she didn’t, instead completed all credits and specialized in brain consciousness subjects… This is possible because someone else didn’t go to college until she was 18, and she was already in college at 11!

Because of her own excellence, she is very interested in the human brain, and at the same time, she is also very interested in the human consciousness network, which has become her future goal… Unfortunately, there is currently no complete team in the world dedicated to human brain consciousness.

Most teams are just rubbing the heat, or casually researching things, after all, now that humans have very little mastery of the brain, so many practical technologies have not been overcome, how can time and money be wasted on this ethereal research?

When Su Zhan saw her project plan, he was shocked and immediately met with Li Shiyan and had an in-depth negotiation with her.

This project was not approved on the review side of the project department, because there was not even various theoretical support, it was completely in the air, it was unrealistic, and investment was not recommended … But Su Zhan decided to invest, and it was 5 billion per month!

So so it is calculated.

Wang Xiu is 10 billion per month.

Lin Shuoqi 5 billion per month.

Professor Fang of the 6G project is 10 billion per month.

Li Shiyan 5 billion per month.

In this way, Su Zhan’s monthly expenditure soared by another 30 billion.

Plus the previous 40 billion of Professor Zhou, Professor Yang, Dr. Gu, Nong Anguo… Su Zhan’s monthly expenditure has soared to a huge of 70 billion!

Su Zhan is now 3 billion a day, which is 90 billion a month, and after removing the 70 billion of this monthly fixed expenditure, he can still have 20 billion left.

So this is also the reason why Su Zhan only built a super laboratory for Professor Yang, Dr. Gu, and Nong Anguo, but did not build a super laboratory for Wang Xiu – because there is no money!

Logically speaking, Su Zhan still has a deposit of 70 billion.

But because Professor Zhou, Professor Yang, and Dr. Gu purchased a lot of equipment beyond the level of earth science and technology from the laboratory mall, the deposit suddenly plummeted… So much so that now Su Zhan’s deposit is only about 13 billion.

If you get another super laboratory for Wang Xiu, Su Zhan’s cash flow may only be 3 billion yuan.

Although 3 billion is too much for the current Su Zhan.

But for him, who earns 90 billion a month… It’s a bit of a no-brainer!

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