Hearing this, a bunch of bigwigs present were a little shocked, and couldn’t help but wipe their faces, and sat down a little more seriously.

They have also seen big scenes.

People with hundreds of millions, billions, or even tens of billions of assets have also been contacted.

But hundreds of billions … I’m sorry, but even if you want to see such a person, it is not something that can be seen casually.

Not to mention the superboss who can come up with 200 billion a year to invest in a project … Su Zhan was definitely the first person they met!

As for authenticity?

Others can casually take out 100 million to recruit scientific researchers, which in itself already shows the strength!

What’s more, this scientific research project is regenerative technology.

This almost dreamlike futuristic technology, just thinking about it with the back of your head can know how much money to smash!

200 billion, not an exaggeration.

Subsequently, Lin Fang clarified some detailed rules for Su Zhan.

From the conversation, Su Zhan also roughly understood what he was going to do next.

Start a company.


Spend money on scientific research qualifications.

Throw money at all kinds of equipment.

As well as throwing money at various materials and so on … All in all, there are many things behind, everything is troublesome, and the money, energy and time required to get such a grand future technology project are quite huge.

But one day 10 billion yuan as support, Su Zhan did not panic at all.

“Then the registration of the company, as well as the recruitment of people, will be completely left to your company to deal with.”

Since you are a hands-off shopkeeper, then simply take it to the end.

“No problem Mr. Su, I don’t know what you want to name the company?”

“New technology!”

Su Zhan only thought for two seconds before giving the answer directly.

Nascent technology.

In the future, his company, and his beliefs, will all develop in the direction of contributing to mankind and bringing great contributions to human society.

This new life not only represents Su Xiaoyu, but also Su Zhan’s own new life, and the future is a comprehensive new life for all mankind!

“Okay Mr. Su, I’ll do it for you right now!”

The conversation is over.

After clarifying all the rules and procedures, Su Zhan left the headhunting company under the courtesy of the bosses of the headhunting company.

But he was in no hurry to go back to the hotel.

Instead, I went directly to one of the top office buildings in Teijing… Teikyo Central Business District.

It is also known as the CBD of Teijing Center, which has the tallest building in Teijing and the headquarters of many Fortune 500 companies, and is the cradle of countless small and medium-sized enterprises to start and develop.

Since Su Zhan wants to open a company, of course, he must have a more stylish office building.

“You’re going to rent… One floor?! ”

When he heard this, the manager in charge of reception was shocked.

The area of a whole floor must be two to three thousand square meters.

The rent per square meter is about 400 yuan.

Calculated is equivalent to Su Zhan’s every month, he has to pay at least 800,000-1.2 million rent!

In a year, the rent alone will exceed 10 million!

Very few customers rent like this, unless it is some particularly famous and famous company or enterprise….

“Yes, it’s a whole floor.”

“The view here is good and suitable for office.”

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Su Zhan nodded to confirm.

“Okay, okay!”

The reception manager immediately became extremely enthusiastic.

After getting the company’s office building, Su Zhan went to the industrial park again.

Since you want to establish scientific and technological projects, of course, you must have your own research base.

The industrial park is perfect as a research base.

“How much will it cost if all these factories are packaged?” Su Zhan asked.

“Probably… Five or six million a year! ”

Factory buildings in industrial parks are significantly cheaper than office buildings.

The most expensive is only a few dozen pieces a square meter.

It’s just that you need to rent thousands or even tens of thousands of square meters in one breath, and comprehensively, you also need hundreds of thousands of rents every month.

Su Zhan is also not wordy.

Pay the deposit directly and rent it for ten years at once!

The reason why they are all rented.

Because he is not yet at the point of buying.

Although it is 10 billion a day, but with this extra money, is it not fragrant to invest a little more in materials and equipment or talents?

After everything was done, Su Zhan returned to the hotel.

Enjoy dinner with Su Xiaoyu and play together.

Then receive the express together and disassemble the express.

Many clothes, electronic products, and all kinds of objects made Su Xiaoyu full of surprises.

In the next few days, Su Zhan basically went out in the morning and went back from work in the evening.

How to say that he is also the image of a salaried office worker now, of course, he must follow the working hours.

As for how this time passed.

That’s not too easy, okay!

Spend money on a car.

Spend money on watches.

Spend money on all kinds of new gadgets.

How to say that it is also a one-night richness, how can it not look like an upstart?

However, Su Zhan was still restrained.

Buy a car, just buy a more than a million Porsche.

Buy a watch, only buy tens of thousands of dollars.

Buying all kinds of new things is basically not too extravagant and wasteful.

Finally, on the third day.

Su Zhanzheng is using a notebook to learn about various aspects of renewable technology in the café, and also spends money on the Internet to consult various experts and chat with various experts to understand the relevant information of renewable technology.

“Are you Mr. Su?”

Su Zhan raised his head and saw a man in his fifties wearing square-rimmed glasses and exuding the aura of a scholar and professor.

“It’s me, Professor Zhou, it’s a great pleasure to meet you.” Su Zhan stretched out his hand and shook Professor Zhou, “Please sit.” ”

Professor Zhou is one of the most closely related and authoritative professors of regenerative technology in the list of researchers given to him by the headhunting company!

So Su Zhan was the first to choose to see him.

“Mr. Su, I’m a straight person, so I won’t beat around the bush with you.”

Professor Zhou helped his glasses, “I heard that you want to carry out a regenerative technology project, so I take the liberty of asking, why are you doing this project?” ”

“Sure enough, it’s straight.”

Su Zhan smiled and did not hide it, “The reason is very simple, because of my sister, she was born with atrophy of the muscles in her legs, neurosis, and inability to move her legs… I’ve been learning online for a long time that only regenerative technology can rejuvenate her legs. ”

“So how much do you know about regenerative technology?” Professor Zhou continued to ask.

“I just know the concept, but I don’t know the specific content.” Su Zhan also answered truthfully.

“Mr. Su, forgive me for being rude, you don’t know anything about regeneration technology, don’t know the difficulties, difficulties, and don’t know the breakthrough, I’m afraid this project will be difficult to achieve.” Professor Zhou said bluntly, “I know why you are willing to see me, because I am very interested in renewable technology, and I am also moved by your commitment to spend 200 billion yuan a year, and more importantly, I am the closest talent in China to this aspect of renewable technology.” ”

“So I need to describe the risks to you, and how I will be treated.”

“Please say.” Su Zhan said.

“This regenerative technology, under optimistic circumstances, may be able to achieve it in 10 years, and in the case of not optimism, it may not be possible in 100 years!” Professor Zhou said, “The treatment promised to me by the headhunting company is the dividend after the success of the project, and the annual salary of 1.5 million yuan… In terms of annual salary, I can choose 1 million, and I can also take a little less dividend, but if you are really willing to hire me, I would like to ask you to give me full authority and let me preside over this project 100%! ”

After listening to it, Su Zhan understood.

Professor Zhou’s meaning is obvious, he can give up part of the monetary treatment, but he wants the maximum right of the project, all according to his own wishes!

The stakes are high.

But it also shows his passion for this regenerative technology project!

“Professor Zhou, I respect you very much.”

“Don’t worry, I give you full power, you can feel free to experiment with any of your ideas!”

“Not only that, from now on, your dividend ratio will not change, and at the same time your annual salary will no longer be 1.5 million, but … 3 million! ”

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