
With Professor Zhou’s order, the researcher pressed the switch.

I saw that a row of red mesh lines shot out of the white arched semicircular device.

It looks like a red laser wall.

In the technology cabin, a pile of white mist quickly spewed out.

Professor Zhou’s younger brother only inhaled a little bit in this white mist, and he felt a strong sense of sleepiness, and finally closed his eyes and fell asleep.

“It’s an anesthesia spray.” Su Zhan said.

“Yes, Mr. Su, these sprays can make people enter the deepest level of sleep, and there will be no subconscious commotion, allowing patients to trigger some hidden diseases.” Professor Zhou said.

Su Zhan knew what a recessive disease Professor Zhou was talking about.

Similar to epilepsy, sheep madness.

Patients are often induced by unknown situations after deep sleep, the body convulsions of various kinds, the scene is quite scary, but after the patient wakes up, he does not remember such an experience at all, that is, he simply slept and dreamed.

Anesthesia spray is to prevent the onset of this type of hidden disease and affect the progress of regeneration.

A few moments later, the nutrient solution began to pour rapidly into the technology cabin.

However, this time the nutrient solution is different from the human medical repair cabin.

The human medical repair capsule nutrient solution is green.

And the inside of this technology cabin is red!

“Red?” Su Zhan’s accident.

“苏总,这是最新的药物医疗公式,不仅掺杂了各种名贵药材,还有一些矿石,金属,以及动物的血肉元素…… There are so many types that I spent more than a decade in the House of Minds to finally break the limitations between the various material elements and bring them all together! Professor Zhou’s eyes burned, “It is also because there are many materials involved, so its value is also extremely high, and the value of such a cabin of regenerative nutrient solution is more than one million US dollars.” ”

One capsule of nutrient solution is millions of dollars.

You can imagine how many valuable things Professor Zhou has added… And experimenting with this thing, without throwing more money, it really can’t be done!


In less than a minute, the red nutrient solution filled the entire science and technology cabin, and Professor Zhou’s younger brother’s body was completely soaked in it, and with steady breathing, one or two bubbles would float up.

“Start moving!”

It carries the body of Professor Zhou’s younger brother, passing through the red laser wall little by little.

Everyone held their breath and waited for the results.

Although Professor Zhou and the researchers have experimented on multiple guinea pigs, monkeys, turtles, fish, and other animals during this time, including even a human volunteer with a broken arm… And all were successful.

But no one knows if any other factors will lead to unexpected situations.

For example, animals such as mice and monkeys have been successfully regenerated, indicating that Professor Zhou was careful enough and accurate enough to completely regenerate and heal without any omission when constructing biological models.

Then there is the human volunteer, who broke off his right arm and finally succeeded in regeneration, which also shows that they did not have any accidents in the modeling of their right arm.

And this time, it was Professor Zhou’s younger brother’s legs.

The modeling of the legs, they could not be more careful, each nerve, vein, bone, blood vessel, skin tissue, etc. that may be involved… All built by the years of experience of Professor Zhou and the researchers in the House of Mind.

Even each person has a different constitution, some people may have six toes, and some people may only have four toes, which is an extremely rare and special situation, which is taken into account by them… In order to create a more comprehensive and perfect creation of real regenerative technology!

But even at this point, they can’t let up.

It must be treated with the most rigorous, every time is a new attempt.

So they also beat faster with their hearts and became extremely nervous.

“It’s time to get in touch.”

Professor Zhou’s younger brother’s hair has already begun to make contact with the red laser wall.

When the two began to contact, the original travel speed of one second and two centimeters suddenly decreased to the level of one millimeter per second, becoming very slow.

“Mr. Su, now that the regenerative laser contacts the patient’s body, it will calculate according to the strong artificial intelligence program we implanted and the formula of the huge database to make the most accurate judgment!”

Professor Zhou explained to Su Zhan, “Its travel speed can be adjusted, but in order to prevent accidents and any uncontrollable factors, I deliberately adjusted it to the current speed to ensure that nothing goes wrong.” ”

“Through this red laser wall, to repair the human body?” Su Zhan’s eyes flashed.

“Mr. Su, this red laser wall can judge the repair surface, make the most accurate diagnosis in an instant, and use the energy to neutralize the red nutrient solution in the science and technology cabin, and the most critical point is to stimulate the body’s own auxin!” Professor Zhou said quickly, “Originally, I thought that the most reliable solution was the nano-regeneration solution, but the technology required for that solution is too far away to be able to do it now… At present, the only thing that can be done is to stimulate the human body itself and use the human body’s own growth system to regenerate limbs! ”

“Mr. Su, I don’t know if you have heard an allusion, a scientist in Europe said that as long as a pig is scattered to the particle state, and then reorganized, it can be directly recombined into a living human being!”

“That’s what inspires me.”

“The red nutrient solution contains all the nutrients that make up human beings, and our current technology may not be able to support us to artificially turn the red nutrient solution directly into skin, into bones, into nerves… But the human body can! ”

“Our human body is more amazing than we imagined!”

Hearing this, Su Zhan completely understood.

In fact, to put it bluntly, regenerative technology is to stimulate the dormant growth system of the human body and let it carry out this magical work.

For example, if a person is injured, the human body system can heal the wound on its own.

But the human nerve is broken, and the human system cannot heal the nerve on its own.

Because the difficulty of the two is different.

Wound healing is the simplest cell proliferation and fusion.

Nerve fusion is the division and proliferation of nerve fibers and the growth of axons and myelin sheath in the budding way, not only cell growth, but also nerve axon cell growth, so once the damage is serious, it will die directly and can no longer heal on its own.

So now Professor Zhou and what they do is manually intervene in this system!

Reactivate the axon cells and stimulate the body’s amazing self-healing system to regenerate!

It just so happens that this red nutrient solution seems to be a puddle of water.

But it contains all the things that make up the human body, carbs, proteins, minerals and so on… It can completely help the human body to regenerate quickly!

Everyone is waiting quietly.

Finally, the place of the severed limb was reached.

Professor Zhou’s younger brother’s amputation was not from the root, as expected, but from the part above the knee, preserving part of the thigh as much as possible.

So when the red laser wall scanned the place, everyone was engrossed.

“Grown… It’s starting to grow!! ”

Some researchers couldn’t help but shout.

Su Zhan saw it.

The amputated section of Professor Zhou’s thigh, which was originally a hideous pile of scars, looked like it had been burned.

With the red laser wall sweeping, these scars began to gradually disappear, accompanied by skin, flesh and blood, bones, and nerves, at the same speed as 3D printing, in a crazy extended growth!

This scene shocked Su Zhan’s heart.

Rao is that he has also seen a big scene.

But this 3D printed human body picture still brought him a huge impact!

“Brother, look, oh my God… It’s amazing! ”

Su Xiaoyu was even more shocked, and directly stepped forward, widened his eyes, and carefully looked at this picture.

The skin is like knitting a sweater, a little silk thread is outlined, and then grows, spreads, and climbs.

The flesh and blood are mixed with complex bones, nerves, and veins, all growing little by little.

Very slowly.

But it never stopped.

And it is this feeling of slow growth that has brought a great shock to Su Zhan and Su Xiaoyu, who have never seen before!

They can feel a sense of life thriving… It’s like some videos of plant growth, watching how plants germinate, take root, and break through the soil.

On the contrary, Su Zhan also noticed another detail – the nutrient solution in the science and technology cabin is invisibly decreasing!

As Professor Zhou said.

The moment the human body system is activated by the red laser wall, it begins to frantically absorb various nutrients to reshape nerves, bones, flesh and blood, and skin with a magical system!

Some people may wonder, how does the human body know how much to reshape?

Nonsense, the template of the human body system, is the human gene!

Genetic fidelity is unique, and even what a person likes to eat and drink will be recorded in the gene… This is the largest template of the human body, the human body system does not need to think, only need to be reshaped according to the template of human genes!

In this way, Su Zhan and Su Xiaoyu watched with relish for nearly half an hour.

After watching the whole process of Professor Zhou’s younger brother’s thighs, calves, ankles, as well as toes and soles growing out!

“Regeneration complete!”

As the red laser wall disappeared, the researchers turned off the regeneration device, and the technology cabin rolled out the white arched machine little by little.

The red nutrient solution in the technology cabin is no longer completely filled as before.

Already a large part empty.

According to Professor Zhou, during the regeneration process, the nutrient solution cannot be filled, and it is worried that the filling process will affect the regeneration, and it will also be confused with the previous nutrient solution, resulting in problems with regeneration.

The red nutrient solution is quickly discharged.

White mist erupted again.

However, this time the white mist is no longer an anesthetic spray, but a wake-up spray.


Professor Zhou’s younger brother woke up, the transparent shell of the science and technology cabin quickly opened, a large pile of white spray gushed out, he held the edge of the cabin, and coughed up the red nutrient solution in his mouth with one force.

“The legs… Legs, my legs are back!! ”

Professor Zhou’s younger brother noticed his legs as soon as he opened his eyes, and when he saw that his legs were intact and familiar to the point that he could no longer be familiar returned, an indescribable huge surprise filled his entire body and mind, making him cry out uncontrollably.

Can’t wait, Professor Zhou’s younger brother wants to go to the ground.

But he just put his legs on the ground and wanted to take two steps, but his legs and feet were soft and he sat down directly on the ground.

“What are you anxious about? Newly reborn legs and feet, just like newborn babies, they are still very strange to you, completely indigestible to your brain instructions, you have to adapt to walk! Professor Zhou blameed.

However, it could be heard that Professor Zhou’s tone was more joyful.

The surprise of being able to see your loved ones walking and getting back on their feet!

“Yes, then I will slowly get used to it, as long as I have legs, I will be happy!” Hahahaha…” Professor Zhou’s younger brother laughed heartily.

“Come, carry him to the bathroom to clean up first, and then start helping him rebuild.”

After Professor Zhou ordered, he turned his head and looked at Su Xiaoyu, “Miss Su, it’s your turn now.” ”

Su Xiaoyu was stunned.

The huge surprise seemed to smash her a little overwhelmed: “The … Is it time for me? ”

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