The sudden system prompt sound made Su Zhan stunned.

“Future Exhibition Hall?”

The next second, a column of information spread out in his mind.

[Future Exhibition Hall]: Some future products that are completely ahead of the host’s current technology will be randomly displayed inside, which can be entered by many people, touched during the visit, and can be disintegrated, but cannot be started and taken away from the Future Exhibition Hall.

Price: 10 billion/day

No way!

This thing is overbearing!

Random displays are completely ahead of the future of today’s technology, which means that there will be many technologies that are ahead of this era.

Just bad will there be some Iron Man suit, superorbital electromagnetic cannon, nanoparticle weapons and so on… These technologies, which once only existed in illusions, and even not necessarily in science fiction movies, may all be presented in this future exhibition hall!

Of course, presentation is not the key, the key is that these things can be seen, touched, and disassembled!

You must know that in the last century, the situation of “stealing teachers” between countries was very serious.

How to steal a teacher?

Just one word, look!

Can’t touch, can’t disassemble, can only see… As for how much you can steal and how much you can learn, it’s all up to you.

Su Zhan still remembered that when the Dragon Country was weak in the last century, when he went to other countries to participate in the plane, no one else was allowed to approach, and he was only allowed to visit outside, so that the general of the Dragon Country had to pad his feet and stretch his neck in order to take a look… This is also the reason why the Dragon Kingdom is determined to vigorously engage in science and technology and enhance the country’s military strength.

Su Zhan, too.

He himself definitely can’t understand it, but Professor Zhou, Professor Yang, Wang Xiu, and the genius experts of various projects… They can understand it!

Maybe in the process of visiting the dismantling, it will bring them great inspiration, and thus promote the realization of some awesome technology.

As for 10 billion a day, the price is indeed expensive.

But there is a reason why you are expensive.

Go in and visit for a day, and it is not worth those professors and doctors who have been immersed in hard research for several years or even more than ten years!

“Brother, I’m going for a run, I’m going shopping, I’m going to various places!” Let’s go eat now, shall we? ”

Just when Su Zhan was about to buy a future exhibition hall to see what was inside, Su Xiaoyu’s cheers interrupted him with joy.

“Eat? Good! Brother I know a lot of good places, this will take you there! ”

Although the exhibition hall of the future is important, no matter how important it is, it is not as important as loved ones.

Su Xiaoyu was finally able to get back on his feet, this is what he dreamed of… As for the future exhibition hall, there will be time to visit in the future!

Immediately, Su Zhan put away his thoughts, ready to thank Professor Zhou with Su Xiaoyu, and happily left the super laboratory and went to various places in the imperial capital to eat, drink and have fun.

“Xiaoyu, wait a while, I’ll talk to Professor Zhou.”

Su Zhan brought Su Xiaoyu and Professor Zhou to the office, “Professor Zhou, I want to ask you something… The influence of regenerative technology is very huge, rescue robots have triggered the killing intention of various countries against us, just bother you to be aggrieved, seal the regenerative technology first, wait for a period of time, and then make it public at an appropriate time! ”

“I have already expected this matter, Mr. Su, don’t worry, I absolutely understand your thoughts, your decision, I support it with both hands and feet!”

Professor Zhou nodded directly.

He expressed great understanding of Su Zhan’s concerns.

They also heard about what Su Zhan had been doing in the past few months during their experiments.

All kinds of assassinations, all kinds of overt and covert targets, and countries even publicly issued statements, asking the Dragon Country to introduce a bill banning rescue robots, or disclose the manufacturing methods of rescue robots, to benefit the people of the world, etc… The fierceness of the fire suffered by Su Zhan was completely beyond his imagination!

Therefore, Professor Zhou understands Su Zhan’s low-key thoughts very well.

Otherwise, once the regenerative technology is announced, then I am afraid that the countries will not only spy on assassinations… If not, it is really possible to start a war because of this!


Although the cost of regenerating a person is very high, it is now in the experimental stage… When it is truly popularized, the cost will inevitably drop significantly.

It’s good to apply it to ordinary people.

Can it be applied to war?

Rescue robots are outrageous enough.

And some human soldiers who are not afraid of death and can regenerate at any time?

Then you can imagine how far the panic of the countries has returned!

“Mr. Su, I also have one more thing, I want to ask you for help.”

Professor Zhou said, “It may be a little obtrusive, excessive, and even a little exaggerated, but I still hope to have your support… Without your support, I am afraid that this idea would be really difficult to achieve. ”

“Just say it.” Su Zhan raised his hand in motion.

“Regenerative technology has been successfully manufactured, although it is only a prototype at present, but it has all the functions it should have, and then it only needs to greatly reduce the cost and find a low-cost application method… To some extent, the research on regenerative technology has ended, and the project can basically be completed. ”

Professor Zhou said, “However, in the years I have been thinking in the house of thoughts, another idea was born! ”

“What idea?” Su Zhan asked.

“Mr. Su, let me ask you a word, you… Want eternal life? ”

Professor Zhou’s words directly made Su Zhan raise his eyebrows, and his face showed an uncontrollable look of surprise.

“Eternal life?!”

Su Xiaoyu was also taken aback.

“Professor Zhou, are you thinking…” Su Zhan seemed to have guessed something.

“Yes Mr. Su.” Professor Zhou’s gaze became extremely firm, “I have successfully achieved regenerative technology in my lifetime, and then I will either choose to retire, or work from 9 to 5 and slowly finish the project… I don’t want to live the rest of my life like that. ”

“I want to accomplish something that all human beings dare not think, believe, or even find ridiculous, that is, to develop immortal technology and let human beings truly achieve immortality!”

Professor Zhou’s tone was full of unshakable firm conviction.

It can be imagined that Professor Zhou, who has studied in the house of thinking for so many years, when this idea came to his mind, he had already thought about it, and he would next contribute his all to Eternal Life Technology!

As for why research Eternal Life Technology?

That’s a lot of reason!

For yourself, for your family, for your friends and family, for humanity… All in all, Professor Zhou still wants to challenge the impossible and achieve something that everyone will laugh at and decide will never be achieved!

But Professor Zhou also knows.

It is useless to rely on his blood alone.

It must rely on Su Zhan’s large investment funds, Su Zhan’s connections, Su Zhan’s channels, Su Zhan’s magical super laboratory, and the magical thinking house with 100 times the time difference!

Otherwise, if nothing else, the regenerative technology alone, without the blessing of the thinking house, I am afraid that he may not really make it in another 20 or 30 years!

“Professor Zhou, your imagination is too bold… However, I believe in you and would like to give you the greatest support! ”

Su Zhan’s eyes were also firm, “Professor Zhou, let go of your hands and do your best, I will become your strongest backing and help you clear all obstacles!” ”

Professor Zhou’s words not only shocked Su Zhan, but also opened Su Zhan’s imagination!

What does he not have now?

Rich, famous, powerful, powerful.

The money taken out at hand is enough for ordinary people to fight for a lifetime.

Be embraced everywhere you go, and enjoy all kinds of honors.

The official of the Dragon Country can speak well.

His own protection team also desperately protected him, and when an order was given, all the evils that he was not accustomed to had to lie under him.

Most importantly, there are so many big projects, beyond people’s cognition of technology is about to be born under his investment, he can continue to taste the changes and beauty brought by those technology to people’s lives…

Now it’s even more perfect.

Su Xiaoyu’s legs have recovered, and he can enjoy the world with him, enjoy life, and live a dashing life… On such days, Su Zhan will not feel disgusted even if it is another 10,000 years!

On the contrary, I thought that I might have enjoyed it for 30 years, and after 40 years, my body began to fail, my face was wrinkled, my body was no longer young, and my heart was gradually decaying… and even finally had to step into the coffin grave.

If that’s the case, it’s fine.

I’m afraid that those friends and relatives around him, especially Su Xiaoyu, will not sound good, in case they walk in front of him… So how much pain is he?

In other words, walk in front of Su Xiaoyu by yourself, how painful is Su Xiaoyu?

Since you want to enjoy it, then enjoy it until the earth explodes, enjoy the destruction of the sun, and enjoy it until the life of the universe comes to an end!

And not only do he want to enjoy it alone, but also Su Xiaoyu, but also those friends who have dealt with him, all live together to the end!

So many immortal novels and decent villains of fantasy novels do not hesitate to take countless risks for the sake of immortality… Now that the opportunity for eternal life is in front of Su Zhan, what reason does he have to refuse?

It was this kind of imagination that made Su Zhan almost without any hesitation, quickly accepted the concept of eternal life, and decisively chose to support Professor Zhou to the end!

“Mr. Su, I am completely relieved by your words!”

Professor Zhou’s face was filled with a bright smile, and at this moment, Professor Zhou seemed to return to the time when he and Su Zhan first met… After the regenerative technology project received Su Zhan’s full support, Professor Zhou was also as happy and excited as today!

Perhaps no one knows that the immortal technology that will subvert the entire world and even human civilization in the future was decided in such a short conversation of less than a minute.

But that’s all for later.

Since Professor Zhou and others have fully developed regenerative technology, Su Zhan waved his hand, and everyone came with a wave of huge rewards!

At the same time, Su Zhan also gave them a holiday, let them have a good rest, and when the rest was over, they would follow Professor Zhou to continue to fight for immortal technology!


“Brother, do you say that the immortal technology that Professor Zhou wants to get can be successful?”

In the car, Su Xiaoyu asked curiously.

“If you had asked me before today, I would have been a little skeptical and unsure, after all, this thing is too difficult… But now, do you think that regenerative technology has appeared, is there anything impossible? Su Zhan said with a smile.

“It’s also oh, Professor Zhou is so powerful, he has come up with regenerative technology that many experts and professors can’t figure out… As long as Eternal Life Technology gives him time and opportunity, it will definitely work! Su Xiaoyu nodded.

But what she didn’t know was that Su Zhan really felt that Eternal Life Technology could succeed after today.

But not because of regenerative technology.

It’s because the system gives him a newly unlocked item, the Future Exhibition Hall!

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