As a result, a group of authoritative experts and professors all found Professor Zhou and Professor Yang.

As soon as they heard that these big names in the industry were willing to come, both of them were overjoyed.

“No problem, no problem! As long as you open the golden mouth, I welcome it infinitely! And the treatment promised to you before is absolutely unchanged, how much is given to you over there, double on our side! Professor Zhou was excited.

“Old Jin, if you really want to come, I will immediately apply for funds, if nothing else, haven’t you been worried about your granddaughter not having a school district room recently, and you have to commute for an hour to school every day?” I immediately asked someone to arrange the nearest school district room for you, and the rental fee was all waived! ”

Professor Yang was also excited, “And Mr. Su said, if you have made a significant contribution to the advancement of the project, not to mention the rental fee, it is no problem to buy the school district house for you!” ”

Hearing Professor Zhou and Professor Yang say this, these authoritative experts and professors no longer had any hesitation and resigned from their original units or groups.

Let those unit groups also raise the salary by two times, know the feelings, move the reason, so that it is impossible to say evil.

No way, no matter how much you persuade, others will say: “If you can also develop regenerative technology or projects to overcome cancer, I will definitely stay, but if you don’t vote, then please don’t stop me from realizing my dream, thank you.” ”

Those unit groups felt helpless.

They simply cannot understand why such super-financiers would be willing to invest in such “hopeless” projects.

Is this guy’s money all blown by the wind?

They really guessed right.

It’s easier than the wind, eat and drink directly every day, don’t do anything, 10 billion a day will arrive.

Professor Zhou and Professor Yang began to act, and Su Zhan’s side was not idle.

In order not to stay in the hotel all the time, Su Zhan deliberately went to a villa area with pleasant scenery and purchased a villa worth 64.3 million.

The villa is located in the city center.

The area is not large, it is more than 500 square meters.

There are three floors in total.

There is a swimming pool on the first floor, but it was changed by Su Zhan into a garden that Su Xiaoyu likes to plant.

There is a reading room on the second floor, which can allow Su Xiaoyu to read here without being disturbed.

There is an independent cinema on the third floor, and Su Zhan will accompany Su Xiaoyu to watch her favorite movies every day after returning home from work for dinner.

Originally, Su Zhan wanted to let Su Xiaoyu go to school.

I’m afraid that Su Xiaoyu will be bored at home every day, so it’s better to go out and meet some new friends… But Su Xiaoyu did not want to go, and as soon as Su Zhan heard it, he knew that Su Xiaoyu still had an inferiority complex and was afraid of criticism from others.

So he simply created a comprehensive warm home for Su Xiaoyu and hired three nannies.

Each one is responsible for a layer of hygiene, but also responsible for Su Xiaoyu’s living and living, and is also responsible for making her not boring.

For this reason, Su Zhan specially promised the three of them, as long as you can make Su Xiaoyu happy and happy every day, the original salary of 30,000 a month can be directly increased to 60,000!

Under the reward, there will be brave “women”.

How to say that the three of them are all graduates of prestigious schools with high education, young, beautiful, studied psychology, philosophy, sociology and other disciplines, and soon got together with Su Xiaoyu, known as good sisters, and they are really happy every day.

Of course, Su Xiaoyu also specifically asked Su Zhan how all this came about.

She is not a fool.

From luxury hotels, to single-family villas, there are even three “nannies” who graduated from prestigious schools with high degrees… Is this kind of treatment available to tens of thousands of monthly salaries?

Su Zhan doesn’t talk nonsense with her either.

Directly opened a “project plan” that he had carefully prepared.

And told Su Xiaoyu the “ins and outs” in detail.

The process is also very simple.


The total amount of funds is as high as 8 million!

So he used the money to rent a villa and recruit people.

As for this project proposal, and these things, all of them can be searched on the Internet, very real… Why?

Because Su Zhan made a phone call, it cost less than 1 million, so he let professional contacts help him get everything!

Isn’t it a fictitious project plan?

There is no gold at all.

Of course, these are definitely not good to fool professionals, but fooling Su Xiaoyu, isn’t it easy?

“Brother, it’s hard to get rich, how can you spend it so lavishly?” Su Xiaoyu complained a little, “We have to save up, we can’t be extravagant and wasteful!” ”

“Silly girl, brother I have a good ability to make money now, no, I have another project of more than one billion on hand, if this single is done, the project reward is higher than the previous one!” Su Zhan said, “So don’t worry, as long as the two of us can live happily and happily, money is a small problem!” ”

“Hmm! As long as my brother and I can be happy and happy! Su Xiaoyu was persuaded by Su Zhan’s last words.


After Su Xiaoyu’s side was done, Su Zhan’s side did not stop busy.

Although the project he should have invested in has already been invested.

The scale of the formation is also all built.

The next thing to do is just silently send money and wait for the report.

However, during this period, Su Zhan was still flipping through the project plans handed to him by many people.

His monthly income is 30 billion.

Excluding 25 billion for two institutes.

There is still 5 billion in revenue.

So Su Zhan decided to invest in some small projects

To this end, he set up an investment company.

The name of the investment company is also simple: Freshman Investment!


There is only one purpose – whether to make money or not is not the first priority, you must invest in projects that contribute to human society!

It was submitted after screening by the following people.

As well as the projects sent to him through various channels, Su Zhan will flip through them.

In it, he saw a lot of projects where thieves can make money.

For example, the development of super beauty APP projects.

More awesome than ordinary beauty cameras, even if you are ugly to only one point, you can instantly become a big beauty of five or six points!

There are also online game development projects.

The playability is first-class, and once launched, it will definitely be popular.

As well as some live streaming online celebrity goods projects and so on….

As long as everyone invests, it is not said that it is 100% stable to make money, but it can definitely make money.

However, Su Zhanquan vetoed them all.

Make hay?

He was not interested.

Make money again, can you have your own airborne 10 billion a day to earn more?

What he wants is a good project that can contribute to humanity!

It is precisely for this reason that three months after the establishment of Xinsheng Investment, not even a single project was invested… So much so that the entire new investment company has some doubts about life.

What the hell is the boss doing?

So many good projects have been missed, does he have a grudge against money?

And on this day.

Professor Zhou has good news from his side: regenerative technology has completed a historic breakthrough!

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