
Su Zhan’s eyes froze, and a trace of vigilance rose in his heart.

Now the application of strong artificial intelligence is indeed extensive, and the shadow of artificial intelligence can be seen everywhere… But those are very serious castrated versions, only for a certain field, and the degree of intelligence is purely better than the original “artificial mental retardation”.

The outside world’s coverage of zero is limited to that game with Alpha Dog.

Other than that, Zero has hardly ever appeared in public again.

But now this Ou Yangyuan actually mentioned Zero and wanted Zero to help him complete his plan for a controlled nuclear fusion project… Obviously, Ou Yangyang knows much more about zero than it seems!

“Why do you want Zero to help you?” Su Zhan took a sip of coffee, but his eyes never left Ou Yangguang.

“It’s like Mr. Su, I have experienced almost all electronic products with artificial intelligence on the market, including cars, mobile phones, refrigerators, air conditioners, water heaters, etc… I bought these products, dismantled them all, and studied the AI programs inside. ”

When it comes to the field of professional knowledge, Ou Yangyang is like a different person, no longer the slightest feeling of cowardice, but the speed of speech began to become very fast, “I found that they are all castrated versions, and they are extremely castrated, the only one that is not so serious is the driverless artificial intelligence paired with new energy vehicles.” ”

“And through my review of the game between Zero and Alpha Dog, I see that Zero’s learning ability, analytical ability, and computing ability have reached an unprecedented degree, and the true intelligence of Zero must be far beyond the present, even comparable to Jarvis… Mr. Su, you should know Jarvis, right? ”

The more Ou Yangguang said, the more excited he became, “Such a strong artificial intelligence, for me, having one of it can be worth an entire scientific research team, or even more effective than an entire scientific research team… You should have seen “Iron Man”, in which Tony Stark, from beginning to end, he alone and an artificial intelligence have handled such complex technology and made so many leading technologies. ”

“So if he can do it, I can!”

Ou Yangguang’s distant words made Su Zhan’s eyes flash.

He didn’t expect that this little fat man could see so much information behind strong artificial intelligence through a series of surfaces!

This guy is not simple.

And as Ou Yangyuan said.

Zero’s true strength is far stronger than it seems, and it is no worse than Jarvis.

It’s just that in “Iron Man”, although Tony has always been developing steel suits alone, as well as various steel legions… But it was a science fiction movie, and Ou Yangyuan used science fiction movies as an example, which was indeed a little unexpected for Su Zhan.

“The steel suit is a steel suit, what you want to achieve is controlled nuclear fusion, this thing is more exaggerated than the steel suit.” Su Zhan said with a smile.

“Mr. Su, you know that the energy drive engine of the steel suit is the small nuclear reactor on Iron Man’s chest… I’ve done a lot of information gathering and research on this point, but in fact, Iron Man can make this small nuclear reactor, in a way, it is equivalent to having the technology to make controlled nuclear fusion. “Being able to shrink such a large nuclear reactor to the size of a palm is a miracle in itself, not to mention that Tony also created an energy called ‘isotope’ under the influence of his father Howard Stark to supply, no pollution, no side effects, and the energy provided is quite sufficient… It is completely equivalent to making controlled nuclear fusion on the side! ”

“It’s just that whether it is in comics or movies, the screenwriters and directors have not clearly pointed it out for the sake of the plot.”

Ou Yangguangyuan obviously did his homework.

And he has a great interest and attainment in any technology related to controlled nuclear fusion.

“Then according to your calculations, how many years can you really make controlled nuclear fusion?” Su Zhan asked the most practical question.

“Probably… 50 years! Ou Yangyuan’s face swelled with embarrassment, and the radiant confidence just now suddenly disappeared, “If you are in a hurry, 45 years will do…”

“Dr. Ouyang, then your time span is not short!”

Su Zhan took a deep breath, “In 45 years, you need 10 billion investment funds per year on your project plan, which is equivalent to 450 billion yuan you need, and it will take 45 years to be effective… No, maybe 45 years may not work, it will take 50 years to do … Do you think that when I am old, I will still care about whether nuclear fusion is controllable or not, and whether this project can be profitable? ”

“This…” Ou Yangguang scratched his head anxiously, not knowing how to respond.


A project that takes a span of 45-50 years, the investment is still so huge … Let’s not say whether it can be done, whether it can survive until that time is a big question!

What’s more, even if 50 years later, it really succeeded, and controllable nuclear fusion was born, but at that time Su Zhandu was already seventy and eighty, and he still cared about those things?

“That… I’m sorry Mr. Su, hit … Excuse me…”

Ou Yangguang was far from being good at communication, and when it came to this, he was already embarrassed to continue to request, so he simply packed his backpack and prepared to get up and leave.

“Wait, I said that this project has a large time span, a lot of investment, and unknown profits, but I didn’t say that I don’t invest.” Su Zhan said.

“Huh?” Ou Yangguang was far from confused.

“Come, tell me more about your specific ideas on the realization of controllable nuclear fusion technology, and how you want to overcome every difficulty, you can tell me, I will listen to me!”

“Good Mr. Su!”

As soon as he heard that Su Zhan was willing to listen to him, Ou Yangyuan came back to his senses, took out a bunch of documents and pictures directly from his backpack, and began to tell Su Zhan about the entire process of his realization of controlled nuclear fusion.

After only ten minutes of chatting, Su Zhan’s eyes had already lit up unconsciously.

Half an hour later, Su Zhan nodded and never stopped.

For two hours, after several cups of coffee, Su Zhan slapped the table.

“Okay, you controlled nuclear fusion project, I voted!”

Su Zhan made the final decision.

“Really… It’s true?! ”

“Thank you, Mr. Su, thank you! Thank you so much!! ”

Ou Yangyuan quickly stood up and was about to bow to Su Zhan.

“But 10 billion a year, too little, I’ll add an extra zero to the back!” Su Zhan said with a smile.

“I… A hundred billion?! ”

Ou Yangyuan was shocked, “One hundred billion a year?!” ”

“Yes, it’s 100 billion a year!”

“At the same time, I will provide you with the full fork version of zero, as well as your own super laboratory… Just now you said, your current expenses are paid by your parents, so from now on, all your expenses will be borne by the company, and you can rest assured to develop a controllable nuclear fusion project! ”

Su Zhan smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I am very optimistic about you, with your talent and my help, it doesn’t take 45 years.” ”

“Mr. Su, by your 100 billion, it definitely doesn’t take 45 years, the fastest… 30 years! You can do it in 30 years! Ou Yangyuan felt a great sense of trust at this moment, and immediately said firmly.

“No, I bet, with my help… You can do it in 5 years! ”

Su Zhan grinned.

“5 years?!”

Ou Yangguangyuan himself was confused, “This… How is this possible? ”

“Okay, now you go back and digest and prepare, I will arrange someone to do the handover work for you, and then next Monday, you will come to my office with other professors and doctors, then you will know why I said 5 years.”

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