“Two projects together?!”

Su Zhan was taken aback, “Tell me carefully, what’s going on?” ”

The Lightning Rice Project and the Super Farm Project are not launched at the same point in time, and although the two are the same in the core point, they can be divided into specifics, one belongs to farming, the other belongs to animal breeding… At the end of the day, it’s still two things.

But now, the two projects have been directly completed because of a bunch of pictures they took in the future exhibition hall… Can this not surprise Su Zhan?

“Mr. Su, the specific principles of these two projects and the difficulties in them, you know, I won’t bother with words.”

“Let me tell you the key to our implementation of these two technologies!”

Lin Shuoqi’s eyes lit up, “Now that I say it, it’s really a coincidence that people can’t believe it!” ”

“You’ve been to our super lab before, and you’ve seen Nong Anguo’s crops and my super livestock farm, right?”

“那时候农安国还没有突破性进展,但我们有,我们刚刚研发出了将需要四五个月才能成熟的崽猪,用仅仅不到一半的时间,就能让其完全成熟…… It’s just that these piglets have side effects, and it is no problem to give them to carnivores, but if they are supplied to humans, they will produce reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, and even poisoning, and the response rate is 100%. ”

Su Zhan knows this paragraph.

He thought that the project had been a great success, who ever thought that it was okay for carnivores to eat, but people ate all kinds of problems … The reason for the final detection is what cell gene arrangement order is wrong, and it takes a lot of trial and error to get it done.

“Later, we found out the key to the problem, went back to repair it, and under your hypnosis, entered the house of thought to find solutions to the problem from various books and academic papers… But I’ve been looking for so long, and I’ve been trying for so long, and there has never been a good solution. ”

“Until this morning, we received the picture you sent us, and the cell gene sequence on it is surprisingly similar to the gene sequence of the cell we have currently developed!”

“This was still discovered by Nong Anguo, I didn’t see it at first.”

“Later, we quickly compared and adjusted according to the arrangement on your picture, drawing the scoop according to the gourd… And guess what? ”

“Nong Anguo’s lightning rice has begun to make a big move!”

“Nong Anguo carried out cell gene implantation of rice seeds and quickly edited genes, but just when we thought it was really going to happen, suddenly the cell genes were broken, resulting in the death of rice seeds on the spot and could no longer be used for planting.”

“Nong Anguo is still a little disappointed about this, I thought I could do it in one go, but I didn’t expect it to be solved.”

“The turning point is coming!”

“Because his experiment failed, as is customary, I would take his samples and feed them to my chickens, ducks, fish and cattle, so his samples were taken back by me.”

“I tried to reorder his rice seeds and gave them to the piglets on my super farm.”

“And guess what?”

“The piglet actually started to grow meat!”

“Although the length is very subtle, I still observed it… I immediately sampled the piglet … The test results showed that its cell gene ranking sequence had all been changed and neutralized, which directly achieved the goal set before the project! ”

“What used to take six months to complete the whole process from birth to exit now only takes seven days, yes, you heard right, it’s seven days!”

“According to our deduction estimates, it only takes the first day to directly cross the lactation period, the second day can directly cross the nursery period, and the seventh day can directly reach the level of slaughter!”

“And it can be slaughtered in seven days, which means we only need to raise it for seven days!” All feed costs, feeding costs, and time costs are greatly reduced! ”

“Do you know my shock and surprise?”

“That guy… It’s just too much to expect! ”

“The project that I thought would need to be overcome for many years ushered in a magical turn and was completely done!”

Lin Shuoqi’s words were full of surprise, excitement, and excitement.

Now he, where is the appearance of a professor, like a child, almost didn’t dance with his hands, and jumped up on the spot!

“The failure of the Lightning Rice Project … What contributed to the success of your Super Farm project? ”

Su Zhan was amazed, “Coincidence, there is indeed enough coincidence!” ”

“No, Mr. Su, the most coincidental has not yet arrived!”

Lin Shuoqi continued to throw a bombshell, “Nong Anguo, next is your domain, you say!” ”

Lin Shuoqi handed over the right to speak to Nong Anguo.

“Mr. Su, it’s like this.” Nong Anguo helped his glasses and took a deep breath, “After Lin Shuoqi’s piglet was successful, because he needed to measure whether the meat of the piglet would have problems, he slaughtered it as soon as possible, then cooked, and experimented on animals and humans… It turned out to be very successful and without any more side effects! ”

“Of course, after waiting for seven days, the piglets will be tested again when they are mature and out of the slaughter, but according to our estimates, it is basically stable.”

“And there is a resource recycling process between us, that is, the leftover pig bones they eat will be handed over to me, and I will grind them into powder and sprinkle them into the soil, which can increase the soil more comprehensively… That’s it, something went wrong! ”

“Originally, my faulty lightning rice seeds managed to come back to life after the powder was sprinkled in and neutralized, and began a round of savage growth that even shocked me!”

“I quickly sampled and tested, and the results showed that the cell gene arrangement of lightning rice seeds was magically healed, and after about ten minutes of comparison of our growth rate, the final result came out.”

“According to laboratory data, it only takes 184 hours for my Lightning rice to ripen… This translates to 24 days and one hour, which means that it only takes 7.6 days to fully mature! ”

“And most importantly, the resources it needs to mature are only 1/13 of the resources needed to cultivate normal rice!”

“That’s equivalent to concentrating at least 20 times the incubation time and 13 times the energy consumption!”

“Now the rice I cultivated is truly qualified to be called lightning rice!”

When Nong Anguo said the back, his voice began to tremble a little.

Even if he is as calm as him, it is difficult to hide the huge joy in his heart at this moment!

You must know that his move is equivalent to the conditions for feeding human beings have dropped more than ten times again, as long as the lightning rice technology spreads and makes the whole world realize, there will never be any place in the world that will starve people to death because of food!

His project is complete, his dream is realized, and his ambition is about to illuminate the world!

How many people in the world can reach this level?

So every time he thinks of this, he can’t help but be excited.

But he was excited.

These words fell into Su Zhan’s ears, but they were directly shocked!

Lightning Rice gave the dead seeds to the piglets to eat, and got the super farm.

The bones of the pigs of the super farm are ground into powder and sprinkled into the soil to heal the seeds of lightning rice…

Isn’t the most typical and perfect mutual relationship between the two?!

Can you still play like this?!

“Biochemical gene evolution reagents… That’s right, it has been clearly pointed out in it, that is, genetic evolution!! ”

Su Zhanlian thought of the source that led to the success of these two projects at once, that is, the original owner of his pictures, the biochemical gene evolution reagent, and suddenly realized!

The introduction of biochemical gene evolution reagents said.

All creatures who take it can evolve to the most extreme according to their genes… Evolve until you can’t!

Obviously, the Lightning Rice and Super Farm projects, after drawing on one of the key points, immediately unlocked the secret of evolution, allowing rice and piglets to have an unprecedented evolution!

This is why lightning rice can ripen in 184 hours and reduce energy consumption by 13 times.

That’s why piglets have been shortened from six months to seven days, and energy consumption has also been reduced to only seven days of supply.

Because they evolved.

Each has evolved changes!

As for whether it has evolved to the limit, Su Zhan doesn’t know this… It is clear that after evolution, they have reached a level beyond human cognition in terms of energy utilization efficiency and growth rate!

“Overbearing… It’s really not an ordinary domineering! ”

Su Zhan sighed.

The biochemical gene evolution reagent is only one of the exhibits in the future exhibition hall, and what he did was just to take a screenshot of what was observed inside to reality… As a result, an unintentional move triggered the complete completion of the two major projects!

It can be seen from this how overbearing the things in the future exhibition hall are… Any one thing is enough to be centuries ahead of mankind!

“One rice, one farm, it seems that in the future, the price of pork, beef and mutton and all meat in the Dragon Country will drop to the freezing point!”

Su Zhan smiled.

The price of all food has come down, meaning that these foods will no longer be in short supply… Even so much that it can be exported abroad and radiate the whole world!

Whether there will be people in the world who will starve to death, whether there will be people who cannot afford to eat meat, this Su Zhan does not care … What he cares about is to make all the people of the Dragon Country afford to eat and eat meat!

“Professor Lin, Dr. Nong, you two are doing a very beautiful job!”

“From now on, there are two of them who are fully cultivated, and I will set up Xinsheng Agriculture to comprehensively promote and sell the products successfully developed by the two people!”

“In the future, the world’s agriculture will be in the hands of nascent agriculture, no, more precisely, in the hands of our dragon country!”

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