Two hours later.

Su Zhan arrived by car at the Third Military Region on the outskirts of Dijing.

“Mr. Su!”

The window of the car was lowered, and when the soldiers guarding saw Su Zhan, they immediately stood in awe, saluted in standard, and did not even need to check, directly letting Su Zhan pass.

Su Zhan came once before.

Since then, a grapevine has spread that Su Zhan provided the military district with the same incredible thing … The existence of this thing will greatly enhance the military combat effectiveness of the Dragon Country, and even surpass the Stars and Stripes Country in one fell swoop!

At the same time, the entire military region also reported that Su Zhan had obtained the right of passage comparable to that of Minister of Military Aircraft Yuan Lao.

Whether it is the imperial capital, or other military regions, the Su Zhantu has the highest right of passage, no need to check, direct entry!

This was the official power given to the Soviets.

After all, the official reward money, Su Zhan does not use.

Reward house benefits, Su Zhan does not need to.

Only this privilege reward is really useful!

Vehicles keep coming in.

“It’s Su Zhan!”

“Good chief!”


All the way through the military region, all the soldiers who saw Su Zhan, saluted one after another.

A moment later, the vehicle stopped.

As soon as Su Zhan got out of the car, he saw Yuan Lao and the others who had been waiting for a long time not far away.

“Su boy, here!” Yuan Lao greeted with a smile.

The officials and officers accompanying him were a little embarrassed when they saw Yuan Lao’s kind appearance.

You must know that they follow Yuan Lao to do things, and they have always only seen the cold and frosty side… There are very few opportunities to be able to have such a sunny side!

“Old Yuan, the body is still tough.”

The two exchanged pleasantries as they stepped into the experimental site.

“Thanks to your blessing, not only the body is tough, but the waist plate is also a lot tougher!” Elder Yuan said with a smile.

“The waist board is a lot tougher?”

Su Zhan was puzzled, “The war robot should not have been released to the public, there is no news in the world, why is it a lot tougher?” ”

“Isn’t that the biggest reason why you’re able to stand here?”

Yuan Lao’s words, Su Zhan understood.

Dare to say that what he said is an assassination!


Because of the Soviet occupation, many countries around the world have sent agents to assassinate, and the assassination plan against the Soviet occupation has been carried out for many months… The result was obvious, and in the end, without exception, he either died in the Dragon Country or was recalled.

And this consequence not only benefited Su Zhan, but also the Dragon Country!

You must know that in addition to targeting the Soviet Occupation in various countries, the previous assassins of agents were all aimed at high-ranking officials like Yuan Lao and them… As a result, in order to kill Su Zhan, many assassins went one after another, all of them lost their lives in the Dragon Country, so that the agents and spies of various countries suffered heavy losses and were seriously understaffed.

Without the threat of assassins, of course, the officials of the Dragon Country straightened up a lot, and even often took what happened to Su Zhan to the table to ridicule… It made other countries big for a while.

Of course, the most important thing is the things invented by new technology.

Everything makes countries very jealous, they can’t get into the human medical repair cabin, and they want to enter electronic products with wireless charging and artificial intelligence but dare not enter… So much so that all walks of life and many fields in the Dragon Country have been taking off with the help of these new technologies, but all countries are somewhat restrained.

“Elder Yuan, are the countries still so jealous of our Dragon Country now, and the restrictions are very strict?” Su Zhan asked.

“Some countries are starting to loosen.” Elder Yuan smiled slightly, “The repeated failures of assassination, coupled with the combination of artificial intelligence and wireless charging two technologies, have led to the huge advantage of our dragon country’s electronic products compared with other countries, although the Stars and Stripes country has been making remarks against our dragon country, and has been secretly uniting countries to also target the dragon country, but in the face of absolute advanced technology, there are still some countries that have wavered.” ”

“Now the Battle Country, the Enamel Country, the German Country, the Root Country and other countries are in contact with many industrial groups in our Dragon Country, and they want to take the lead in purchasing production equipment with wireless charging and artificial intelligence… For three countries to strike at the same time, the Stars and Stripes can’t do anything to stop it, haha! ”

Obviously, Yuan Lao was happy about the loosening of various countries.

On the one hand, I was glad that the countries began to listen less to the Stars and Stripes and stood on the opposite side of the Dragon Country, and the situation began to ease.

On the other hand, these new technologies are about to go abroad and gradually occupy foreign markets, which amazes the gringos.

Once you use it, you can’t go back.

This is not only known by netizens, but also by Yuan Lao!

So as soon as this head opens, the follow-up Longguo products will only spread more and more around the world, and the momentum can’t stop!

Su Zhan was also very happy about this.

He was well aware of what States thought.

At first, blindly resisted because of the strength of many people, wanting to forcibly suppress the Dragon Country and suppress the development of new science and technology… However, with repeated assassination failures and the fact that nascent technology was not affected in the slightest, it continued to move forward in an orderly manner, not only was not damaged, but climbed steadily, causing a change in the mentality of various countries.

Since you can’t beat, then join!

No, countries have already begun to shift.

“Master Yuan, Mr. Su!”

After Su Zhan and Yuan Lao entered the laboratory with a smile, an old man with two gray sideburns soon came to greet them.

“Elder Liang, don’t come harmless.” Su Zhan smiled.

The last time Su Zhan brought Wang Xiu over, it was a docking with Elder Liang.

Liang Lao is the top head of the official research institute.

His authority is somewhat similar to that of Su Zhan, that is, the state allocates funds, and he is responsible for allocating them.

Which projects are more optimistic, invest in which projects.

Which projects are progressing well, but the funds are not enough, he is responsible for communicating with the state officials, so that the state can allocate more funds to supply the completion of the projects.

If the projects are completed and have results, it is also Liang Lao who is responsible for inviting Shangfeng to come and see… Like now.

But unlike Su Zhan, he knows more than Su Zhan, but not enough money.

Every project he has to work hard and must be accurate to the millimeter, and every amount of money must be spent on the edge of the knife, without the slightest waste… If there is a problem with the project, he must not hesitate, he must quickly evaluate it, the decision must be terminated immediately, and the state must not spend money wrongly.

On the other hand, Su Zhan, do whatever you want, as long as you have an idea, a word, cast!

Therefore, Elder Liang was envious of Su Zhan.

“Old Liang, we don’t need to say more about the pleasantries, I can’t wait to see the majesty of our defense robots!” Elder Yuan smiled.

“Okay, then it’s for the two of you!” Liang Lao laughed.

Immediately, the group came to the observation window of the laboratory.

Through the window, you can see a large open area, like a huge factory land.

And not far underneath, there are three special boxes about one person tall, with three big characters written on them: “sea”, “land” and “empty”.

The box is not large, if Su Zhan guessed correctly, it can just accommodate the body of a defense robot.

Sure enough.

With Liang Lao issuing a “start” command to the microphone, the front alloy iron plate of the three boxes was suddenly directly untied, and then fell straight down, revealing the true face of the defense robot inside.

Su Zhan raised an eyebrow.

This picture… How do you look the same as the appearance of the reincarnated character in “Hokage”?

Could it be that the official researcher “Hokage” has watched too much?

I didn’t care about this familiar way of appearing.

Su Zhan’s eyes suddenly locked on the three defense robots in the box.

On the far left, is the defense robot with the word “sea” printed on the body, the appearance has not changed much compared with the rescue robot, and even the body shape is thinner than the rescue robot, and the color of the surface has changed to navy blue.

In the center, there is a defense robot with the word “land” printed on the body, and the appearance is somewhat strong compared with the naval defense robot, obviously in order to cope with land combat, they need thicker defense and stronger combat level… The surface color also varies, and it is the most familiar camouflage green.

On the far right, there is a defense robot with the word “empty” printed on its body, apparently it is responsible for the air force, not only a little thin, but also a little short, it should be the official research institute after some research, decided to reduce its height, its color is air force white.

“Lord Yuan, Mr. Su, counting from left to right, they are the Defender of the Navy, the Defender of the Land, and the Guardian of the Sky!”

“With the help of the strong artificial intelligence level provided by you, Mr. Su, the knowledge and information of all navigation of the naval defenders, as well as the execution capabilities of sea helm, operation, landing, etc., have been greatly improved, and have reached the point of completely surpassing the naval soldiers!”

Elder Liang began to introduce seriously, “Sky Guardian is very similar to Navy Defender, more with the help of fighters to fight, so not only Sky Guardian with the corresponding strong artificial intelligence, but also specially opened the authority of all fighters to the strong artificial intelligence, by the strong artificial intelligence to analyze the battlefield battle situation, make the most calm judgment, and the most perfect operation!” ”

“But the two of them also heard that above the sky, the strong artificial intelligence is enough to reach the level of an unmanned fighter, and there is no need for the Sky Guardian to join… But after comprehensive consideration, we decided that the Sky Guardian joined, one is to confuse the enemy and relax the enemy, and the other is to make the fighter once damaged, the strong artificial intelligence cannot drive it back, and the Sky Guardian will be used as a second barrier, and they will operate manually! ”

“Not only that, if the fighter is damaged, in the case of Sky Guardian parachuting to survive, the fighter’s artificial intelligence chip can be disintegrated and brought back by Sky Guardian!”

Hearing this, Su Zhan’s heart shook.

The duty of the naval defender is very clear, that is, to assist the operation of the navy.

And the duty of the Sky Guardian is completely to serve artificial intelligence … It is to ensure that when artificial intelligence can’t get it, Sky Guardian takes over.

If the fighter is damaged, the Sky Guardian will retrieve the artificial intelligence chip and prevent the enemy from obtaining it… If you take 10,000 steps back, even the Sky Guardians can’t solve it, then simply choose to self-detonate, preferring to destroy than let the enemy get it!

“Finally, this land war defender, because there are many types of troops in the land combat division, what I am currently tackling is the ability of extreme annihilation and the special execution of the head mission, so the first thing they master is fighting skills!”

“Master Yuan, I remember that you used to learn some kung fu of inner family boxing, right?”

Elder Liang smiled and said, “But this defender of land warfare, he not only knows the inner family boxing, but also mixed martial arts, boxing, judo, jiu-jitsu, taekwondo, karate, and so on!” ”

“There are also the essence of other national arts in our Dragon Country, form-meaning boxing, Bagua boxing, Wing Chun, Taijiquan and so on… At the same time, in order to allow them to kill at close range, all they learn are killing skills, and weapons are also the daggers of choice, pointing to the king of close combat such as tigers! ”

“I have tested its actual combat ability, even ten elite soldiers of special forces, all of them are ‘killed’ by its one move and one style!”

The more Liang Lao spoke, the more excited he became.

Similarly, the more Yuan Lao listened, the brighter his eyes became.

“And it’s not just close combat, it’s very capable of learning, gun aiming, sniping, bomb dismantling, debugging antidotes, mine clearance, etc… It’s all-powerful! ”

“The most noteworthy thing is its own scanning, strategic layout and other functions, because it carries strong artificial intelligence, can scan the surrounding battlefield, will not be limited by the field of vision like real soldiers, will not be affected by smoke, walls, flash grenades and other things, and even in some cases, it does not need to get close, strong artificial intelligence can directly kill the enemy!”

“Mr. Su, the brain of that Wang Xiu kid under your command is so easy to use, we researchers have told me more than once that the more they study, the more they can feel how terrifying the benefits of strong artificial intelligence are… It is precisely because of the existence of strong artificial intelligence that these defense robots can be realized, otherwise there is no strong artificial intelligence, which is at most a pile of broken copper and rotten iron that will move. ”

When Elder Liang said the back, he couldn’t help but sigh.

Strong artificial intelligence is such a existence.

Maybe when you first heard about it, you only thought that this thing was powerful, but just like that, it is still very average without the Internet.

However, when it radiates to various industries, fields, and corners, you can immediately perceive its power, far more than imagined!

This is also why Su Zhan chose to show strong artificial intelligence step by step.

At the same time, it is also questioned that Tony Stark in “Iron Man” obviously holds such a great thing, but he has been repeatedly rectified to death by the villain.

“Now if these robots are put into mass production, how much will one cost?” Elder Yuan asked the core question.

The ability to defend robots in combat is beyond doubt.

There is no need for Elder Liang to describe it again, as long as he is put into the battlefield, Yuan Lao, as a person who came over, knows that solving the enemy is a matter of minutes… What ambush battles, tunnel battles, encounters, etc., tactics have almost lost 90% of their meaning in the face of these steel armors!

The only thing that can affect the situation of the war is two points: quantity and cost.

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