
As soon as the words of the newborn agricultural representative came out, it instantly caused an uproar among all the villagers!

Rice is harvested 52 times a year?!

Can you still use one soil for unlimited use?!

The most exaggerated is… How can it mature in seven days?!

This is an international joke!

“Not powerful! This is definitely not powerful!! ”

“Exactly! Harvest 52 times a year, who will believe this kind of nonsense, you play us like three-year-old dolls?! ”

“Rice ripens once in seven days, your rice is not hit with hormones!”

“Hormones don’t grow so fast, just like my baby is 18 years old when he is born a year, is this possible?!”

“Don’t fool us with these nonsense, we are poor, uneducated, but not fools!”

“Fools know that the land that has been planted must rest, and cannot be planted repeatedly, otherwise they will die, you repeat it infinitely this year, how is it possible!”

“If you want to fool us, we don’t exist, we will definitely not believe such nonsense!”


Without exception, the villagers all shook their heads in disbelief.

They have been farming all their lives.

I have dealt with rice all my life.

From the period of the New Dragon Kingdom to the present, for decades, although rice technology has improved and developed, it has only increased in yield, and has increased in other aspects… But spring planting and autumn harvest has been their consistent understanding for decades.

Even more than a few decades, since thousands of years ago, this understanding has been solidified and has never been updated.

Not only that.

It is precisely because they understand rice, so they know very well that rice is ripe once a year, and the southern ones can be ripe twice a year, and even a little greater, it is already very powerful to be able to ripen three times a year… And yet what did they hear?

Can it be cooked 52 times a year?!

Is this still rice?

I’m afraid that the weeds are not so fierce!

“But it’s impossible, I won’t fight with you, after seven days, you will naturally be able to see it!” The representatives of the nascent agriculture did not continue to argue with them.

He could understand these people’s feelings of disbelief.

Because at the beginning, he also sneered at this “ghost talk” … How to say that he is also a serious college student graduated from an agricultural university, and all the knowledge he learned from textbooks, tutors, lecture notes, and thesis, as well as the truth that everyone told him, shows that the seven-day ripening of rice is impossible to exist, and only science fiction has such fragments.

However, when he saw it with his own eyes, the shock, the jaw-dropping, the impact of the collapse of cognition, he is still impressed!

Therefore, there is no need to argue, facts speak louder than words.

Just like that, the news spread.

The entire village, including several nearby villages, as well as the town and even the county seat, heard about this “big news”.

“Seven days of rice ripening? College students read their heads stupidly! ”

“Not only rice, but piglets ripen in seven days!”

“That’s! Piglets are not balloons, saying that long meat grows meat? ”

“Piglets are just born a few kilograms, and in seven days they will grow to more than a hundred kilograms, isn’t that a joke?”

“Those college students are freshman agricultural people, do you know freshman agriculture? Just that pork sells for 4 yuan a pound! ”

“If the piglets can really mature in seven days, it is really not unusual for pork to cost 4 yuan a pound.”

“Dream! You raise me, see if I can mature in seven days! ”


Everyone took it as a joke after tea and dinner.

But just seven days later.

Everyone was shocked and messy.

The first to be messy was the first villagers to be distributed lightning rice seeds and sown.

“Oh my God…”

When they came to the field and saw from a distance that the mountains were full of yellow and clear ripe rice, like a golden beach, the whole person was confused!

Someone hurriedly rushed over, casually cut a few rice plants, and then checked the color of the rice grains inside.

“Ripe, really cooked, and this color is better than what we planted, this rice is so fragrant!!” The man shouted in surprise.

Everyone rushed over to inspect it.

Sure enough, as the man said, the rice was not only fully ripe in seven days, but also cooked just right, higher than the quality of their usual annual harvest!

“This is a real drop… Those city dolls are not lying, the rice seeds they brought can ripen in seven days! ”

“We sowed a seed, turned over the soil, sprinkled the powder in and left nothing to do… Isn’t this a miracle or what else can it be?! ”

The villagers were stunned one by one, shocked… If someone knelt down and kowtowed to God at this time, everyone would definitely kneel and kowtow together.

Because this kind of thing is really beyond their cognition, beyond their imagination!

At first, the technician told them that as long as they sow and fertilize and sprinkle the most critical powder into it, they don’t have to care about it during the period, they should eat, drink, and play, and as for what pesticides, weeding, watering, etc. during the period, they don’t have to do anything!

It just so happened that the villagers didn’t take this seriously, so they implemented what the technician said, playing by themselves, and didn’t care at all.

The result is now… What a harvest!

Seven days.

After sowing once, be a hands-off shopkeeper and sit back and wait for the harvest!

This kind of thing is really no different from pie falling from the sky!

“Quick! Tell others the good news, !!! ”

The people shouted with joy, almost all the way back to the village, as if they had not been a harvest, but had found an incredible treasure.

But when they entered the village, they found that the village was actually cheering and shouting!

“What’s going on? Why are you laughing so loudly? Could it be that you know about the harvest? Someone asked.

“What a harvest, it’s a pig cub, the pig cub is really ripe in seven days!”

“Not only pigs, but also cattle and sheep, all of them soared to hundreds of pounds like balloons in seven days!!”

“In the future, we will be able to eat meat every day, hahahaha…”

“Those dolls of the newborn agriculture are too powerful, Su Zhan is a god, he is a true god man!”

The villagers replied excitedly.

Everyone now knew that not only the seven-day harvest of rice, but also the good news from the farm!

At this time, people have changed from complete disbelief to complete belief.

Rice ripens in seven days.

Seven days for pigs, cattle and sheep to mature.

In the future, everyone will no longer have to produce meat every New Year’s Festival, as long as they want to eat, they can eat it, and dolls no longer have to fight over a bowl of meat!

But the great news is not this.

“No, maturity is maturity, why is there still Su Zhan’s matter in this?” Isn’t he the boss of nascent technology? We want to thank and should thank those technician dolls! ”

“You know a ball!! In the future, if you dare to say bad things about Su Zhan, believe it or not Lao Tzu will screw your brain off for you? Some villagers shouted, “Just now those dolls said, the boss of the nascent agriculture, that is, the boss of the new science and technology, Su Zhan, officially spoke!” ”

“Whether it is rice or farms, we will take care of it in the future, they only cover the cost, as well as 1% of the profit, and the other 99% of the profit, all belong to each household!”

“Those who are diligent and plant more, they will harvest more, harvest more, harvest more, and sell them ourselves!”

“There are also breeders, as long as you are willing to raise, no matter how many you raise, all of them are your own, as long as you make money, you can divide 1% of the new agriculture!”

At this time, all the villagers no longer had any doubts or complaints, and all of them burst into cheers and specially set off firecrackers to celebrate this huge benefit!

Su Zhan, as the villagers said, became a god in their minds, a real great good man, a great god man!

And this is precisely what Su Zhan wanted to achieve from the beginning.

Let people go to the village to teach the method of growing rice, raising chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep.

Give them seeds and get a head start.

All that’s left is one word, wait!

and more and more farmers planted lightning rice.

and so on more and more chickens, ducks, cows and sheep are born.

Wait for more and more farmers to join, form a viral spread, and spread to the entire Dragon Country!

At this point, his layout was quietly rolled out.

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