“Hello everyone, I’m Miao Zhiyao, I’m here to broadcast for you about the recent cancer drug incident that the nascent technology detonated the network!”

“As we all know, a few days ago, Xinsheng Technology officially announced the successful research and development of anti-cancer drugs, and chose to officially list them yesterday, and also opened a series of lists on the official website, which aroused extensive discussion and attention from the majority of netizens.”

“According to the official introduction of cancer killing drugs, the cancer killing drugs can directly remove all cancer cells within 1 hour without any surgery, without taking any drugs, and without a series of medical means such as chemotherapy debridement, and can directly remove all cancer cells with just injection, achieving a complete curing effect!”

“In this regard, we interviewed a number of experts and professors in the medical field yesterday, and the experts and professors said that this is almost impossible for the medical community… The generation of each cancer cell, and its mutation direction are elusive, let alone accurately attack, the current world’s top medical technology, can only prolong life, but in just an hour, from accurate identification, to accurate capture, to the elimination of cancer cells, and finally completely eliminate all cancer cells… It’s something that simply can’t be done! ”

“But experts and professors also said that based on the recognition of nascent technology, they feel that there may be a certain possibility of cancer killing drugs of new technology!”

“It just so happens that today is the day when the new technology cancer control drug is officially opened for injection treatment, and our station has contacted a patient who has made an appointment… Xiaoyu, come and say hello to everyone! ”

As soon as the camera turned, Miao Zhiyao squatted down and brought the microphone to a little girl wearing a white patient gown, with a somewhat pale face, but a particularly innocent and cute appearance.

“Hello everyone, I’m Xiaoyu.” Xiaoyu waved her little hand with the camera in a milky voice.

“How old is Xiaoyu this year?” Miao Zhiyao asked.

“Xiaoyu is already six years old this year!” After Xiaoyu finished speaking, she covered her face with some embarrassment and shyness.

“Six-year-old Xiaoyu is one of the patients who made an appointment today.” Miao Zhiyao introduced to the camera, “She suffers from neurotumor cancer, which is one of the rarer cancers and extremely difficult to cure… Xiaoyu’s parents have sought help from authoritative experts in many medically developed countries such as Stars and Stripes, Genguo, and German Country, but none of them have a good treatment plan, and they are currently choosing conservative treatment. ”

“According to our communication with Xiaoyu’s parents, we learned that Xiaoyu’s remaining life span is about six months… Three months have passed. ”

“Therefore, if there is no cancer drug from the new technology, Xiaoyu will only live for three months at most before leaving.”

“But I believe in nascent technology, and I believe that Xiaoyu can survive this difficulty, right?”

Miao Zhiyao looked at Xiaoyu with a smile.

Xiaoyu had already learned the news, and did not feel the slightest bit depressed, but clenched her little fist and made a cheering gesture with a bright smile: “Well, my parents said, I will definitely get better!” ”

The parents on the side couldn’t help but sour their noses, don’t look over, and didn’t dare to look at Xiaoyu’s innocent eyes.

And this scene made many people in front of the screen a little teary-eyed.

Neurological tumor cancer!

Anyone who knows a little about common sense knows that none of the diseases that are stained with the word nerve is easy to treat … Such a young age.

But he has endured great pain that he should not have endured at this age.

But she’s still so strong, and her smile is so bright… It’s so distressing.

But now hope is coming.

The cancer killer drugs of the new technology claim to be able to kill all cancers, no matter what kind of cancer… Whether Xiaoyu’s life can survive depends on whether the publicity of the new birth technology is true!

“Yes, come on Xiaoyu!”

Miao Zhiyao also clenched his fists and made a cheering gesture in response, and then continued to introduce to the camera, “Xiaoyu’s appointment time is nine o’clock in the morning, which belongs to the first batch of injection patients after opening. ”

“It’s already eight fifty o’clock, Xiaoyu, let’s go, let’s go in and get ready for treatment!”

Following the camera, Miao Zhiyao took Xiaoyu all the way into the Xinsheng Hospital.

After more than a year of laying, the Xinsheng Hospital has already blossomed all over the Dragon Country.

Basically all first-tier cities and second-tier cities have a branch of a newborn hospital… They offer the most affordable drugs at the most affordable hospitals.

The experts and professors recruited are top talents who are very authoritative in all aspects at home and abroad.

At the same time, it is also the most polite medical staff in the whole dragon country, allowing people to enter it, as if they have entered “haidilao”.

The reason why such an effect can be achieved is not just one word – money!

Xinsheng Hospital is now the top national chain of private hospitals in Longguo.

But if you want to enter it, it is useless to rely on relationships alone, you must have a solid medical foundation and foundation, otherwise if there is any accident, not only the medical staff will be fired, but the leaders of the hospital will be implicated!

No one wants to leave Newborn Hospital.

It’s a good place to be reputed.

Honor high.

The most critical thing is… The benefits are simply amazing!

Regardless of salary, benefits, bonuses, holiday benefits, etc., all of them are 1.5 times or more than 2 times that of other hospitals… If it is a top talent, it can be opened to three times the extent!

If it weren’t for the fact that the manpower is really sufficient, there is no need to expand the manpower, plus the requirements are indeed too strict… I’m afraid that the talents of the other hospitals in the whole dragon country will all be finished.

Because of this, everyone is using a 100% attitude to perform, no longer so-called cold eyes, no careless, fully engaged in it!

So after Miao Zhiyao and Xiaoyu entered the hospital, they immediately experienced what is called “spring-like warmth”.

There is no need for Miao Zhiyao to take the initiative to report his identity as a reporter, and the front desk is very polite.

After confirming Xiaoyu’s appointment information, he enthusiastically showed Xiaoyu the way to the cancer elimination medical room.

The hospital environment is clean and tidy.

The crowd was also in order.

Along the way, there were no less than twenty security guards who were specially responsible for queuing up for order.

The reason why so many security guards are arranged.

First, there are indeed many patients who come to Xinsheng Hospital to see a doctor, and it is easy to queue up in a row, and if there is no one to supervise, it is easy to cut in line, noisy, and come to the scene.

Second, the new science and technology has specially arranged many similar positions for the country to solve the employment problem.

And everything on this road was broadcast live by the camera, which resonated with countless people up and down the Dragon Country.

Why resonance.

Because the newborn hospital over there is so neat, orderly, and the service attitude is particularly good, it is not much better than other hospitals!

It’s just a bad thing: there are so many patients that they always can’t make appointments, so they have to take a back seat and choose another hospital.

When Miao Zhiyao, Xiaoyu and others came to the cancer elimination medical room, there was already a long queue here.

Miao Zhiyao asked.

That’s when I realized that many cancer patients who made appointments until ten, eleven, and even afternoon came.

They can’t wait a moment.

I can’t wait to be able to cure this damn cancer on my body as soon as possible, and I can have a healthy body again… Therefore, under the camera, every patient’s eyes have almost overflowing hope and desire to survive.

Soon, nine o’clock arrived.

“No. 001 Xu Yuanji please come in!”

“No. 002 Changxinrui please get ready!”

The paramedics came out and shouted.

“I, I’m number 001!” No. 001 hurriedly raised his hand, and the whole person fell into a state of trepidation.

He was desperate for recovery.

But at the same time, I am afraid of dashing hopes.

Because this is his last chance… 如果这个机会最后没能达成,恐怕接下来他要面对的,是一步步走向死亡的痛苦!

“Please come in with me.”

The photographer wanted to follow in to shoot, but was stopped by the medical staff: “I’m sorry sir, it belongs to the treatment area, you can’t shoot.” ”

The photographer had no choice but to give up.

Just three minutes later.

Number 001 is out.

“Please go to the examination area and wait for an hour, and then have a physical review in an hour.” The medical staff advised, “Remember, you must wait for more than an hour, otherwise the test results are prone to deviations and you will have to re-examine.” ”

“Okay, okay, thank you, thank you so much!” Number 001 was a little excited.

“No. 002 Changxinrui please come in!”

“No. 003 He Weiyi, please sit down and get ready!”

No. 002 followed the paramedics into it.

Miao Zhiyao also took this opportunity to step forward to interview No. 001: “Excuse me, sir, I am Miao Zhiyao, a reporter of Chengcheng Daily, can I delay you for a few minutes and interview you?” ”

“Good, good, no problem!” Number 001 nodded.

“Can I ask you what the whole treatment process was like?” Can you tell us a little bit about that? Miao Zhiyao stretched out the microphone.

“The whole process was very fast, it was to give me two injections, and before the injection, he specially told me what can activate the human immune system, and the second injection is to kill cancer cells!” Number 001 said.

“Just two stitches? Nothing else? Miao Zhiyao continued to ask.

“No, just two stitches! However, the place where they hit was a bit special, one shot on the ass G and one in the heart. ”


Number 001 pulls off his clothes.

Sure enough, there was a small blood hole in the heart socket.

“So after you finished the injection, did you have any special reaction now?” Or is there something special about it? ”

“No, I don’t feel any change, it’s almost the same as before… If anything, it’s that I feel less heavy than before, much lighter and less dizzy. Number 001 said.

Miao Zhiyao then asked several questions, such as what kind of cancer No. 001 was suffering from.

I haven’t finished her interview yet.

No. 002 also came out after treatment.

Miao Zhiyao immediately took his leave to No. 001 and went to interview No. 002.

Then 003, 004… I basically interviewed them all.

Overall, everyone’s processes are almost identical.

It’s all two stitches.

A burst of ass, a burst of heart.

As for what kind of cancer the patient is, what history of allergies he has, etc., he didn’t ask at all, he came up with an injection… And from everyone’s description, it seems that even the medication is exactly the same, without any changes.


“No. 017, Wu Siyu!”

It’s Xiaoyu’s turn.

“Xiaoyu, did you hear it all just now? It’s very simple, it’s two injections, your disease will be cured, come on! Miao Zhiyao cheered for Xiaoyu.

“Well, I’ll cheer up, thank you Sister Miao!”

Xiaoyu smiled brightly.

This smile made the hearts of countless viewers in front of the live broadcast screen melt.

Not surprisingly, three minutes later, Xiaoyu came out.

Like everyone else, Xiaoyu is also two stitches… There was a slight tingling, but Xiaoyu held back very strongly.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the inspection area and wait.”

The group came to the inspection area and sent Xiaoyu to inspect.

When I turned around, I found that No. 001 was waiting there.

“Mr. Xu, now that exactly one hour and fifteen minutes have passed, has your condition improved?” Miao Zhiyao stepped forward again to interview.

“I don’t know, just now I finished the examination and said that it would take half an hour to get the results.”

No. 001 obviously had an anxious look on his face at this moment.

His fate was all on the inspection form in half an hour.

Miao Zhiyao asked him about his past after suffering from cancer, while waiting with him.


No. 001 heard the doctor’s call and went to print the examination report.

Miao Zhiyao, Xiaoyu after the inspection, Xiaoyu’s parents, and the photographer all followed.

All the spectators were staring nervously at the screen, waiting for the results to be revealed.

Several inspection reports are printed.

No. 001 hurriedly grabbed it and took a look.

A few seconds later.

“Okay… All right…… I’m really okay! ”

“All the cancer cells in my body are gone!!”

“Great, I can finally live!!!

No. 001 was surprised to shout and howl, which attracted many patients in many hospitals to look away, and medical staff came to remind him with a smile, although he was happy, please also exercise a little restraint and congratulate him on his rebirth.

“Really cured me!”

“If I’m not mistaken, this guy is stomach cancer, right? Or the late kind, which was directly cured?! ”


“It’s too hanging! I will never be afraid of getting cancer again! ”

“You have to work hard to make money, no matter what, you have to save at least 110,000 to make sure that you have money to get a cancer shot!”

“Awesome!!! Nascent technology is awesome!!! ”


In front of the screen, all the audience breathed a complete sigh of relief.

The little doubt they have always had about the nascent technology has completely disappeared at this moment!

But that’s not the end of it.

With more and more cancer patients getting examination reports, the entire examination area seemed to become a sea of joy, everyone was shouting happily, crying and laughing, so that the medical staff shook their heads helplessly, did not stop, and simply went with them.

After all, how can anyone regain a new life, not excited, not excited, not happy?

And now it’s just the first batch.

There will be more and more in the back, and it will not be stopped.


Finally, half an hour later.

Xiaoyu’s inspection report also came out.

Not surprisingly, when Xiaoyu’s parents saw the words “everything is normal” on the inspection report, the family of three hugged each other on the spot, cried with joy, and cried.

And Miao Zhiyao also enlarged the inspection report to all the audience through the lens, so that everyone felt a boiling blood and unprecedented hope!

“New technology is awesome!!!!”

This sentence resounded throughout the network, and once again appeared on Weibo, Douyin, and the hot search of major platforms without suspense, becoming the words that countless people wanted to shout out in the hearts of countless people that day!

Xiaoyu’s side is only the tip of the iceberg of the entire Dragon Country.

At this moment, all over the Dragon Country, whether poor or rich, as long as they have successfully booked the injection of anti-cancer drugs, without exception, all of them are directly jumping on the spot after getting their normal examination reports, and all kinds of cheers are jumping up, making countless newborn hospitals across the country, or other hospitals, become a sea of joy!

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