In a word, all the researchers in the audience were mobilized at this time, cheering one by one, venting the excitement in their hearts!

No one knows better than them what this technological success means.

The birth of the human medical repair cabin may directly and fundamentally change the medical state of human beings in the future!

“Awesome, really powerful!”

Su Zhan couldn’t help but sigh.

The progress of regenerative technology is obviously much faster than he imagined.

Professor Zhou was also quickly awakened from his soaking state.

However, before waking up, professionals first promote the discharge of all the nutrient solutions in their bodies to prevent the trachea from blocking and choking after resuming breathing.

At the same time, he also specially carried out a whole set of “washing and drying” process, so that people lie dry when they lie in, and the same when they come out.


When Professor Zhou came out of the clean room unharmed, Su Zhan took the lead in applauding him.

“Professor Zhou, thank you for your contribution!”

“Your human medical repair cabin is worthy of my trust in you!”

Su Zhan laughed and applauded.

“Thank you, Mr. Su.” Professor Zhou already knew the result at this time, and his face was also full of a smile that could not be hidden.

“Now that’s all that remains… What kind of attitude should be used to bring this human medical repair cabin to the market! Su Zhan said, “Professor Zhou, I just learned about the cost of this human medical repair cabin, and the cost of each cabin is about 670,000 yuan. ”

“The cost of the cabin itself is not high, the highest cost is the nutrient solution, which must be fully filled every time, and must be discharged in one breath after use, which is a disposable consumable… And the cost of making this nutrient solution is very high, basically at one time, the nutrient solution alone costs about 7500 yuan. ”

A nutrient solution requires a high price of 7500 yuan, which is indeed a lot of expense for ordinary ordinary people.

Even those who are injured are really not willing to pay so much money to treat themselves.

Even if they know that this treatment will definitely work well and can eradicate their sequelae… But in the face of money, too many people are simply not entitled to enjoyment.

And 7500 yuan is just the cost.

When it is really applied to hospitals, or major clinics, the price may have to rise!

“Mr. Su, I have considered this point.”

Professor Zhou said, “At present, I have raised the cost a lot for the effect of stockpiling, and if it is delegated to civilian use, the cost can be greatly reduced, and the effect will be weakened to a certain extent, but it will not be too much, thus playing a role in benefiting the general public.” ”

“Based on my previous calculations, under the condition of ensuring the standard effect, the cost of a nutrient solution can be reduced to about 2,500 yuan.”

“Of course, if you invest so much cost, you must recover the capital, so I personally recommend that you can set the price of each nutrient solution to 5,000 yuan!”

“At the same time, the cost of the cabin can be located at 1 million, if there is a cabin and nutrient solution to make money for you, I believe that in a few years, you will be able to return to the cost immediately!”

“It would be great if you could apply for it to be included in the scope of the state’s social security reimbursement!”

Professor Zhou was very thoughtful.

Help Su Zhan think about the pricing aspect very carefully.

However, he obviously missed Su Zhan’s determination.

“No need for Professor Zhou.” ”

Su Zhan said with a smile, “Remember I told you that I invested heavily in the recycling technology project, for my sister, and in order to benefit more people in the society, although this product burned me a lot of money, but in order to be able to let more people enjoy it, I decided to put it on the market at the lowest cost price!” ”

“The resources and channels of the hospital, I believe you must have, the price of the cabin, including the freight, and various wear and tear costs, etc., I think it is set at 750,000!”

“The price of the nutrient solution is the same, one cabin is set at 3,000 yuan!”

“At the same time, all hospitals or clinics that use human medical repair cabins must not be priced more than 4,000 yuan, otherwise the cooperation will be directly canceled!”

Su Zhan never thought of using these things to make money for himself.

As long as he can maintain a minimum operating cost, no loss, no profit, can be maintained for a long time, and then let more people benefit, which makes him very happy.

As a former office worker, he also donated one yuan to children in poor mountainous areas every day.

Also as a super boss with 10 billion a day today.

His mind is no longer on making money, and whether he can recover the cost is not important to him at all.

“Mr. Su, your bosom… I’m ashamed! ”

When Professor Zhou heard Su Zhan’s words, he was even more shocked and admired from the bottom of his heart.

He used to work for the group and for the enterprise.

For the sake of profit, businessmen can reduce the cost as low as it is, and the price can be pulled as high as it can be to the maximum extent, and making money is king!

Like Su Zhan, who only seeks favor from the people, but does not force benefits in return… He was the first person he met in his life!

Therefore, speaking of this, Professor Zhou solemnly bowed to Su Zhan on the spot and made a big gift.

“Professor Zhou, you…”

Before Su Zhan could stop it, he found that all the researchers behind him also saluted Su Zhan like Professor Zhou.

At this moment, Su occupied his personality charm and completely impressed all the scientific researchers present, making them admire and revere from the bottom of their hearts!

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