The second refreshed thing is a little kinder.

These are “Home Medical Robots”, “Cosmic Gamma Ray Traps”, and “Quantum Portals”!

To be honest, when he first saw these three refreshing things, Su Zhan was extremely excited.

The cosmic gamma ray trap thing is certainly of little use to him, but the other two home-based medical robots and quantum portals have a huge effect!

Home-type medical robots, as the name suggests, are “mobile medical kits” that specialize in serving families, somewhat similar to personal butlers.

It can easily detect any viral response in the family’s current physical condition, even if it is only a little, and then give the most reasonable medical advice.

If it is a minor injury, it can directly help you heal and you don’t need to go to the hospital at all.

If the condition is slightly more serious, it will directly recommend that you go to the hospital for surgery.

Not only that, it can also carry out part of the emergency medical treatment, when you have heart disease, asthma, or sudden illness, the first time to treat you the most scientific, and notify the hospital, so that your chance of saving life is greatly improved!

It is precisely because of these descriptions that Su Zhanlian thinks of a cartoon character – Da Bai!

Isn’t the role of this home medical robot exactly the same as Dabai?

It’s almost the same.

Although the home-based medical robots in the future exhibition hall are more humanoid robots like personal butlers.

However, in Su Zhan’s mind, the image of Da Bai has gradually become vivid.

Su Zhan was too surprised.

Because he has the opportunity to bring things from cartoons to life, which is an unprecedented experience!

To this end, Su Zhan, based on the finished product for the first time, set up a research group and began to screen and recruit talents from all over the country.

You know, before this, Su Zhan first saw the project, communicated with the project leader, and finally decided whether to invest.

But this time Su Zhan first saw the finished product, then took screenshots of all the details and structure of the finished product, even disintegrated, shot a video to preserve, and finally directly decided to set up a research group, let Zero and his four major departments recruit talents for the research group!

So the progress of the project has never been faster.

I believe that it will not be long before home-based medical robots can be born smoothly.

Then there’s the quantum portal.

When he first saw the quantum portal, Su Zhan was confused.

Because he only saw a metal object similar to a large container, although the appearance was very sci-fi, but at first glance, in addition to being able to imagine what “nutrition cabin” and “evolution cabin” and other things, Su Zhan could not think that this thing turned out to be a portal!

The principle of quantum portals is very simple.

It is simply to break an object directly into quantum-level particles with huge energy, and then transmit it over a long distance through a quantum data network, directly legend it into another quantum portal, and re-converge.

At the same time, due to the phenomenon of quantum entanglement between quanta, no matter how far apart the two quantum portals are, even an entire universe can transmit objects almost instantaneously!

And it was not only this that surprised Su Zhan the most.

It’s not just inorganic matter that can be scattered and transmitted.

Even organic matter such as humans can be scattered and transmitted!

“It’s incredible…” Su Zhan sighed from the bottom of his heart after reading the introduction of the quantum portal.

Directly break people into particle states, and then transmit them to the other side through the network to re-aggregate… This is an almost crazy idea. Su Zhanbei said that he had heard about it, even if he imagined it, he had not thought about it!

You must know that Su Zhan also has a partial understanding of this aspect of science.

Particles that can be broken into quantum states elsewhere in the human body can still be understood.

But the human brain can actually be broken into particles in a quantum state, and at the same time, it can also carry out instantaneous transmission like a data network… It’s almost impossible!

Because there is a so-called soul, a so-called consciousness, a so-called thought, and a so-called memory in the brain.

Objects can be scattered, this can be understood, but can the soul, memory, thought, consciousness also be scattered?

Or another angle.

People’s joy, pain, joy, agitation, frustration, anger, etc… Can these emotions also be quantitatively broken up and transmitted?

No one told Su Zhan the answer to this question.

At the same time, I am afraid that there is no one on earth who can explain to Su Zhan what the principle of this phenomenon is.

Therefore, after being confused, Su Zhan decisively chose to record the quantum portal in the most detailed, comprehensive, and complete way!

He dismantled the quantum portal a lot, and then spent a lot of money to rent various analytical equipment and equipment with the system, just to be able to record the internal situation of the quantum portal in more detail.

After recording again, Su Zhan immediately sent all these pictures to Professor Zhou, Professor Yang, Dr. Gu Xin, and Wang Xiu and others… I want to know from them about quantum portals.

The results are very clear.

All the professors and doctors were amazed and shocked at the same time. I was also confused and puzzled.

No way.

Their scientific and technological knowledge, their level of knowledge, and their current era cannot support them to make any explanation of quantum technology… Even more exaggeratedly, they can’t even try to understand this technology!

So in the case of the professors and doctors completely puzzled, Su Zhan ushered in the third renewal of the Future Science and Technology Exhibition Hall.

This refresh, let Su Zhan deeply feel what is called 10 billion completely lost.

The first science and technology exhibit is something called “Thinking Gun”.

It doesn’t even look like a technology product from the future, more like a funny toy made by some prop group!

The golden color scheme, the shape of the cylinder, and then a gun hole as small as a finger, nothing else special.

The styling is simply funny, how funny.

However, after Su Zhan read the introduction of the thinking gun, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

The thinking gun, as the name suggests, can directly change the thinking of the person hit by it!

Even what kind of thinking you want to implant, just hit the other party with a thinking gun!

“Awesome is indeed very awesome, but where is the technical principle of the thing??” Su Zhan was helpless.

He disembodied the thinking gun.

I found how simple and simple the structure inside was, and even he could easily imitate it.

The only thing that is not simple is that there is a white core inside.

Su occupies a super microscope to observe this white core, but even if he magnifies 10,000 times or even 10 million times, he does not see the structure on the surface of the white core!

Obviously, this is beyond his comprehension.

Even to the point of the rumored rule weapon!

For this weapon, Su Zhan had no way but to watch.

So he set his sights on the second science and technology exhibit, the dark matter concentrator.

Originally, Su Zhan thought that there could be nothing more outrageous than the thinking gun, but he was very wrong, and the existence of the dark matter aggregator let him know what is outrageous in outrageous!

Because this thing is a black ring about one person tall.

The surface is absolutely smooth.

Without any textures.

The way to use it is also very simple, which is to instill energy to activate it, and then let dark matter gather from one side of the ring to the other.

“I don’t even understand anything about dark matter now, and scientists on the whole earth can’t understand dark matter, now just show me a concentrator to have a hairy use!” Su Zhan couldn’t help but complain, “And it also wants to instill energy to start, the key is that I don’t even understand how to instill energy now, isn’t this a pit dad?!” ”

This is the system’s groundbreaking initiative to speak out, answering Su Zhan’s doubts.

“Just plug in electricity to instill energy?”

When Su Zhan heard this explanation, his mood eased slightly, but before he could ease up, the words behind the system made him collapse again and roll his eyes.


Simply access electrical energy to activate this dark matter collector.

However, the energy required to activate this thing is enough to destroy the entire solar system!

No, it should be enough energy to destroy the solar system back and forth a dozen times!

Su Zhanxin was tired.

Both of these things are really awesome.

One can change the mind of any biological organism and give it direct thought commands.

The other can gather dark matter and use it for its own use.

But neither of these two things is capable of being used by humans.

Finally it was the turn of the last.

The last one is slightly more normal, and the surface looks like a small white piece of paper with a little light.

Only the size of a palm.

“Pieces of paper? Could it be used to record something or something? ”

“Or can this piece of paper suddenly explode? Like a detonator? ”

“Or can this piece of paper serve as a shield to envelop an entire planet?”

Before Su stood and saw this piece of paper and explained it, various conjectures had already appeared in his mind.

And in order to conform to the identity of this piece of paper, which is something exhibited by the Future Exhibition Hall, he also deliberately opened his brain hole to the maximum.

And he still lost.

By the moment Su Zhan saw the name of this piece of paper, he knew that he had completely lost.

“Two-way foil… This horse is actually the famous two-way foil!! ”

That’s right.

This third exhibit appears in “The Three-Body Problem”, which has shocked countless readers, created by the god-level civilization and the singer civilization, reducing the entire solar system from three-dimensional direct to blow, falling to a two-dimensional superweapon, two-way foil!

“Even the two-way foil showed me… The system really doesn’t look at me like me! Su Zhan was helpless.

According to the introduction, just as Su Zhan understood, once this small piece of paper is activated, it will reduce the dimensionality of all surrounding objects, all time, space, and all at the speed of light!

However, it is also deliberately stated in the introduction that this is only to reduce the blow by one dimension.

Obviously, in the future, there may be superweapons in the exhibition hall that can reduce two dimensions and three dimensions, or even four dimensions and five dimensions in one go!

The first two things Su Zhan no longer intend to record, this two-way foil is not to mention recorded, no different from not recording… Because with the current scientific and technological knowledge information of the human earth, it is impossible to understand the technology of two-way foil for thousands of years.

And that’s just understanding.

Want to create a two-way foil?

I’m afraid that human beings will have no drama in this life!

You have to ask why?

Because the premise of creating dimensionality reduction strike weapons is that you must be able to rise to a high enough dimension!

The dimension is not high enough, on what basis do you have, what qualifications do you have to create this dimensionality reduction weapon?

Even if there is a sample in front of you, you will not be able to copy it!

This is no longer just a matter of technical barriers, but a gap between reality and fantasy!


“The first three refreshes are slightly useful except for the second refresh, the other two are equivalent to losing me 20 billion in vain, I hope this time must refresh something useful!” Su Zhan prayed.

He prayed that the future exhibition hall would not be too “powerful”.

Those technological weapons are indeed advanced. Any one, once mastered. Not to mention letting the dragon fruit family be the only one, or even letting humans directly break through the solar system and dominate the entire galactic universe.

But the problem is so far away that you can’t even understand the stuff, now don’t come … When did he really master the technology that could cross planets? It’s not too late to come back to these things.

“Sir, 5 minutes have arrived, the cooling of the Future Exhibition Hall has been refreshed, and you can enter the Future Exhibition Hall again!”

At this time, Zero’s voice came out.


“System, give me the permission to open the future exhibition hall for one day!”

Su Zhan ordered.

The system responded immediately, deducting 10 billion from Su Zhan’s account, and at the same time giving Su Zhan the right to open the future exhibition hall again.

“What good things can be gambled by 10 billion, it depends on this wave!”

Su Zhan snapped his fingers.

In the next second, time stood still, the space solidified again, and the colorful white passage appeared in front of Su Zhan.

Su Zhan stepped in skillfully.

As soon as his eyes flowed, the scene in front of him changed abruptly.

Three objects of different sizes were loaded in transparent boxes and displayed in front of Su Zhan.

Su Zhan’s gaze also immediately locked on the first thing closest to him.

“Why does this thing look a little familiar?” Su Zhan was puzzled.

It was a large device.

It is like the kind of machine used in the factory to manufacture parts, but in terms of technology alone, it is obvious that the process of this large equipment in front of us is definitely beyond the current level of technology on earth.

And the most important thing is that Su Zhan always feels that this large equipment makes him feel particularly familiar.

When he stepped forward to see the name on the introduction board, Su Zhan’s face suddenly realized, and a rare surge of excitement!

I saw a row of big words written on it – super-resolution quantum lithography machine!

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